IELTS Writing Tips: Top Tips and Strategies to Improve Your Writing Band Score

IELTS Writing Tips: Top Tips and Strategies to Improve Your Writing Band Score

Preparing for IELTS writing requires understanding the task types and maintaining the word limits. IELTS writing tips always suggest you improve your vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. You have to answer two tasks within 60 minutes. The writing tasks are different for academic and general tests, so choose books and follow IELTS exam writing tips accordingly. The official websites and prep courses offer comprehensive and proven IELTS writing tips and tricks. Following these tips can help you to improve your score to band 8 or 9. Regular practice with sample papers, reading books, and building time management skills can improve your score range. Joining a coaching center can help you to prepare for writing under expert mentorship.

Writing Tips

Understand IELTS Writing Format

IELTS writing section is different for both academic and general training tests. The best IELTS test tips for writing are, you need to understand the different types of questions. Check the table mentioned below to understand the difference between IELTS academic writing, and general training writing:

IELTS Academic Writing IELTS General Training Writing
In writing task one, you will be presented with visual information like diagrams or graphs. In writing task one, you have to write a formal letter on a given situation.
In writing task two, you need to write an essay in response to an argument, problem, or point of view. The issue topics are based on general interest and can be easily understood by UG or PG students. In writing task two, you need to write an essay in response to an argument, problem, or point of view. The essay topics evaluate how well you can provide information, identify the problem, and deliver a solution by justifying the argument or opinion.
You will be allocated 60 minutes in total, 20 minutes for task 1, and 40 minutes for task 2. You will be allocated 60 minutes in total, 20 minutes for task 1, and 40 minutes for task 2.

IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Score

One of the best IELTS writing advice is to understand the exam format and marking criteria. IELTS writing section is divided into two tasks. You can get effective writing task 1 tips IELTS, and writing task 2 from the official website or by joining a coaching center. Here are some general and academic IELTS writing tips that will help you to improve your score:

  • Read the Task Criteria: Understand the IELTS writing marking criteria. Check or download the writing section scoring guideline from the official website.
  • Time Management: You need to allocate your time accordingly to write your essays on time. Task one requires 20 minutes, and allocate 40 minutes for task two.
  • Plan Your Answer: Spend some time planning your answer before start writing. Always aim to cover the main topics in each paragraph.
  • Improve Your Vocabulary: By improving your vocabulary range and by using them in your writing, you can achieve a good writing score. Practice vocabulary from English magazines, newspapers, and blogs.
  • Structure Your Sentences: Always use both simple and complex structures in your answers. Using many complex sentences can make your answers unreadable sometimes.
  • Use Formal Language: Use formal language when it comes to writing for professional or academic situations. You can write in an informal tone when you write a letter to a friend. You must avoid slang, cliches, and contractions in your writing.
  • Take Mock Tests: Taking mock tests regularly will help you to understand the exam format and different types of content. You can use the official website or can take courses for customized and comprehensive mock tests.

Understand the Marking Criteria

To achieve a higher score, you need to follow IELTS writing rules properly. Maintaining the word limit, and grammar accuracy are some most suggested IELTS writing task tips. Your written essays will be evaluated based on four criteria; task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. You can refer to the table below to understand these IELTS marking criteria:

Marking Criteria Skills Assessed
Task Achievement: 25% This will evaluate how well you have answered the questions.
Coherence and Cohesion: 25% Your skills in organizing ideas and linking these ideas with topics will be evaluated by this criteria.
Lexical Resource: 25% Your Vocabulary range and ability to use it accurately will be evaluated in this category.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 25% This category evaluates your ability to use correct grammar and write accurate sentences.

Proven IELTS writing strategies always suggest you do more practice by solving sample papers, maintaining the word limit, and improving your grammatical range. If you are sticking to a score of 7 and want to achieve an 8+ writing band, joining a coaching center can help you boost your score. These preparation courses provide effective IELTS writing essay tips and writing strategies to structure your answer properly.


Ques: How can I get 8 in IELTS writing?

Ans: The total IELTS writing score ranges from 0 to 9 bands. To achieve 8 in IELTS writing, you need to start your preparation by writing about more topics within the real exam timed conditions. Make sure your writing maintains the word limit, and marking criteria.

Ques: How do I improve my IELTS writing?

Ans: To improve your writing skills for IELTS you need to start using synonyms and change the word order and forms accordingly. Take regular practice tests, and understand the different types of question topics to improve your writing score.

Ques: How to write a good IELTS writing?

Ans: To write a good essay on IELTS writing always plan your time, read the question properly, and always highlight the main issues properly. Plan to connect your ideas with the question and use a wide range of vocabulary will improve your score.

Ques: How to excel in IELTS writing?

Ans: To excel IELTS writing, you need to avoid informal writing style, maintain the word count, and practice regularly. Having a better idea about the marking criteria will lead you to a structured answer.

Ques: How to increase band in IELTS writing?

Ans: To increase your IELTS writing band score, you need to start your preparation by solving sample papers under timed conditions. Maintain the word limit properly, and take reviews on your answers from expert mentors or seniors.


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