Dr. R. Jayanthi MA, MPhil, Ph.D., is the head of the Tamil department. She did her under graduation from Sharadha college Salem and she did her M.Phil. at bharathiyar university and Ph.D., from Ramakrishna mission Vidyalaya. She had 15 years in the education industry. She had published 3 international research papers in her specialization of Tamil.

Dr. R. V. Arts and Science College

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

"Help students learn at their level"

My leadership quality is to help students improve their Tamil debate skills, and as a head of the department, I have many more roles and obligations to help students learn at their level. I'm good at forming teams, and as a head, I always meet with my colleague faculty to bridge the gap between us.

What are some plans that you are currently (or will be) designing for students?

"My goal is to bring more students to receive awards"

We designed the Ilakiya Vattam Group for the Tamil department students. We host a debating event for the birthdays of Gandhi and Bharathiyar. To advance students' understanding and encourage them to travel outside of the campus as well as to encourage Coimbatore's Vasanthavsal Kavi Mandram to participate and feel inspired. Out-of-college students will be encouraged to advance their careers, according to Andumalar Kavithai. For the Tamil debate program, our college students received more awards than students from other colleges, and my goal is to bring more students to receive awards.

How does your college prepare students for placements?

"Motivate students to excel during drive-in and drive-out campus placements"

We offer the top placement instructors that can motivate students to excel during drive-in and drive-out campus placements. To encourage the students, our colleague faculties used to take part in placement training. The majority of alumni will support current students' placements and improve their employment skills 90% of students got placed last year and based on last year's placement result we had a good number of admissions for this academic year.

Do you have any extracurricular activities or programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?

"We have separate clubs for Tamil debate and based on Tamil mandram we do all activities"

We teach people how to read, talk, and improve their reading skills. We provide themes for songs, skits, and plays that students wish to perform; these extracurricular activities involve performing outside of college, reading books, creating stories in Tamil, and participating in seminars and internships that improve Tamil language proficiency. We have separate clubs for Tamil debate and based on Tamil mandram we do all activities. We have a Tamil club and a music club as well.

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What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education at your college?

"Students must continue to read the news and practice their Tamil"

English-medium students are the main issue. They don’t have reading habits. How do they read without using a writing format? The majority of the students are from English-medium, making it particularly difficult to teach and help them understand. We have a strategy to help them understand that students must continue to read the news and practice their Tamil.

When you came to college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

"My biggest goal is to help students acquire the high-quality interpersonal skill"

My biggest goal is to help students acquire high-quality interpersonal skills so they can: We only have a Tamil department to compete for awards in the second year, but I'd like to expand it to the final year so that I can help more students develop their personalities and compete for awards in Tamil debate, which is my vision and goal for my lifetime achievements.

How does the department/college enhance the skills of the faculty and prepare them according to industry standards?

"The majority of experienced staff visit our campus to demonstrate the best methods for dealing with students and fostering a love of Tamil debate"

Faculty development programs are essential, and other college staff frequently visit our campus to give guest lectures. We also accept sponsorships to further our professional development, and the majority of experienced staff visit our campus to demonstrate the best methods for dealing with students and fostering a love of Tamil debate. We do encourage the other faculty members to participate in seminars and internships that include hands-on training to advance their knowledge.

What do you see as the college’s greatest strengths and how can be enhanced?

"We need to use management's assistance to identify the capable kids"

My college's greatest strength is independence. My college's main source of strength is stage performance for Izakaya Vattam. We need to use management's assistance to identify the capable kids even though they are sitting perfectly in class. students must shine before creating the best Tamil debate. The fact that my college has separate clubs for the Tamil department, programs for Tamil debates, and management that consistently encourages our department to win additional prizes is its greatest strength.

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What valuable advice would you like to give the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

"Students can also start their businesses, or else they can innovate something for real-life challenges"

Students should choose their academics and jobs separately because doing both at the same time is not necessary. They should take an innovative approach, such as showing that even students from the CSE department can work in the mechanical industry if they have the necessary expertise and develop the habit of upskilling in their area of interest. Students can also start their businesses, or else they can innovate something for real-life challenges. If it doesn't, they can still conduct business with a sound mind. They should build a steady existence. Students shouldn’t be dumb with one other study they should be innovative and should be an entrepreneur.