Mr. Udit Narain has been working as the Managing Director of Naraina Vidya Peeth Engineering & Management Institute, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. He has over 10 years of work experience in the Education industry. As part of his education, he has done Graduation in Technology from SRM University of Chennai and MBA from Purdue University.

Naraina group of Institutions

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

Being an integral part of the educational world for over a decade, especially in leadership roles, has been quite a fulfilling and inspiring journey for me. And the main driving forces behind my long association with the dynamic academic sector are my deep passion to educate youths of our society and dedication to positively influence numerous lives. To be honest, I see myself less as an educator and more of a guide, confidant and companion for students. Lastly, witnessing my students flourish in their careers and contribute to job creation fills me with immense pride.

In your opinion, how does the traditional education system influence learning patterns in students?

It's already known to all of us that the traditional education system often focuses on learning that declines with age. But, since we are living in an era where lifelong learning is crucial, especially keeping in mind the potential disruptions in careers. And hence government initiatives like the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 can have a transformative impact if we collectively commit to implement it. 

Apart from this, fundamental changes by education providers and acknowledgment from parents about the challenges and the value of educators is must. In other words, a shift in mindset regarding educational investments is crucial to meet requirements and reduce hurdles of not only present but future also.

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the effective integration of industry best practices?

While designing and updating the curriculum of our institution, our first step always starts with defining end goals or program outcomes which students should achieve throughout their respective course duration. Hence, besides imparting required knowledge and skills, we emphasize a lot on the development of students character and overall personality. 

And in today's dynamic, competitive and highly unpredictable world, complex global issues often ask for solutions that go beyond just knowledge and skills. Therefore, we offer numerous vocational courses to prepare students for hurdles of professional life and promote the culture of continuous learning and adaptability among them for their successful careers. Last but not the least, building networks within the college fosters both cognitive and non-cognitive peer support, enhancing teamwork.

Check Naraina Vidya Peeth Engineering & Management Institute Courses & Fees

Why maintaining an inclusive environment for students on campus is crucial for institutions?

A diverse, equal and inclusive environment plays a vital role in enhancing the overall learning experience of students and are also the foundational pillars of a thriving community, in all countries. Also, it's equally important for educational institutions to embed these values in students, because they are not only our next generation but the future of our nation too. Apart from this, Schools should be places where these values are openly discussed, laying the groundwork for an inclusive society.

What valuable advice would you offer to current youths and aspiring students?

As I strongly believe that the unasked questions often outweigh the unquestioned answers. Hence I would advise my dear students to remain curious, ask questions as it's a powerful tool for learning and enhancing skills. Also, always remember that questions aren't limited to teachers and the most profound ones arise from self-reflection. 

So, treat your questions with reverence and seek answers that lead to meaningful insights. Last but not the least, formulate purposeful and coherent questions because aimless ones waste time and diminish the quest for answers.

How does your college keep its faculty motivated and up-to-date?

Our institution regularly encourages its teachers to enhance their skills and subject knowledge in accordance with development happenings in the outside world. Also, we recognize and celebrate our staff achievements through Excellence Awards. Also, Creativity guides these awards, integrating feedback to identify winners in various categories.

What makes your institution unique and different from others?

As we all are aware that exponential Technologies are reshaping our world and industries altogether post pandemic. And hence, understanding these technologies becomes crucial for aspiring Engineers. Therefore, we not only offer the finest quality education to students but also regularly conduct seminars to educate them about the latest trends, technologies and requirements of the industrial world. Hence, I would say our institution would prove to be the best place for youths to pursue their dreams.