Archaeologist Jobs: Average Salary, Jobs for Freshers, Career Options, Top Recruiters, Government Jobs, Vacancies

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Ahana Bhaduri

Content Writer

Archaeology investigates human history through the analysis of artefacts. An archaeologist is a professional who specializes in this discipline. They conduct research, excavation, and analysis to understand past cultures and civilizations.

A bachelor's degree in archaeology, anthropology, or history is required to become an Archaeologist. However, higher degrees such as a master's or PhD may be required for research or advanced positions. Practical field experience through internships, excavations, or research projects is highly valued in archaeology. Strong research skills, critical thinking, and analytical abilities are important for archaeologists. Read: What does an Archaeologist do

Junior archaeologists can expect salaries ranging from INR 20,000 to INR 40,000 per month. With experience and expertise, the Salary of an Archaeologist can earn salaries of INR 50,000 to INR 1,00,000. 

Archaeologist Jobs

Archaeologist jobs involve researching, excavating, and analyzing artefacts to study human history. Their main responsibilities include,

  • Conduct archaeological surveys and excavations to discover and document artefacts and archaeological sites.
  • Analyze and interpret artefacts, structures, and other remains to understand past human behaviour and cultural practices.
  • Preserve and protect archaeological sites and artefacts through proper documentation, conservation, and restoration techniques.
  • Collaborate with historians, anthropologists, and geologists. Gain a comprehensive understanding of archaeological findings.
  • Conduct laboratory analyses, such as radiocarbon dating and artefact classification, to gather scientific data for interpretation.
  • Prepare detailed reports and scholarly publications to disseminate research findings.
  • Engage in public outreach and education by presenting research findings, conducting site tours, and participating in community archaeology programs.
  • Adhere to ethical standards and legal requirements, such as obtaining permits and ensuring the proper treatment of human remains.
  • Stay updated with advancements in archaeological methods, techniques, and theories through continuous learning and professional development.
  • Work in various settings, including universities, museums, government agencies, cultural resource management firms, and private archaeological consulting firms.

Archaeologist Job Profiles

Archaeologist job profiles encompass various roles and responsibilities related to researching, excavating, and interpreting artefacts and archaeological sites.

Job Profile Job Description Average Annual Salary (INR)
Field Archaeologist Conducts fieldwork, including surveys and excavations, to discover and document archaeological sites. 4 L - 6 L
Laboratory Archaeologist Analyzes and interprets artefacts, conducts scientific analysis, and prepares reports based on laboratory research. 3.50 L - 5 L
Academic Archaeologist Conducts research and teaches in universities. They publish scholarly work and supervise students in the field of archaeology. 6 L - 10 L
Cultural Resource Management Archaeologist Works in government agencies or consulting firms to assess and manage archaeological resources in compliance with regulations. 3 L - 6 L
Museum Archaeologist Curates and manages archaeological collections in museums, conduct research, and designs exhibitions. 3 L - 5 L
Heritage Manager Preserves and manages archaeological sites and heritage properties, develops conservation plans, and promotes public awareness. 5 L - 8 L
Consultant Archaeologist Provides expertise and advice on archaeological matters, conducts impact assessments, and advises on development projects. 3 L - 6 L

Archaeologist Jobs for Freshers

Archaeologist Jobs for Freshers offer opportunities to gain fieldwork experience and contribute to research projects under the guidance of senior archaeologists.

Company Name Average Annual Salary (INR)
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) 3 L - 4.50 L
State Archaeology Departments 2.50 L - 4 L
Research Institutes and Universities 2.50 L - 4 L
Cultural Resource Management Firms 2.50 L - 4 L
Museum and Heritage Organizations 2.50 L - 4 L
Archaeological Consulting Firms 2.50 L - 4 L

Archaeologist Government Jobs

Archaeologist Government Jobs offer opportunities to work in various government departments and organizations dedicated to archaeological research, preservation, and management.

Job Profile Government Organization
Archaeological Officer Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
Assistant Archaeologist State Archaeology Departments
Research Officer National Museum, New Delhi
Museum Curator National Museum, New Delhi
Conservation Architect Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Central Public Works Department
Heritage Officer State Departments of Culture, Tourism, and Archaeology
Archaeological Chemist Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Research Institutes
Archaeobotanist Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Research Institutes
Epigraphist Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Research Institutes
Numismatist Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), Research Institutes

Archaeologist Jobs in India

Archaeologist Jobs in India offer diverse opportunities for professionals to work in renowned institutions and organizations dedicated to archaeological research and preservation.

Institution Name Average Annual Salary (INR)
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) 4 L - 8 L
National Museum, New Delhi 5 L - 10 L
State Archaeology Departments 3 L - 6 L
Research Institutes (e.g., ICHR, IITs) 4 L - 7 L
Universities (e.g., Banaras Hindu University, Deccan College) 3.50 L - 6 L
Museum and Heritage Organizations 3 L - 6 L
Archaeological Consulting Firms 3 L - 6 L

Archaeologist Jobs in Bangalore

Archaeologist Jobs in Bangalore provide opportunities to work in esteemed institutions and organizations dedicated to archaeological research and preservation.

Institution Name Average Annual Salary (INR)
National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) 4.50 L - 6 L
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) 4 L - 5.50 L
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) 3.50 L - 5 L
National Museum, Bangalore 3 L - 5 L
Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) 3 L - 4.50 L
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) 3 L - 4.50 L

Archaeologist Jobs in Pune

Archaeologist Jobs in Pune provide opportunities to work in renowned institutions and organizations dedicated to archaeology and cultural heritage research.

Institution/ Organization Average Annual Salary (INR)
Deccan College Postgraduate and Research Institute, Pune 3 L - 5 L
Maharashtra State Directorate of Archaeology and Museums 2.50 L - 4 L
National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune 3.50 L - 6 L
Tribal Research and Training Institute, Pune 2.50 L - 4 L
Pune University Department of Archaeology 2.50 L - 4 L
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune 4 L - 6 L
Centre for Archaeological Studies and Training (CAST) 2.50 L - 4 L
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) Circle Office, Pune 3 L - 5 L

Archaeologist Jobs in Hyderabad

Archaeologist Jobs in Hyderabad provide employment opportunities in various institutions where archaeologists can contribute their expertise in research, excavation, preservation, and interpretation of archaeological sites and artefacts.

Institution Name Average Annual Salary (INR)
University of Hyderabad 3 L - 5 L
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) 3 L - 5 L
Telangana State Department of Archaeology 2.50 L - 4 L
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology 3.50 L - 5.50 L
National Institute of Rural Development 3 L - 5 L
Salar Jung Museum 2.50 L - 4 L
Indian School of Business 4 L - 6 L
National Geophysical Research Institute 3.50 L - 5.50 L
Archaeological and Museums Department, Telangana 2.50 L - 4 L
Birla Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute 2.50 L - 4 L

Archaeologist Jobs in Noida

Archaeologist Jobs in Noida offer opportunities to work in various institutions and organizations located in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, with competitive annual salaries.

Institution Name Average Annual Salary (INR)
National Institute of Archaeology, Noida 4 L - 6 L
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) - Noida Circle 3.50 L - 5 L
Uttar Pradesh State Archaeology Department 2.50 L - 4 L
Noida Authority (Heritage Cell) 2.50 L - 4 L
Research Institutes and Universities in Noida 3 L - 4.50 L

Archaeologist Jobs in Gurgaon

Archaeologist jobs in Gurgaon are tabulated below for your reference.

Institution Name Average Annual Salary (INR)
National Museum, New Delhi 5 L - 8 L
Heritage Transport Museum 4 L - 6 L
Centre for Archaeology and Heritage Studies 3.50 L - 5 L
The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) 3.50 L - 5 L
Private Archaeological Consulting Firms 3 L - 6 L
Haryana State Archaeology and Museums Department 3 L - 5 L
Haryana Institute of Heritage Research and Management (HIHRM) 2.50 L - 4 L

Archaeologist Jobs Abroad

Archaeologist Jobs Abroad provide opportunities for archaeologists to work in various international institutions and organizations dedicated to archaeological research and preservation.

Institution Name Location Average Salary (INR)
British Museum London, United Kingdom 30 L - 60 L
Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C., USA 25 L - 50 L
Louvre Museum Paris, France 28 L - 55 L
National Museum of Anthropology Mexico City, Mexico 20 L - 40 L
Acropolis Museum Athens, Greece 18 L - 35 L
Egypt Exploration Society Cairo, Egypt 15 L - 30 L
National Archaeological Museum Athens, Greece 17 L - 33 L
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) Mexico City, Mexico 16 L - 32 L
Australian Museum Sydney, Australia 18 L - 35 L
The Field Museum Chicago, USA 22 L - 45 L

Archaeologist Salary

A table showcasing average annual salaries for different job profiles in the field of archaeology is as given below-

Job Profile Average Annual Salary (INR)
Field Archaeologist 3 L - 5 L
Museum Curator 3.50 L - 6 L
Research Archaeologist 4 L - 7 L
Academic Archaeologist 5 L - 10 L
Cultural Resource Management Archaeologist 3.50 L - 6 L
Consulting Archaeologist 3.50 L - 6 L

Archaeologist Jobs: FAQs

Ques. How long does it take to become an archaeologist?

Ans. The time required to become an archaeologist in India can vary depending on the educational path. The general outline for the career path of an archaeologist is as given below -

  • It takes 3 to 4 years to complete a Bachelor's degree in Archaeology.
  • After obtaining a Bachelor's degree, pursuing a Master's degree in Archaeology usually takes two years of additional study.
  • For those aspiring to pursue advanced teaching positions, earning a Ph.D. in Archaeology may take an additional three to five years.

The overall process of becoming an archaeologist in India can range from five to ten years.

Ques. What skills are important for an archaeologist?

Ans. Skills that are important for an archaeologist include:

  • Ability to conduct thorough research and analyze historical information.
  • Proficiency in excavation techniques, surveying, and site recording.
  • Capacity to examine artifacts, ecofacts, and data to draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Ability to observe and document minute details during excavations and analysis.
  • Aptitude for solving complex archaeological puzzles and making interpretations.
  • Effective verbal and written communication to present findings and collaborate with colleagues.
  • Collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and working well in group settings.
  • Respect for diverse cultures and understanding the cultural context of archaeological sites.
  • Familiarity with archaeological tools, equipment, and technology, such as GIS or remote sensing.
  • Understanding the methods and principles of artifact preservation and conservation.

Ques. What are the different types of archaeology?

Ans. Different types of archaeology focusing on historic periods include - 

  • Prehistoric archaeology
  • Historical archaeology
  • Underwater archaeology
  • Classical archaeology
  • Industrial archaeology
  • Forensic archaeology

Ques. Where do archaeologists work?

Ans. Archaeologists work in various settings and environments. Here is a list of common places where archaeologists work:

  • Universities and Research Institutions
  • Archaeological Field Sites
  • Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Firms
  • Government Agencies
  • Museums and Cultural Institutions
  • Archaeological Consulting Firms
  • Non-profit Organizations
  • Academic Publishing and Research Centers
  • Historic Preservation Agencies
  • International Research Collaborations

Ques. How is archaeology different from paleontology?

Ans. The differences between archaeology and paleontology are - 

Archaeology Paleontology
Focuses on human history and civilizations Focuses on ancient life forms and their evolution
Analyzes artifacts, structures, and remains Analyzes fossils such as bones, teeth, and shells
Studies human cultural activities Studies biology, anatomy, and behaviors of extinct organisms
Deals with relatively recent time periods Deals with ancient geological time periods
Uses excavation and analysis of material culture Relies on fossil records to reconstruct past ecosystems

Ques. Can I become an archaeologist without a degree?

Ans. While a degree in archaeology or a related field is typically preferred, it is possible to work in certain entry-level positions or as a volunteer without a degree. However, advanced positions and research opportunities often require higher education qualifications.

Ques. What are the job prospects for archaeologists?

Ans. Some potential job prospects for archaeologists are:

  • Teaching and research positions at universities and colleges. Here, archaeologists can contribute to academic programs and mentor students.
  • Working in private consulting firms that assess and manage the impact of development projects on archaeological sites, conducting surveys, and excavations.
  • Employment opportunities with government departments such as archaeological survey organizations, heritage agencies, museums, and national parks.
  • Curatorial and research roles in museums and cultural institutions, involving the curation, interpretation, and display of archaeological artefacts and collections.
  • Participating in archaeological excavations and research projects, both domestically and internationally, as part of academic or independent initiatives.
  • Engaging in the preservation and management of archaeological sites and historic structures.
  • Providing archaeological expertise and services to businesses, organizations, and government bodies requiring archaeological assessments and compliance with heritage regulations.
  • Working in laboratories that specialize in artefact analysis, dating techniques, conservation, or other scientific aspects of archaeology.

Ques. What is the average salary of an archaeologist?

Ans. The average salary of an archaeologist can vary depending on different factors. 

  • In India, the average annual salary of an archaeologist ranges from Rs. 3,00,000 to 8,00,000.
  • Entry-level positions or freshers may earn salaries at the lower end of the range.
  • While experienced archaeologists may earn higher salaries.
  • Additional factors such as project funding, research grants, or international opportunities can impact an archaeologist's earning potential.

Ques. Can archaeologists specialize in a particular time period or culture?

Ans. Yes, archaeologists often specialize in specific time periods, cultures, or regions based on their research interests and expertise. This specialization allows them to develop in-depth knowledge and contribute to the understanding of particular archaeological contexts. Some specializations include - 

  • Prehistoric Archaeology
  • Classical Archaeology
  • Historical Archaeology
  • Underwater Archaeology
  • Industrial Archaeology
  • Ethnoarchaeology
  • Bioarchaeology
  • Experimental Archaeology
  • Landscape Archaeology
  • Cultural Resource Management

Ques. What are the top courses of archaeology?

Ans. Some top courses in archaeology include - 

  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Archaeology
  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Archaeology
  • Master of Arts (M.A.) in Archaeology
  • Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Archaeology
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Archaeology
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Archaeology
  • Ph.D. in Archaeology
  • Advanced Diploma in Archaeology and Heritage Management
  • Certificate Courses in Archaeological Techniques and Fieldwork
  • Specialized Courses in Archaeological Conservation and Preservation

These courses are offered by various universities and institutions globally. They provide students with the skills required to pursue a career in archaeology. 


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Master of Arts [MA] (Archaeology) Colleges IN INDIA

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Banaras Hindu University - [BHU]
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
5.16 K first year fees
University of Calcutta
Kolkata, West Bengal
2.31 K first year fees
Shivaji University - [SUK]
Kolhapur, Maharashtra
3.76 K first year fees
Madhav University - [MU]
Sirohi, Rajasthan
5.5 K first year fees
1.24 K first year fees
5.7 K first year fees
32.5 K first year fees
6 K first year fees