GRE Score Range: Score Evaluation, Marking Criteria, and Good GRE Score Range
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GRE Score Range: Score Evaluation, Marking Criteria, and Good GRE Score Range

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Shubhankar Das

Content Writer - Study Abroad | Updated On - Jun 29, 2024


  • Total Score Range: The total GRE score ranges from 260 to 340 points for the quant and verbal reasoning section. The analytical writing section score ranges from 0 to 6 scale.
  • Importance of Good GRE Score: Your GRE score is a crucial factor considered by graduate schools during admissions decisions. Achieving a score above 320 is recommended for top-ranked universities.
  • Understanding Average Scores: Research average GRE scores from the official website for your desired programs. This can help you achieve your target GRE score range.
  • Improving Your Score Range: Various resources and preparation strategies can help you improve your GRE scores, such as official practice materials, prep courses, and targeted study plans.

GRE Score Range depends upon the institution and the program you are applying for. The total GRE test score range from 130 to 170 for the general test quant and verbal sections. The analytical writing score ranges between 0 and 6 level. GRE subject tests score ranges on a scale of 200-990, with 10-point increments. A score between 310-325 is considered a good GRE score range for top-ranked universities. Indian students achieved an average GRE score scale of 150.37 for Quantitative Reasoning, 153.66 for Verbal Reasoning, and 3.60 for Analytical Writing. On the other hand, the good GRE score range for the subject test is 664 for math, 714 for physics, and 619 for psychology.


GRE Score Evaluation

Based on the candidate’s ability to answer questions, the monitor adjusts the difficulty levels of the test. GRE syllabus prepares candidates and monitors them for their speed and relevant skills. Below are points that impact GRE exam score range:

  • Number of questions answered correctly.
  • Correct answer credit acts as raw scores.
  • There is no credit loss for wrong answers.
  • Multiple answers or unanswered questions lead to negative scoring.
  • Final score is equated based on the level of difficulty.

GRE General Test Score Range

The majority of the candidates enrol themselves for GRE general test apart from the subject test. GRE exam score range for the general test is calculated with the sum of quantitative reasoning and verbal reasoning. GRE test score range of verbal and quant follows a one-point increment pattern. GRE range of AWA follows is calculated on half-point increments. GRE score range total has been mentioned below:

Section name GRE Lowest Score GRE Highest score GRE score range
GRE Quant 130 170 130-170
GRE Verbal 130 170 130-170
GRE AWA 0 6 0-6
GRE total score 260 (130 of GRE quant + 130 of GRE verbal) 340 (170 of GRE quant + 170 of GRE verbal) 260-340

Marking Criteria for GRE General Test 

There are several elements that impact a candidate’s GRE general test score range. GRE AWA assesses a candidate's ability to think critically, and approach presenting an idea in an answer. The essays are evaluated by examiners and e-rater for GRE score range total. Candidates can check for raw scores and scaled scores from GRE score chart. Below are factors that impact GRE general test score range:

  • Number of questions attempted
  • Speed of answering each question
  • Difficulty level of questions
  • Questions in Verbal Reasoning tests candidate’s ability to comprehend passages and answer
  • Quantitative test questions are based on mathematical problems and statistics
  • Analytical skills of the candidates.
  • Coherence of the written answer.
  • Presence of appropriate data and clarity within the written piece.
  • Well organized, competent analysis of ideas and appropriate sentence structure.
  • Supporting main points and highly persuasive examples.

GRE Subject Test Score Range

The subject score range for GRE is 200 to 990. GRE exam score range applies to all the available GRE subject tests regardless of the number of questions. GRE subject test score range is from 200 to 990 for each of the six subject tests in 10-point increments. Though the original GRE range scores for each subject are lesser. GRE subscore range of subject tests is generally 20 to 99 in one-point increments.

GRE Score Range Percentile

GRE score range comprises two components; scaled score or GRE general score range (130-170), and GRE percentile score. GRE score percentiles are mentioned in the scorecard and candidates can compare relative performance with other test-takers. GRE score range percentile gives an idea of the performance of the other test-takers who took that particular test. Two tables have been provided below that portray GRE Score percentile for the three sections in GRE. Below mentioned table highlights GRE score percentile for verbal and quantitative sections of GRE test:

Score (130-170) Verbal Percentile Quantitative Percentile
140 12 8
145 27 20
150 48 38
155 69 59
160 86 76
165 96 89
170 99 97

Below mentioned table highlights GRE score percentile for AWA section:

Score Percentile
1.5 1
2.0 2
2.5 8
3.0 18
3.5 42
4.0 60
4.5 82
5.0 93
5.5 98
6.0 99

Good GRE Score 

The average GRE score for verbal is 150 and 155 for quant out of GRE total score range. The majority of the candidates are able to acquire a GRE score ranging between 300-305. A good GRE score range is considered to be between 300-305 for GRE score range for top universities in the US. Candidates obtaining a GRE score range percentile of 97 can enroll themselves to study at IVY Leagues. To achieve that GRE score range percentile, both GRE verbal score range, as well as the math score range, need to be in the 170 range. Below mentioned GRE score range will help understand what GRE score is good:

Top Scores:

  • Verbal: 163–170
  • Quantitative: 165–170
  • AWA: 5.0–6.0

Competitive Scores:

  • Verbal: 158–162
  • Quantitative: 159–164
  • AWA: 4.5

Good Enough Scores:

  • Verbal: 152-158
  • Quantitative: 153-158
  • AWA: 4.0

Average Scores:

  • Verbal: 151 or below
  • Quantitative: 152 or below
  • AWA: 3.5 or below

Average GRE Score Range

GRE has a certain level of difficulty and scoring higher than the average score seems much difficult for GRE candidates. The average GRE scores for both verbal and math are 150 and 155 respectively, therefore, the total average GRE score is 306. The test takers generally obtain a GRE score between 145 to 155 in GRE quant and verbal, so it is the average GRE score– it is rare to find candidates scoring over 160 in each section of GRE. These aspects are reflected in GRE score report of the candidates.

GRE Score Range for Top Universities

GRE score range for top universities in the US and others ranges from 155 to 160 and above. Thus, candidates willing to enroll themselves in these top universities are required to undertake effective GRE preparation. Every university has its own set of GRE score ranges for the programs they offer. Candidates need to know that a degree in engineering will require a different GRE score range than a program in humanities. Below are the courses that candidates need GRE good score range:

  • MS
  • MBA

Below mentioned tables below highlight GRE score range for each of the subject disciplines individually.

GRE Score Range for US Universities

The table below highlights GRE score range for US universities:

Top Universities GRE Score Range
MIT University GRE Verbal: 158
GRE Quant: 159
GRE Analytical Writing: 4.5-5.0
Stanford University GRE Verbal: 166
GRE Quant: 162
GRE Analytical Writing: 4.5-5.4
University of California GRE Verbal: 157
GRE Quant: 165
GRE Analytical Writing: 3.5+
Georgia Institute of Technology GRE Verbal: 153
GRE Quant: 155
GRE Analytical Writing: 3.0
University of Michigan GRE Verbal: 154
GRE Quant: 165
GRE Analytical Writing: 3.8
California Institute of Technology GRE Verbal: 155
GRE Quant: 165
GRE Analytical Writing: 4.0
University Illinois and Urbana Champaign GRE Verbal: 155
GRE Quant: 165
GRE Analytical Writing: 4.0
Northwestern University GRE Verbal: 160
GRE Quant: 154
GRE Analytical Writing: 4.75
Princeton University GRE Verbal: 163
GRE Quant: 165
GRE Analytical Writing: 3.5 - 4.0
Harvard University GRE Verbal: 158
GRE Quant: 157
GRE Analytical Writing: 4.75

GRE Score Range for MBA Programs

The table below highlights GRE score range for MBA in top universities:

Top Universities GRE Score Range
University of Chicago Booth GRE Verbal: 161
GRE Quant: 163
GRE Analytical Writing: 4.5-5.0
University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) GRE Verbal: 162
GRE Quant: 162
GRE Analytical Writing: 4.5
Kellogg School of Management GRE Verbal: 163
GRE Quant: 163
Yale University GRE Verbal: 155-165
GRE Quant:160-167
Stern School of Business GRE Verbal: 161
GRE Quant: 161
The Fuqua School of Business GRE Score (Verbal and Quant): 317
Duke University GRE Verbal: 163-169
GRE Quant: 152-161
Tuck School of Business [Tuck] GRE Verbal: 162
GRE Quant: 162
Haas School of Business GRE Verbal: 162
GRE Quant: 162
University of Michigan Ann Arbour GRE Verbal: 165
GRE Quant: 154
GRE Analytical Writing: 3.8
Harvard University GRE Verbal: 162
GRE Quant: 166
Darden School of Business GRE Score (Verbal and Quant): 321
Columbia University GRE Verbal: 154 to 167
GRE Quant: 156 to 170
Sloan School of Management GRE Verbal: 157-168
GRE Quant: 158-169

It is evident from the above table that MBA and Engineering courses require higher GRE math scores. However, higher GRE verbal scores are required for admission in psychology and education programs. But GRE writing score range remains mostly the same in almost all the courses.


Ques: Is 150 a good score in GRE?

Ans: Each section score of GRE ranges on a 130-170 scale, achieving a score of 150 on the Verbal or Quantitative section is considered a good GRE score. If you are planning to get admission to some of the top ranked universities, aim to achieve a 320+ GRE score.

Ques: What is a 90% on the GRE?

Ans: A total score between 314 and 316 and an analytical writing score of 4.5 to 5.0 is considered a 90% score on GRE. Achieving 90% on GRE is considered an average score, and accepted by some of the best universities worldwide.

Ques: Is 295 a bad GRE score?

Ans: A GRE score of 295 is an average score and is accepted by some of the best universities worldwide. You need to achieve a score of 300+ to apply for a scholarship. Search your desired universities specific score requirements from their official website.

Ques: Is 316 a bad GRE score?

Ans: GRE total score ranges on a scale of 260 to 340 and achieving a score of 316 is a very good score. A score of 316 on GRE is accepted by top-ranking universities worldwide. You can get admission in some of the best universities worldwide with 316 GRE score.

Ques: What is a good score on GRE?

Ans: A good GRE score ranges from 310-325 is considered a good score. To achieve a good GRE score, you need to do effective preparation with updated study materials.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.


What are the factors considered in the GRE score range evaluation?

The following factors are considered for evaluating GRE general test score range. The number of questions attempted, Speed of answering each question, difficulty level of questions, and Questions in Verbal Reasoning will test your ability to comprehend passages and respond to them, your analytical skills, coherence of the written answer, presence of appropriate data, and clarity within the written piece, etc.

ramesh kumar gupta
Is the GRE score range same for general test and subject test?

Both the tests are scored on a different GRE score scale. Every GRE score has two components – a percentile rank and a scaled score. The GRE General test is scored on a 130 to 170 scale in the quantitative and verbal sections. On the other hand, the Subject test yields a total score on a 200 to 990 scale, in a 10-points increment. Unlike the general test, the Subject test does not have sectional scores.

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