Mr. Amit Narain is currently working as the Secretary of the Naraina Group of Institutions, Kanpur, and Naraina Medical College and Hospital, Kanpur. He has completed his schooling in Kanpur itself and has been involved in the education sector for over 20 years now. He is also serving on the board of directors of various companies which have interests in manufacturing and real estate. His education qualifications include a B.Sc. from CSJM University, Kanpur, and a M.Sc. from CSJM University, Kanpur.

Naraina group of Institutions

You've been deeply involved in education for over a decade, particularly in leadership roles. What keeps you connected to the education sector?

Being part of the educational world for so long has been incredibly fulfilling. What drives me is my passion for education. It's more than just teaching; I see myself as a mentor and friend to my students. Seeing them succeed and make a positive impact in the world is what motivates me every day.

How can inbound students benefit from studying at your college, considering the differences in education systems between India and other countries?

Traditional education tends to focus on learning that can become outdated, but in today's world, lifelong learning is essential. Encouraging a love for learning from an early age is key. Initiatives like the National Education Policy of 2020 have the potential to bring about significant change if we all commit to them. This requires a shift in mindset from both educators and parents, recognizing the value of lifelong learning.

How does your college ensure that students learn industry best practices effectively?

Our curriculum is designed with clear goals in mind - what we want our students to achieve by the time they graduate. We don't just focus on knowledge and skills; we also emphasize character development. In today's world, solving complex problems requires more than just technical know-how. Our courses prepare students for the professional world while promoting continuous learning and adaptability. Building a strong network within the college enhances teamwork and support among peers. Ultimately, we want to inspire a journey of innovation and progress.

Check Naraina Group of Institutions Faculty

What strategies can your university use to create a more inclusive environment for students from diverse backgrounds?

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are fundamental to a thriving community, especially in a diverse country like ours. These values need to be ingrained in the fabric of our educational institutions. Schools should be places where diversity is celebrated and discussions about inclusion are encouraged, laying the foundation for a more inclusive society.

What advice do you have for current youth and aspiring students?

Dear Students, don't be afraid to ask questions. Questions are a powerful tool for learning and growth. Seek answers not only from your teachers but also from within yourself. Ask meaningful questions that lead to deeper insights. And remember, it's okay to not have all the answers.

What do you see as the greatest strengths of your college?

One of our biggest strengths is our commitment to continuous improvement. We encourage our teachers to always strive for excellence and recognize their achievements through initiatives like the Excellence Awards. These awards celebrate creativity and innovation, driving us to always do better.

What aspects of your university do you feel are often overlooked?

In today's rapidly changing world, understanding emerging technologies is crucial, especially for future engineers. We've hosted seminars to address these topics, providing students with valuable insights into the future of their fields. We're excited to embark on this journey with our students and help them navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead.