Dr. Gajanan Rambhau Avachar principal of Shatayu College Nagpur, has completed B.Sc. in 1983 from Nagpur University and M.Sc. from R.L.T College Akola. He is also a B.Ed. degree holder. Dr. Gajanan Avchar has completed his Ph.D. from R.T.M. Nagpur University. The title of his thesis is “Some Problems in Wesson’s Theory of Gravitation”. He joined as a lecturer at Shivaji College Akola and worked there for 33 years. In 2023, he was appointed as the principal of Shatayu College, Nagpur. He has 18 UGC-notified international journals to his name and 21 other index journals. He has 11 proceedings at an international conference.

Shatayu college

Being the principal of Shatayu College, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

My nature is always supportive. I worked 33 years as a lecturer and Vice principal so I know what problems come in front of my staff. So, I always try to support my staff and my students.

Apart from that in a world that is changing quickly, I think it is crucial to be adaptable and to continue learning. I support a culture that values innovation, lifelong learning, and adopting new technologies.

Also, I am a very ethical person so I promote a culture of transparency. I try to ensure there will be no politics between teachers, staff, and everyone.

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?

So, we follow the same curriculum which is followed by the other colleges. But the difference is that we always take feedback from our students. Because we must understand what we provide them or what we teach them. 

We take them for industry visits. There was a guest lecture in which we invited experts who had great knowledge, high intellect, and experience in the industry.

Any insights into how your college could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

Shatayu College supports diversity, respects all students' economic circumstances, and awards scholarships to legal requirements. We provide them with a scholarship which is provided by the government of Maharashtra as per the category. Shatayu College also offers free admission to the students who come under the category of backward classes. The college is the most forward-looking educational institute in the city.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the College and the students are?

My responsibility and obligations to my pupils as a principal are to give them the education they deserve, both from an academic and professional standpoint. I have always thought that my students are the best in India. In addition, I worked hard and made every effort to give them the chance to participate in academic activities outside of those held on the college campus. For every student, I think that social, and extracurricular activities are just as vital as academic ones.

When you first came to Shatayu College, what was your vision for the university? 

My vision for the university is to upgrade my students and 100% placement of them because they are our motivation to work. Also, I have introduced a new course in our college so that students get more options to get admission. I want our college to be among the top colleges. To improve our education system like now in the 21st century we are trying to give our students 21st century facilities. Provide them with practical knowledge other than theoretical knowledge. That is my vision for my college.

What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?

The thing that I want to share with others about my college is that we provide a student-centric education. Shatayu College is the top choice for both graduation and post-graduation in Nagpur. We lay an equal emphasis on extra-curricular activities. Several guest lectures, seminars, and workshops on personality development by eminent personalities from industries and academics are also arranged to keep students updated with knowledge and development in the fields.

What are your college’s greatest strengths?

Our greatest strength is that we have one of the best faculties, we have 22 years of experience. Those or more than that experience in the faculties also give the new generation the chance to connect with us so we have teaching staff who are young and inspiring vision. Apart from that we are the best in the region. I already mentioned we are the heart of the city that is our greatest strength. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

Today's kids are finding a way from which they get success very easily so my message is that don’t follow that path from which you learn nothing. 

You are in the 21st century so be passionate, learn as much as possible, work hard, be the best version of yourself, and follow your passion. Also, enjoy your life because it is very important to enjoy each age with that value your time.