IELTS Writing Topics: Discover Different Types of General and Academic Writing Topics

IELTS Writing Topics: Discover Different Types of General and Academic Writing Topics

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Sriti Das

Study Abroad Content Writer | Updated On - Jul 16, 2024


  • Task 1 Topics: For general writing, task 1 includes a letter whereas for academic writing it includes graphs, charts, and tables with questions.
  • Task 2 Topics: For general and academic writing task 2 includes similar topics but the questions normally vary.
  • Strategies: Make sure you are aware of the task requirements before starting your essay and avoid making any grammatical mistakes.
  • Exam Format: For task 1 you will get 20 minutes while for task 2 you will get 40 minutes for both academic and general IELTS writing.

Practicing IELTS writing topics regularly can help you improve your writing skills and techniques to achieve higher scores. IELTS writing questions are divided into two tasks. Both the tasks in IELTS general and academic writing have different question patterns. The general writing test is designed for those who want to move to an English-speaking Country for work and PR purposes. Whereas, IELTS academic writing test is for those who want to move abroad for study purposes. In task 1 of IELTS general writing, you will have to write a letter. In Task 2 you will have to write an essay based on different topics. However, in IELTS academic writing Task 1 includes graphs, tables, charts, or diagrams. IELTS Writing Task 2 includes an essay in both general and academic writing, but the questions may vary.


IELTS Writing Exam Format

IELTS writing test topics in general and academic tests have different patterns. However, Task 2 is similar in both tests where you will have to maintain a word limit of 250 words. In both tasks, you will be provided with time limits as well to complete IELTS essay topics. Below is the information regarding tasks 1 and 2 of IELTS writing exam.

Task Exam Timings Question Types
Task -1 20 minutes Academic
Line graph 
Writing a letter 
Task-2 40 minutes Academic and general 
Government Spending 

IELTS Writing Topics in Task 1

There are diverse IELTS exam topics that improve the skills and knowledge of English learners. For the General IELTS writing Task 1 topics, you will have to write a letter consisting of 150 words. When it comes to IELTS academic writing tests, you will have to describe different types of lines graphs, tables, charts, and many others.You can see the information regarding topics associated with general and academic IELTS writing are given below:

Task 1- General Writing Topics
Spend 20 minutes to write a letter of 150 words. Situation
Problems and reasons for its difficulties
Preferable accommodation
Task 1- Academic Writing Topics
For IELTS exam topics writing in Academic tests, you will get different topics

Line graph A diagram that includes numbers or rates of something over some time. For Example,

Line graph tasks can include 2,3, 4, or possibly up to 6 lines in the whole chart.

Bar graph
Similar to line graphs, bars, and charts also linearly deliver data. However, the data can also be categorized in a non-linear way. For Example,

Pie chart
The pie charts have the figures displayed in percentages. They can also be categorized in linear and non-linear ways which is similar to bar-graph. For example, The charts below show the percentage of second language classes taken by Australian secondary school students in two different cities in 2017.


The data can also be displayed in table form which includes linear and non-linear ways. For example,
The data can be displayed in numerical or percentage form.


Combination You can find combinations of graph types together which can include as line graph and a pie chart. For example, The diagrams below show the average cost of 3 different types of media devices over a period of 6 years, plus their payment method for these devices according to 4 age groups in 2020.

You can see in this particular question, the time reference can also include future projections (the line graph continues until 2026).

IELTS Writing Topics in Task 2

Writing task-2 topics are similar in both IELTS general and academic writing tests. In terms of Task 2, you will get certain topics that come up repeatedly while practicing sample questions. Below you will find IELTS essay topics with examples:

Topics Description
Education Education is the common theme in IELTS writing task 2 topics. Questions can range from topics such as the classroom to the curriculum. For example,
  1. Many feel that the common educational system of teachers and students in a classroom will be replaced by the year 2050.
    Do you agree with this view? Give your opinion.
  2. Education should be free to all people and should be paid for and managed by the government.
    Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Technology In this present time, people are heavily dependent on technology. Various topics for writing essay in IELTS task 2 depends on technology. For example,
  1. Nowadays, children watch a lot of TV and play video games. However, some think that these activities are not beneficial for a child’s mental health.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  2. Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to information in many countries. This is a danger to our societies.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Health This is another common essay topics for IELTS writing. This is because health is becoming more complex with time and affecting the lives of people. For example, the question in IELTS task 2 can include:
  1. Doctors recommend that older people exercise regularly. However, many of them do not get enough exercise.
    What are the reasons? What can be done to encourage them to exercise more?
  2. Healthcare costs are increasing, and many governments are finding it difficult to balance their healthcare budget. Should citizens be responsible for their health with private health insurance, or should the government provide free healthcare for all?
    Discuss your viewpoint on this issue
Environment The environment is a worldwide issue that affects everyone which makes it one of the essential IELTS writing test topics. For Example:
  1. Some feel that it is impossible for a country to be economically progressive and environmentally friendly at the same time. Others disagree with this view.
    Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.
  2. Water pollution has become an increasing problem over the past few decades.
    What causes water pollution? How can we prevent this problem?
Government Spending This topic generally affects the economic status of a country that directly or indirectly affects the lives and well-being of people. For which government spending is one of the essential IELTS writing task 2 topics. For example,
  1. Governments should lower arts budgets to allocate more money to education.
    Do you agree with this view?
  2. Some believe governments should spend more money on improving roads and highways, while some think money should be spent improving public transportation, such as buses, trains, and subways.
    Discuss both points of view and give your opinion
Sociology People mostly behave differently based on different situations. This is why sociology is one of the most common topics for writing in IELTS. For example,
  1. Many parents put a lot of pressure on their children to succeed.
    To what extent do you agree?
  2. Most societies are based on rules and laws. If individuals were free to do whatever they wanted, society could not function.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Strategies for IELTS Writing Topics

There are many ways for you to improve your IELTS academic writing and general writing. IELTS writing tips can also help you perform better in academic writing tests. Considering the strategies will help you to understand topics for writing essays in IELTS. Below are some strategies that can help you with IELTS writing tasks 1 and 2 in both academic and general writing:

Task -1

Academic writing

  • Understand the requirements of the task before starting
  • Analyze the visual information regarding tables, graphs, and charts very carefully.
  • Create a clear and organized plan for your response
  • Start your essay with a concise and engaging introduction
  • Present an overview in a separate paragraph.
  • Support with specific details in the subsequent paragraphs
  • Use cohesive elements and language devices
  • Proofread and revise

General Writing

  • Provide appropriate tone in the letter
  • Present with bullet points, highlights, and extensions
  • Start your letter by clearly stating why you are writing, and the purpose.
  • Use longer sentences that use passive language
  • Generate an attractive structure of your letter


For both Academic and General Writing

  • Answer all the parts of the question
  • Present a clear position including valid points
  • Develop a common vocabulary for each topic
  • Use linking devices or transition words
  • Correctly use a range of grammatical structures
  • Make sure to check your essay thoroughly

You can ace your test score band with the help of different IELTS writing test topics. Task 1 writing test is different for general and academic writing. Whereas, IELTS writing task two topics are similar but include different essay questions.


Ques: What is the most common topic for IELTS writing?

Ans: The question for IELTS writing can be anything. However, the sample question for task 2 includes education, technology, sociology, health, environment, and many more. In task 1 general writing includes a letter and for academic writing it includes tables, graphs, and charts.

Ques: Is writing difficult in IELTS?

Ans: Students facing issues with grammar can deal with difficulties in answering the questions related to IELTS. You can focus on different questions related to tasks 1 and 2 and extend your practice sessions to decrease the level of difficulty.

Ques: What is the 9 in IELTS writing?

Ans: if your score is 9 bands in your IELTS writing means you have an exceptional level of English proficiency in your essay. This factor indicates your ability to maintain accuracy in your writing and sophistication in your language.

Ques: How can I get 7.0 in IELTS writing?

Ans: You can focus on answering all parts of the question and present a clear position to improve your IELTS writing skills. Along with this, you must structure your essay in a specific manner to make it attractive and clear to the examiners.

Ques: Do IELTS writing topics repeat?

Ans: The essay questions related to IELTS never repeat but the topic might repeat. You might get essay questions on the topic of education but the questions will vary. So, you will have to focus more on the topic and writing pattern rather than focusing on questions.


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