Mr. Bala Krishna Annaluri is the Principal of the Backstage Pass Institute of Gaming and Technology. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Electronics from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Master of Computer Applications (MCA) from Osmania University and Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Computer Science from JNTU Hyderabad. He has over 20 years of Industry and Teaching experience out of which around 16 years of experience in administration at various cadres like Member of Board of Studies, HOD and Principal. He worked as a corporate trainer to train fresh and need based project associates at various organizations like Wipro, Satyam Learning Centre, Intergraph Technologies, Verizon etc. He extended his knowledge by publishing papers in various conferences and journals. His area of specialization is Game Engine Programming, Gameplay Programming, Simulation Systems and Game Development.

Backstage Pass Institute of Gaming and Technology

What is the latest program that you are offering in your institute/ dept. which will help students outperform and stand apart from the crowd?

At Backstage Pass, we offer a range of cutting-edge gaming programs that empower students to excel and distinguish themselves. Our courses delve into the dynamic domains of game art, game design, and game programming, coupled with the latest technology advancements. These offerings represent innovations within the industry, having been introduced in 2010. They are available at the bachelor's, advanced diploma, and master's levels. Recently, we've launched a master's program dedicated to game technology. This program places a primary emphasis on game development and game design principles, equipping students with the skills to thrive in the gaming industry. Additionally, we now provide a bachelor's program specializing in AR VR Technology. This program focuses on the foundations of augmented reality and virtual reality, encompassing the essential arts and programming skills required for developing AR and VR applications.

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt for?

In the present day, gaming courses have emerged as a relatively novel field of study. However, the gaming industry is experiencing exponential growth. Simultaneously, the availability of courses and institutions providing such specialized education remains limited. Consequently, the industry is grappling with a significant shortage of skilled professionals, leading to a pronounced gap in the transition of talent. This situation creates a surplus of job opportunities within the gaming sector. However, the supply of individuals possessing the requisite skills and qualifications is notably deficient. Those individuals who possess fundamental expertise in game art, design, or programming can readily secure employment opportunities within this flourishing industry. The outlook for career prospects is quite promising for individuals equipped with these foundational skill sets.

What will you say are the “best practices” in the course you’re offering?

The courses we offer are delivered by industry experts, ensuring that they are entirely practical and geared towards real-world applications. To further enhance the learning experience, we boast our own in-house incubator. This invaluable resource empowers students to transform their creative ideas into actual games. In this journey, we furnish students with the essential infrastructure, comprehensive support, mentorship, and guidance. We take pride in nurturing our students right from the inception of their education, assisting them in building portfolios that prove highly advantageous during interviews, internships, placement opportunities, and graduation. Our institute maintains strong and enduring connections with the gaming industry, eliminating any divide between academia and the professional world. As a result, our students are seamlessly integrated into the industry, commencing their careers in game development studios from the very first day of their enrollment.

What are some valuable insights of the program that you are offering at your institute/ dept.?

At our institute, we offer a diverse array of highly specialized courses catering to various facets of game development. Game development comprises distinct disciplines, such as game art, game design, and game programming, each demanding unique skill sets and interests. To comprehensively address these diverse disciplines, we provide specialized courses. Firstly, we have a dedicated Game Art and Design course, which places a strong emphasis on the artistic and design aspects of game development. Secondly, we offer a course that amalgamates computer science with game design and game programming, encompassing a holistic approach to the technological and creative dimensions of game development. Additionally, we present a course that centers on application development, with a focus on foundational knowledge in art, programming, and design concepts essential for creating AR-VR applications. Furthermore, we facilitate the building of students' portfolios in Adobe, further enhancing their skills and showcasing their talents for future career opportunities.

How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?

The programs we offer at Backstage Pass are meticulously designed to equip students for a successful future in the gaming industry. Our unique approach to mentoring, provided by industry experts, ensures that students are well-versed in the latest tools and technologies integral to the day-to-day operations of the industry. This real-world exposure enables our students to adapt seamlessly to the demands of the industry. Moreover, our course content and syllabus are custom-tailored to align with industry requirements. This alignment allows our students to initiate their careers while still pursuing their education, through opportunities such as internships or placements. It's a testament to our commitment to preparing students for a promising future in the gaming sector.

Check Backstage Pass Institute of Gaming and Technology Courses & Fees

How did you train yourself/ faculty to deliver this program to the students?

The process of training our faculty to effectively deliver this program is centered around several key aspects. Firstly, our faculty members are industry experts, and this expertise is fundamental to their ability to impart practical knowledge to the students. Secondly, our teaching environment is distinctive in that classrooms and labs are seamlessly integrated. This arrangement allows mentors to convey concepts to students and immediately guide them in applying those concepts to real-world applications. This hands-on approach ensures that the learning process is practical and immediate. It eliminates the need for traditional methods of theoretical instruction, followed by separate practical exercises. Instead, our faculty can demonstrate and teach in a dynamic and interactive manner, resulting in an enhanced learning experience for our students. Additionally, our faculty actively assist students in constructing their portfolios, ensuring they are well-prepared for their future careers.

How do you tend to build an industry connection with this program? 

Our program places a strong emphasis on forging robust connections with the gaming industry. One key aspect of this approach is our faculty, composed entirely of industry professionals, who bring their vast experience and network to the educational arena. We also extend our industry network by inviting resource people directly from the industry to facilitate workshops and deliver guest lectures. These engagements provide students with valuable insights and firsthand knowledge of the gaming field. Furthermore, we organize studio visits for our students, enabling them to immerse themselves in the game development environment and gain a deep understanding of the entire development process within game studios. Additionally, we actively encourage our students to participate in various game development and game design events and conferences such as IGC, Global Game Jam, Imagine, Casual Connect, and more. This involvement ensures that our students are consistently immersed in industry-related activities and stay well-connected with the gaming sector.

What were the challenges that you faced while inculcating this program in your curriculum?

Certainly, when we initially introduced these courses, we encountered several formidable challenges. The foremost challenge was the absence of developed content and curriculum for this program. We embarked on a journey to build a comprehensive curriculum from scratch, commencing with foundational courses and progressing through basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. To overcome this hurdle, we engaged in extensive consultations with industry experts from various domains, collaboratively shaping the program's content. The second challenge revolved around delivering this newly crafted content. Finding suitable resources, particularly mentors from the industry, was a significant obstacle. It required considerable effort to identify and secure proficient mentors willing to teach the program within our institution. Another substantial challenge we faced was persuading both parents and students to embrace these courses. Back then, there was a lack of awareness about the gaming industry, its growth potential, and the career opportunities it offered. Convincing parents and students of the viability and promise of these courses was a demanding task. However, the landscape has transformed over time. Presently, there is heightened awareness about the gaming industry, with numerous programs and initiatives in place. Both state and central governments are actively supporting the gaming sector by offering incentives and facilities. This heightened awareness has eased the task of convincing students and parents, but in the past, the lack of awareness about the industry and its job prospects posed a formidable challenge.

What are the types of projects that the students are working on through this program?

Our primary focus is centered on gaming and game development, which naturally leads our students to engage in a wide array of game-related projects. Within this program, students are actively involved in diverse projects that span the entire spectrum of the gaming industry. These projects encompass the development of mobile games, PC-based games, and console-based games. Additionally, our students work on applications across various genres and domains, showcasing their versatility and proficiency in this dynamic field.

What are the benefits and career options after pursuing this course?

Certainly, the gaming industry is experiencing robust growth with the emergence of new establishments and studios. Additionally, the adoption of gamification is a notable trend in the gaming sector. However, a critical challenge faced by the industry is the scarcity of trained and skilled professionals. The number of colleges and universities offering relevant courses remains limited. For individuals who harbor an interest in gaming and aspire to embark on a career in this field, the current period is indeed opportune. Backstage Pass stands out as the premier institution for acquiring the requisite knowledge and skills to commence a successful career in the gaming industry. Graduates of our program can explore a range of career options, including game programmers, game developers, game artists, and application developers, tailoring their path according to their interests and industry demands. It's a prime time to seize the abundant career opportunities presented by the flourishing gaming industry.