Dr. Ashok Kumar is the Head of the Department of Computer Science Engineering at Vikas College of Engineering and Technology. He is a distinguished academician and an able administrator with more than 15 years of experience. He has grown from the ranks right here at the institute, starting his teaching career as an Assistant Professor in 2007. Dr. Kumar obtained his graduation in 2017 from the Nimra Institute of Science and Technology. Thereafter, he got his PhD from Bharat University, Tamil Nadu. In his impressive teaching and administrative career, Dr. Ashok has consistently promoted innovative teaching practises and imaginative thinking. He has endeared himself to his students and colleagues alike through his affable nature and empathetic leadership style.

Vikas College of Engineering

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt?

Our program is computer science and engineering. Nowadays, everyone is looking towards earning a CSE degree solely for the opportunities it offers. We feel it is our responsibility to meet this demand among students. We have put in all efforts to provide quality, updated education and create engineers who have all the right skills to work in the industry. Our efforts have paid off as our student population has increased significantly over the years.

What are the best practices in the program you are doing?

The best part of our program is the curriculum. We have full control over it, and we add and change our courses according to our needs. We have focused on learning programming languages and allotted a significant amount of time to practicals. We encourage our students to take the time to practise their theory classes on their own in our labs. This helps polish their coding skills and prepares them to handle real world case studies.

How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?

The best part of our program is that we do not focus just on the curriculum. We also provide them with extra training sessions and classes that will help them in their careers. We conduct guest lectures through our industry connections and invite experts to talk with our students. We even invite professors from other universities to give special lectures. All of these together are meant to benefit our students in addition to our classes. We also put in investment to provide the best software and teach the latest programming language to our students.

Check Vikas College of Engineering & Technology Courses & Fees

How do you tend to build industry connect by the programs?

We have MOUs with companies like EBAM for skills exchange. We have experts from these companies come to our campus and give lectures. We have similar arrangements with TCS as well. This is meant only for our CST students, for whom experts visit our campus to give lectures. Companies like IBM also help our students with internships and placements.

What were the challenges that you faced while inculcating this program in your curriculum?

The biggest challenge for us would be the students who migrate to CSE solely for the job opportunities they feel like it offers. However, CSE is a demanding field, and one needs to put in a lot of work to succeed. It is also a challenge to get our students to take part in different projects. We try to encourage them to be more responsible and see the project through to the finish, as it will be in their job search later. All of these things are primarily carried out by our placement’s office, including our placement liner, and placement officer. They are a big team and work together to address these challenges.

What are the types of projects that students are working on this program?

We encourage all my students to go for internships and industry connected internships. Our students complete internships for two to six months at companies like EPM, Real Value Labs, CISCO, and IBM. During these internships, they get the opportunity to work on different projects and assist seniors as well. Once these internships transform into full-time jobs, these projects are transformed into personal projects. They use the latest technology and get their work published in reputed journals as well. Our previous batches have also presented papers at different conferences and won badges for them.