Mr. Lakshmana Nayak Badavathu is a distinguished academician and able administrator with more than 18 years of experience. He has grown from the ranks right here in the institute, starting his teaching career as a professor in the year 2006. He obtained his Master's from JNTU, Kakinada. He has published 19 research papers in various reputed National and International journals, besides a couple of patents to his credit. In his impressive teaching and administrative career, he has consistently promoted innovative teaching practices and imaginative thinking. He has endeared himself to his students and colleagues alike through his affable nature and empathetic leadership style. He attended 20 Workshops.

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Being a Head of Department of the college, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

To oversee the smooth functioning of the department and ensure consistent provision for academic ambiance. To manage and motivate all departmental staff, to enable the students to receive skilled education in the subject, in a positive, encouraging, and effective working environment.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

I tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty by knowing my students, communicating often, listening to their work-related problems, constructive feedback, making learning fun and practical, creating a positive classroom climate, believing that all students can succeed, interviewing the student, incorporate storytelling into lessons. 

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry-oriented?

I strongly believe that every subject in the respective stream curriculum is designed for theoretical and practical approaches. The only difference we should follow is how to deliver the practical topic with visualization along with hands-on sessions. 

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students that help them gain the necessary skills? 

Encouraging active learning with advanced teaching tools, giving prompt feedback to staff and students, train the students to understand with experiential learning and practical approach.

How do you help your student to cope with the competition being so high in the outside world? 

We believe conceptual education is most important, rather than holding a degree without knowledge in the particular stream he/she pursues. We train our students towards technological improvements and make them stand prior from all.

Check Vikas College of Engineering & Technology Scholarship

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?

We train our students regularly on a semester basis like the course they are being studied in their semesters will be their extra skill train-up courses.

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education in your department? 

I deal with Electrical Engineering. As all of us know the core branches are being closed due to job recession and knowledge of course. This is hitting hard for every college related to core branches. We contact many of the parents and students to improve awareness of this concept.

How does the curriculum of your department/college ensure the best practice of the industry? 

The curriculum of the college ensures the best practices of the industry by preparing a schedule of instruction (teaching plan), on-time curriculum delivery, monitoring process, process to identify slow learners, encouragement of active learners, and feedback process.

How does the department/ college/University enhance the skills of the faculty and prepare them according to the industry standards? 

The design of curricula and the evaluation of teaching and learning should be the collective responsibilities of faculty in individual departments or, where appropriate, performed through other interdepartmental arrangements.

Scholarly activities that focus on improving teaching and learning should be recognized as bona fide endeavors that are equivalent to other scholarly pursuits. Scholarships devoted to improving teaching effectiveness and learning should be accorded the same administrative and collegial support that is available for efforts to improve other research and service endeavors.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead? 

Though college is a great opportunity to learn life skills, it's also a time when you're surrounded by several resources and individuals ready to help you advance in your field. As a college student, taking career advice in particular can help you feel more equipped upon graduation. It can also help you become more confident in your skills and ensure you've chosen the right field as well as guide you toward making helpful career decisions.