George Washington University is a private research university that has recently celebrated 200 years of establishment. It is regarded among the top 70 American universities by US News. On the other hand, CWUR, Times Higher Education, and Shanghai Rankings, all have placed George Washington University rankings in the band #201-300.

George Washington University caters to a wide variety of academic programs, some of which even occupy top positions in the global academic rankings. The US News ranks it at #52 for the ‘Nursing’ program and at #5 for ‘International Business’. Additionally, it resides between #51-100 in QS WUR By Subject.

George Washington University Rankings: World Ranking Trends

The previous years’ ranking trends for George Washington University are tabulated:-

George Washington University Rankings: World Ranking Trends

Ranking Body 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
QS Rankings #336 #353 #355 #362 #340
US News National University Rankings #70 #66 #63 #67
CWUR #287 #302 #309 #294
THE Rankings #198 #187 #201-250 #201-250 #201-250
Shanghai Rankings #301-400 #201-300 #201-300

George Washington University Rankings: Engineering Rankings

The US News ranked the undergraduate engineering of the George Washington University at #74 in its recent rankings. The following table shows the subject-specific ranking trends of these engineering programs:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Mechanical Engineering #351-400 #301-350 #301-350
Engineering and Technology #451-500 #451-500 #401-450

Shanghai Rankings

Environmental Science and Technology #401-500 #401-500 #401-500
Electrical and Electronic Engineering #201-300 #201-300 #201-300
THE Rankings Engineering and Technology #301-400 #301-400 #301-400 #251-300

George Washington University Rankings: Computer Science Rankings

Here’s how the ‘computer science’ program of George Washington University has been evaluated over the years:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021
QS World Subject Rankings Computer Science and Information Systems #301-350 #301-350 #301-350
THE Rankings Computer Science #301-400 #251-300 #401-500 #301-400

George Washington University Rankings: Natural Science Courses

George Washington University has been placed in the rank band #151-200 for Atmospheric Sciences and Geography in Shanghai Rankings. More such courses have been placed at top positions by the leading banking bodies, which is evident from the table below:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Physics #401-500 #401-500 #401-500
Atmospheric Sciences #151-200 #201-300 #201-300
Ecology #301-400 #301-400 #201-300
Geography #151-200 #201-300 #201-300

QS World Subject Rankings

Chemistry #551-600 #551-600 #601-620
Geography #101-150 #101-150 #101-150
Physics and Astronomy #351-400 #351-400 #351-400
Natural Science #401-450 #451-500
Environmental Science #351-400 #401-450
Biological Science #251-300 #301-350 #301-350
Mathematics #501-530

THE Rankings

Psychology #151-175 #201-250 #251-300 #251-300
Life Sciences #251-300 #251-300 #251-300 #201-250
Physical Sciences #301-400 #301-400 #301-400 #301-400

George Washington University Rankings: Medical Science Courses

The ‘Nursing’ program of George Washington University has been occupying a place in the rank band #51-100 for the last three years in QS World Subject Rankings. Here how similar courses of the institutions have been ranked:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Medicine #151-200 #151-200 #151-200
Nursing #51-100 #51-100 #51-100

Shanghai Rankings

Medical Technology #301-400 #301-400 #201-300
Clinical Medicine #201-300 #301-400 #201-300
Public Health #76-100 #101-150 #76-100
Nursing #151-200 #151-200 #201-300
THE Rankings Clinical, pre-clinical, and health #126-150 #201-250 #251-300 #151-175

George Washington University Rankings: Business Courses

As per the recent rankings of US News, George Washington University’s ‘International Business’ resides at #5 while the ‘Economics’ program occupies the 65th rank. The global academic ranking trends of the business-related courses available at the George Washington University are given as follows:-

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

QS World Subject Rankings

Business and Management Studies #144 #147 #151-200
Accounting and Finance #151-200 #151-200 #251-300
Economics and Econometrics #133 #150 #139
THE Rankings Business and Economics #101-125 #126-150 #126-150 #101-125

Shanghai Rankings

Management #101-150 #101-150 #76-100
Finance #151-200 #101-150 #101-150
Economics #151-200 #151-200 #151-200
Business Administration #151-200 #101-150 #101-150

George Washington University Rankings: Humanities Courses

George Washington University’s humanities courses have always been ranked at top positions by the leading ranking lists. This is further proven by the fact that its ‘Public Administration’ program ranks #34 in Shanghai Rankings while the ‘Political Sciences’ course occupies the 26th position in Shanghai Rankings and 29th place in QS Rankings.

Ranking Body Program Ranking 2024 Ranking 2023 Ranking 2022 Ranking 2021

Shanghai Rankings

Public Administration #34 #37 #35
Education #51-75 #101-150 #101-150
Political Sciences #26 #21 #15
Law #76-100 #76-100 #51-75
Communication #101-150 #101-150 #51-75

QS World Subject Rankings

History #51-100 #51-100 #101-150
Law and Legal Studies #91 #76 #75
Arts and Humanities #183 #216 #209
Communication and Media Studies #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Politics #29 #25 #23
Hospitality and Leisure Management #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
Education and Training #151-200 #151-200 #101-150
Social Policy and Administration #51-100 #51-100 #51-100
English Language and Literature #201-250 #201-250 #151-200
Sociology #201-250 #151-200 #151-200
Modern Languages #251-300

THE Rankings

Education #201-250 #301-400 #201-250 #151-175
Social Sciences #101-125 #126-150 #101-125 #101-125
Law #63 #52 #75 #76
Arts and Humanities #301-400 #301-400 #301-400 #301-400

George Washington University Rankings: Miscellaneous

The table below makes it crystal clear why George Washington University is considered among the premier US institutions:-

Ranking Body Parameter Ranking 2022-23


Sustainability Ranking #470
QS WUR By Subject #51-100

US News

National Universities #67
Most Innovative Schools #58
Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs #74
Best Value Schools #86
International Business #5
Nursing #52
Economics #65
Best Colleges for Veterans #102
Top Performers on Social Mobility #333

THE World University Rankings

World University Rankings #201-250
US Rankings 2022 #72


National Rank #93
Employability Rank #160
Research Rank #281
Education Rank #401

The Niche rankings have placed George Washington University at #16 for ‘Public Health’ and at #32 for ‘Criminal Justice’ programs in the USA. Furthermore, as per the Forbes list, George Washington University ranks at #77 among US universities and at #60 among US research institutions.