In are university very less fess as compare to others university or in this many types of scholarships are available like amritdhari students ke lie, Sc student ka lie or marit list students ka lie jo course afford nhi ker sakte to reason is fess
Fees for general category students is 14500 but there are scholarships for sc category students that is they pay no fees also amritdhari scholarship is also there for sikh girls also they provide scholarship to merit students.
Fees structure is very reasonable. There is a scholarship for Sc/St students. In my time there was not hike in any fees structure. I didn't get any financial assistance in the university and I didn't sit in the campus placement because I was not interested in the job.
There are a lot of scholarship opportunities available for the students. There are meritorious scholarship present for the students who are getting good marks in the entrance examination of NEET or JEE etc. Minority scholarship is also present for the students belonging to any minority religion or caste. Special scholarship is present for the students belonging to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe.
The college provides lots of scholarship opportunities for the students studying here. Most of the students, from who belong to the minority communities are exempted from 10% off of the tuition fees. Also the students who score well consistently, based on their marks are also exempted from the fees at different ranges.
There are lots of scholarship facilities offered by the college to different students. The students from minority groups and if SC/ST are considered to be automatically reduce the fees by 10%. Also the meritorious students if they score well in their exams above 80% consistently, then their full fees might be exempted, other above 60% consistent with 10-20% waived off.
In order to encourage the needy and meritorious students who cannot afford to pursue higher education, the University awards 'Sri Guru Granth Sahib Scholarships' to 10% needy and meritorious students in all courses, against additional 10 % supernumerary seats.
There are no. of scholarships offered by our college. The best scholarship according to me is - the meritorious students will be given fee concession at the time of admission, on the basis of their marks in the qualifying examination as per the criteria. And there are other lots of scholarships offered by college for meritorious and talented students. As per my thinking the fees is not too expensive and there are lots of scholarships also offered by college. So there is no need of taking loan for education. Well one can take loan from State Bank of India local branch.
Yes I got scholarship coz I belongs to sc category. I got full fee concession for my course. It provided by govt at that time.
Our university provides scholarship facility for needy and meritious students. There are also scholarships for OBC, SC, Sri Guru Granth Sahib scholarship etc. Loan facility from banks was also there. If students cannot afford their fees they can take educational loan to continue their education.