Mr. Priyesh Pagaria, the Director General, has proved his mantle in various businesses, apart from playing a strategic role in managing the brand value of MATS University before the spectrum of stakeholders. He holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor's in Business Management. He joined his family businesses at a very early age and handled various profiles, especially in Project Management, across various sectors including Real Estate, Mining, Hospitality, Power Generation & Distribution, Plastic Manufacturing, and Warehousing.

MATS University, Raipur

With the high competition, how do you guide your students to survive in such a competitive scenario?

Competition is a natural part of life—it’s all about survival of the fittest. I always advise my students to take some time for themselves to discover what makes them unique. They need to ask themselves questions like, What makes me happy? Where can I innovate? This self-discovery process helps them find clarity and strengthen their inner selves. I also tell them not to fear failure because it’s a natural part of learning and growing. If they can handle setbacks with grace and resilience, they’ll be better equipped to face any challenge that comes their way.

What according to you is the meaning of Failure? And, how do you motivate a student to overcome this feeling?

For me, failure is the stage when a person loses hope of achieving what he intended to. Every generation comes with its pluses and minuses along with its typical thought process. When we started, we had students who were hard-working and mostly guided by their parental-peer influences, educational goals & life goals. Fast forward the millennials do have life goals but no education goals and get depressed easily without giving much of a fight if I have to generalize. Nevertheless, to motivate the students to overcome this feeling, I advise them that before stamping themselves as “failed”, they need to first certify themselves as giving 100% of their efforts and leaving no stones unturned barring those that were beyond the control of their physical

or mental prowess. The reasoning is simple. If they do this honestly, they heal themselves automatically in the process and can keep depression at bay. I ask them to gaze at Failure as a signal to do a two-level exercise – first, to revisit the plan & take a realistic stock of the resources, and second, based on the first level exercise, they should either choose to make another attempt or change their course of action by being thoughtful of the fact that dream is a set of three elements - skill, passion, and resources in the right proportion. Any imbalance among the elements proves to be disastrous. Life is all about experiments but the number of experiments has to be restricted. If they allow the feeling of depression or retreat to seep into their system through the fissure created by the failure, then they will only exacerbate their failure. 

How does the curriculum of MATS University, Raipur ensure the best practices of the industry?

At MATS University, we believe in constantly updating our curriculum to stay ahead of the curve. We gather feedback from all stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, alumni, employers, and industry experts. This feedback helps us keep our curriculum relevant and ensures our students are well-prepared for the demands of the industry.

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How do you tend to establish relationships with the students being the Director General of MATS University, Raipur? How do you make yourself available to them?

Before building relationships with students, I make sure I provide them with a positive and supportive environment to thrive in. I have an open-door policy, which means students can come to me anytime with their concerns or ideas. Our department heads also follow this policy, creating a ripple effect of accessibility throughout the university. We also take regular feedback from students to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are met.

What goals do you have in your mind for your college for the next few years?

Over the next few years, our goal is to make MATS University more student-focused and professor-centric. We want to create an environment where professors and students are empowered to excel in their respective fields. This includes expanding research opportunities, improving infrastructure, and enhancing our digital presence to reach a wider audience.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

My advice to today’s youth is to have a Plan B and to make decisions based on rational thinking rather than blindly following others. It’s important to recognize your strengths and limitations and to prioritize your goals accordingly. Remember, success often comes after overcoming failure, so don’t be afraid to take risks and learn from your mistakes.