Dr. Afzal Basha Shaik is the Principal and Professor at St. Mary’s College of Pharmacy, part of the St. Marys Group of Institutions in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. He holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from Vishwa Bharathi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and a Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Andhra University, where he received the Prof. S. Ranga Swamy GOLD MEDAL for academic excellence. He earned his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a specialization in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Andhra University. He possesses over 15 years of teaching experience for competitive examinations and serves as a visiting faculty in various pharmacy colleges across India. He has presented his research at national and international conferences and holds several patents in India and Australia. Additionally, he has also authored a book on natural remedies for tuberculosis and candidiasis and contributed to four book chapters in medicinal chemistry. He is a member of prestigious organizations such as the American Chemical Society (USA), Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA, USA), Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA, India), and Pharmaceutical Education and Research Society (PEARS, India).

St..Mary's Group of Institutions

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

My deep connection to the education sector stems from a genuine passion for nurturing intellectual growth and societal development. The opportunity to inspire and guide students, shape educational policies, and foster innovation in teaching methodologies are compelling motivators. The constant evolution of education keeps me engaged, as it demands adaptability and continuous learning. Witnessing the transformative impact of education on individuals and communities reaffirms my commitment. Moreover, the collaborative nature of the sector and the chance to advocate for equitable access to quality education provide a sense of purpose that keeps me dedicated to this vital field.

Being the Principal of St.Mary's Group of Institutions what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

As the Principal of a St.Mary's Group of Institutions, my philosophy of leadership centers on visionary guidance, inclusivity, and fostering an environment that promotes holistic development. I believe in leading with a strong commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and ethical values. My leadership style is transformational and collaborative, encouraging creativity and continuous learning among students, faculty, and staff. I prioritize active communication, empathy, and teamwork to build a cohesive educational community. By nurturing the potential of every individual and embracing diversity, I aim to create a dynamic and forward-thinking institution that prepares students to excel academically and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Being the Principal of St.Mary's Group of Institutions, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

Strategizing key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of the institution involves a comprehensive approach. First, we conduct market research to understand student needs and industry trends. Then, we develop tailored academic programs and support services that align with these insights. Marketing efforts focus on highlighting our unique offerings and strengths through digital platforms, outreach events, and collaborations. In administration, efficient processes, transparent communication, and data-driven decision-making are central. Regular feedback mechanisms from students, faculty, and staff help refine our strategies. Ultimately, our goal is to provide quality education, enhance the institution & reputation, and ensure a seamless experience for all stakeholders.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here at your university?

Studying at our university in India offers inbound students a unique and enriching experience. They gain exposure to a diverse and culturally rich environment, fostering global perspectives and cross-cultural skills. Our rigorous academic programs are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and critical thinking skills. Additionally, students benefit from interactions with accomplished faculty, research opportunities, and access to a vast network of alumni. India’s economic growth and technological advancements also provide valuable learning opportunities. Ultimately, studying here equips students with a well-rounded education, a deeper understanding of global dynamics, and a competitive edge in an increasingly interconnected world.

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How does the curriculum of St.Mary's Group of Institutions ensure the best practice of industry?

The curriculum at St.Mary's Group of Institutions is strategically designed to incorporate industry best practices at every level. We prioritize relevance and practicality by continually engaging with industry leaders to identify emerging trends, skills, and technologies. Our courses are regularly updated to reflect the dynamic nature of various sectors. Hands-on learning, internships, and industry projects are integral components, providing students with real-world exposure. Moreover, we foster strong industry partnerships that facilitate guest lectures, workshops, and recruitment drives. Soft skills development, including communication and problem-solving, is also emphasized to prepare students holistically. This comprehensive approach ensures that our graduates are not only academically adept but also well-equipped to excel in their chosen fields, meeting the exacting standards of the industry.

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

To create a more inclusive and welcoming environment, our university is actively working on several initiatives. We are expanding scholarship programs to support students from diverse economic backgrounds. Additionally, we promote cultural diversity through student clubs and events, celebrating different traditions and fostering cross-cultural understanding. Regular diversity and inclusion training for faculty and staff ensures a respectful and inclusive atmosphere. We also provide resources for mental health and well-being, recognizing the unique challenges that students from various backgrounds may face. These efforts collectively aim to create a more equitable and welcoming campus for all students, regardless of race or economic status.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

As the Principal of the university, my roles and responsibilities are pivotal in shaping the institution’s success and serving the students effectively. I oversee academic and administrative leadership, charting the university's strategic direction, and ensuring its financial stability. I foster a supportive learning environment, promote academic rigor, and encourage research and innovation. Students' welfare is paramount, and I work to provide quality education, personal and professional development opportunities, and a safe and inclusive campus. Additionally, I facilitate faculty and staff development, maintain institutional integrity, and engage with stakeholders. Ultimately, my role is dedicated to advancing the university’s mission and enhancing the educational experience for all students.

What do you think should be the Institute's top priority over the next 10 years?

Over the next decade, the top priority for the group of institutions should be to ensure academic excellence while embracing innovation and adaptability. This includes continually enhancing the quality of education through updated curricula, fostering a research-driven culture, and aligning programs with emerging industry trends. Equally crucial is prioritizing inclusivity and diversity, making education accessible to students from all backgrounds. Developing sustainable and environmentally responsible practices should also be a focus. Moreover, nurturing a holistic student experience, encompassing mental health support and career readiness will be essential. In summary, the institute’s top priority should revolve around academic excellence, innovation, inclusivity, sustainability and student well-being for the next decade.

When you first came to St.Mary's Group of Institutions, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved over time, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

Upon my arrival at St.Mary's Group of Institutions, my vision was to elevate the institution into a globally recognized center of academic excellence. My initial focus was on enhancing curriculum quality, fostering innovation in teaching and research, and creating an inclusive and diverse campus culture. As time has passed, my vision has evolved to include sustainability, preparing students for the challenges of a rapidly changing world and expanding international partnerships. We have made substantial progress, from curriculum upgrades to infrastructure improvements, but the journey is ongoing. We are well on our way to realizing this vision, continually adapting to meet the evolving needs of our students and the broader educational landscape.

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What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

Our university is deeply committed to community engagement and social responsibility. Beyond academics, we actively participate in various outreach programs, sustainability initiatives, and community service projects. Our students and faculty are encouraged to make a meaningful impact on society through volunteering, research, and advocacy. We prioritize holistic development, instilling values of compassion and global citizenship in our graduates. This commitment to community and social responsibility sets us apart as an institution dedicated to not only academic excellence but also positive societal contributions.

What do you see as St.Mary's Group of Institutions' greatest strengths?

St.Mary's Group of Institutions boasts several noteworthy strengths. Foremost is our resolute commitment to academic excellence, offering a wide array of programs tailored to meet industry demands. Our accomplished faculty members significantly enrich the learning environment. We excel in cultivating innovation and research, equipping students to tackle contemporary challenges effectively. Our inclusive and diverse campus community fosters cross-cultural understanding. Our unwavering dedication to community engagement, sustainability, and social responsibility further elevates our standing. Ultimately, our greatest asset lies in our capacity to furnish a comprehensive education, empowering graduates to excel professionally while upholding responsible global citizenship.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for St.Mary's Group of Institutions specifically?

Higher education faces several formidable challenges, including adapting rapidly to technological advancements, ensuring affordability and accessibility, and meeting evolving industry demands. Specifically for St.Mary's Group of Institutions maintaining and enhancing academic quality while expanding inclusivity and diversity is a priority. We must also address the ever-increasing competition for talented faculty and students. Additionally, keeping pace with changing accreditation and regulatory requirements is crucial. Sustainability and environmental concerns are growing issues. Navigating these challenges requires agile strategic planning, innovative teaching methodologies, and a commitment to staying responsive to the evolving needs of students and society while upholding our core values of academic excellence and social responsibility.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

My advice to the youth and aspiring students is to cultivate a growth mindset, embracing lifelong learning and adaptability in our rapidly changing world. Seek to broaden your horizons beyond academics, engaging in extracurricular activities, community service, and internships to gain diverse experiences. Develop strong communication and critical thinking skills, as these are essential in any field. Pursue your passions with dedication and persevere in the face of challenges. Remember that success often involves setbacks, which are opportunities for growth. Lastly, foster a sense of social responsibility, aiming not only for personal success but also to make a positive impact on the world around you.

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for St.Mary's Group of Institutions' international affairs and/or students?

We are actively working on plans to enhance St.Mary's Group of Institutions' international presence and student experiences. This includes expanding partnerships with renowned global institutions to facilitate student exchanges, joint research projects, and international internships. We are also developing comprehensive support services for international students, ensuring a smooth transition and a vibrant multicultural campus environment. Language proficiency programs, cross-cultural workshops, and global leadership opportunities are in the pipeline. Moreover, we aim to strengthen our commitment to sustainability by collaborating on international environmental initiatives. These plans align with our vision to provide students with a truly global education and prepare them for a diverse and interconnected world.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute/ university?

Fostering a healthy university environment is paramount. I prioritize open and transparent communication, encouraging dialogue between students, faculty, and staff. Active engagement with student clubs, faculty associations, and administrative bodies ensures inclusivity. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination and harassment, promoting diversity and tolerance. Mental health and well-being programs are readily available, destigmatizing seeking support. Faculty and staff development programs encourage professional growth. Creating spaces for collaboration, innovation, and relaxation on campus enhances the overall atmosphere. Ultimately, my goal is to create a harmonious and supportive environment where everyone feels valued, safe, and empowered to excel academically and personally.