Arpan Anand, Ph.D., is an accomplished Assistant Professor of Marketing at Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, known for his unique teaching style and expertise in the fields of Sales and Business Development, Family Business, Sustainability, and Tourism. Arpan holds Ph.D. in Family SME Internationalization and Master's degrees in Management and Commerce, along with a prestigious NET certification in Management, Arpan combines his strong educational background with a passion for empowering students.

With a focus on creating an interactive learning environment, Arpan's teaching style captivates students and ensures their deep understanding of marketing concepts. His innovative pedagogical methods, enriched with real-world examples and practical applications, make learning an engaging and enjoyable experience.

As a prolific researcher, Arpan Anand has made significant contributions to the realms of Family Business, Sustainability, and Tourism. His scholarly work has been published in renowned journals, providing valuable insights to the academic community and industry professionals alike. 

Arpan's expertise extends beyond academia, as he actively engages in conferences and industry events as a keynote speaker, panelist, and workshop facilitator. He has constantly been delivering Faculty Development Programs on IQAC, Case Teaching, AACSB/NBA/NAAC accreditations, and Academic Research workshops. His ability to bridge theory and practice, combined with his enthusiasm for marketing, Family Business, Sustainability, and Tourism, has garnered recognition and appreciation from both scholars and industry professionals. With his dedication to teaching, research, and promoting sustainable business practices, Arpan Anand has established himself as a highly respected figure in the academic community. 

With expertise in sales techniques, Mr. Anand has personally coached business owners, big sales teams, mid-level executives, and sales rookies. Furthermore, besides being open to all sales webinars, he has also imparted sales training to various corporates like BHEL, Axis Bank Ltd., Airtel, Ujjivan small finance bank, and more.

Jaipuria Institute of Management noida

Being a Faculty of the Department, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

As a faculty member in the marketing department at Jaipuria Noida, I am committed to providing top-notch education to my students. To achieve this, I design and deliver engaging lectures, seminars, and workshops that help students develop their marketing skills and knowledge. Additionally, I prepare assignments and exams that focus on real-world problems, assessing my students' skill levels and developing problem-solving capabilities. I also provide continuous feedback to my students on their performance and progress and offer suggestions for improvement to ensure they achieve their goals.

Apart from teaching, I also mentor and advise students on academic and career matters. I actively engage in research to stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and developments, contributing to the knowledge base of the field. I actively participate in various departmental and institutional activities, including faculty meetings, committees, and event organizations.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

Building positive relationships with students and fellow faculty members is an important aspect of my role at Jaipuria Noida. Communication is key to building relationships, so I strive to be approachable and available to my students and colleagues. I also believe in demonstrating a genuine interest in my student’s academic progress and career aspirations to build a strong relationship with them. 

I try to create a positive and inclusive classroom environment is another way to establish healthy relationships with students. I encourage participation and collaboration among students and model respectful behaviour myself. In addition, I participate in extracurricular activities that involve students, such as clubs, societies, and sports events, which helps me get to know my students on a personal level and establish a positive rapport with them.

Similarly, I take an interest in my colleagues, their research and issues and provide support wherever possible. I seek opportunities to collaborate with them on research, teaching, or service projects not only help me build professional relationships but also enhance the quality of my work. 

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects and make it industry-oriented?

To bring a practical and industry-oriented approach to my teaching, I employ a variety of strategies to help my students develop the skills and knowledge for success. One of the most effective strategies is incorporating real-world examples into my lectures to help students understand how to apply concepts. I invite guest speakers from the industry to speak in my class and share their insights, tips, and advice with my students.

All assigned projects and case studies are based on real-world problems and scenarios. Students develop a problem-solving attitude and analytical skills while getting a taste of what it's like to work in the industry. Furthermore, the students undertake internships, live projects or field visits to companies in their field of interest. This provides them with the opportunity to gain insights into the industry and build a network.

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How do you strategize the curriculum and how often does it get updated to make it befitting for the students?

As an assistant professor of marketing, it is crucial to strategize the curriculum to meet the evolving needs of students and the industry. We start by analyzing industry trends, and job market demands, and getting feedback from alumni to identify the specific knowledge, skills, and competencies students need to learn in the course.

Thereafter based on our learning objectives we develop our course content like lectures, case studies, projects, and assignments. We also have different stakeholders like recruiters, alumni, and senior academicians assisting us. We have designed our assessment methods such as exams, assignments, and presentations to reflect the learning objectives and assess students’ understanding of the course content.

We collect feedback from students, colleagues, and industry professionals to determine the effectiveness of the course and identify areas for improvement. We also regularly update the course content, assessment methods, and learning objectives accordingly. 

By following these steps, we ensure that the curriculum is optimized to meet the evolving needs of the industry and the students. This approach prepares our students for the job market and maximizes their success in marketing.

How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

As an assistant professor of marketing, helping students cope with competition in the outside world is a major responsibility. I believe in fostering a growth mindset among my students, where they understand hard work and perseverance are necessary for success. This helps students embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for growth. 

Each student has different needs and learning styles, so it’s essential to provide personalized support. I offer one-on-one sessions, office hours, and regular feedback to ensure that students are receiving the support they need.

We also facilitate collaborative learning because collaboration can help students learn from one another, and develop teamwork skills, and a sense of community. We also focus on practical skills as they are essential for success in the job market. I incorporate practical assignments, case studies, and real-world examples to meet this goal.

We encourage our students to network and career development are crucial for success in the job market by attending career fairs, networking with professionals in the industry, and pursuing internships or other opportunities to gain practical experience. Our students are encouraged to keep continuously improving their skills and knowledge to stay competitive. This can include taking additional courses, pursuing certifications, and attending industry conferences.

How does the curriculum of your department/college ensure the best practice of the industry?

The curriculum of our department/college is designed to ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and competencies required by the industry. As mentioned above, our curriculum is developed in collaboration with industry professionals who provide input on the latest trends and practices. This ensures that the curriculum meets industry standards and stays relevant. 

We emphasize on practical learning through case studies and projects that are based on real-world scenarios. Course such as digital marketing, market research, consumer behavior, and brand management provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to address the challenges of the industry.

We have regular visits from industry professionals to conduct guest lectures and workshops on the latest industry practices and trends. This provides students with insights into the latest developments in the industry. Students undertake internships and industry projects, where they get hands-on experience and exposure to the industry. 

How does the department/ college/University enhance the skills of the faculty and prepares them according to industry standards?

Our college takes up several initiatives for the betterment of the faculty, to keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date and relevant to the industry standards. The departments several organizes workshops and training programs on the latest industry trends and practices. They also provide opportunities for the faculty to learn new skills and enhance their existing skills. The faculty are strongly encouraged to attend conferences and seminars to network and keep up to date with the latest trends. Several faculty member receive incentives to participate in research and publish papers in reputed journals and participate in collaborative projects. 

Besides the students, the faculty members also organize and attend industry visits. This helps them to keep polishing their skills and learn new ones. By supporting the professional development of faculty members, the department/college ensures that its faculty members are well-equipped to deliver high-quality education to students and make valuable contributions to the industry.

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What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from the curriculum to train/teach the students?

Apart from the curriculum, there are several interventions and approaches that are used by the college to train and teach students. Our experiential learning approach is a hands-on way to learn that involves actively engaging students in practical experiences through simulations, role-playing, and case studies. We also have group projects that promote collaborative learning among our students and to develop teamwork and communication skills. By working together in groups, our students learn from each other and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Industry visits and guest lectures provide our students with real-world examples and insights into the applications of the subject matter. We regularly organize professional development workshops to assist our students develop a range of skills for their success in the industry. These workshops are essential to gain practical tips and strategies for navigating the workplace. Furthermore, we have mentorship programs that guide and support the students by experienced professionals. 

Overall, there are many interventions and approaches that can be used to supplement the curriculum and enhance the learning experience for students. Our overall aim is to help our students develop a range of skills and competencies that are essential for success in the industry.

What do you see as the department’s/ college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

When it comes to our Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida, our greatest strengths are in our team of dedicated faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, our diverse student community, and excellent job placement opportunities. Our faculty members are highly experienced and accomplished professionals who are committed to providing students with a quality education. 

In addition to the faculty, our college boasts of state-of-the-art infrastructure that includes modern classrooms, well-equipped data science laboratories, and access to the latest technologies. This infrastructure is designed to provide students with a holistic and immersive learning experience that enhances their skills and knowledge. Our college is proud of have a diverse student community. Students from different backgrounds and cultures come together to learn and collaborate, creating a vibrant and inclusive learning environment.

Perhaps one of the greatest strengths of our college is our excellent job placement record. We have a strong network of industry partners who offer internships, projects, and job placements to our students. Our placements team works closely with these partners to ensure that our students are well-prepared and have the necessary skills to succeed in the job market. 

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

I would like to advise the students to develop a growth mindset that emphasizes learning, experimentation, and improvement. This mindset can help you stay motivated, resilient, and adaptable in the face of challenges. It is important to identify one’s passion and pursue it. When you enjoy what you do, you are more likely to be committed to it and be more engaged. 

Building a professional network can help you find job opportunities, gain insights and advice, and expand your knowledge and skills. Additionally, focus on developing transferable skills such as communication, critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving. These skills can be applied to a wide range of roles and industries and can help you stand out in the job market.

In today’s rapidly changing world, it is essential to embrace lifelong learning. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things. Sometimes the greatest opportunities and learning experiences come from stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking on new challenges.