Mrs. P. Sheela is the Head of the CSE Department at West Godavari Institute of Science and Engineering. She holds an M.Tech in Computer Science from JNTUK and has over 18 years of work experience in the academic field. She has published five papers in national and international journals. She has participated in various faculty development programs.

West Godavari  Institute of Science and Engineering

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

Two professions that I admire are studying and teaching. Since concluding my post-graduation program, I have been employed in the education sector. In addition to teaching kids, my job as an educator requires me to stay up to date on current events and pick up new skills. create an environment that will encourage innovation, entrepreneurship, and research to solve societal problems. Our team of teaching strategies includes research, analytics, entrepreneurship, hybrid learning, artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and more, all to make sure that our students have the skills and expertise needed to work as managers and leaders in the global industry.

Being the HOD of West Godavari Institute of Sciences and Engineering what is your leadership philosophy? How would you describe your leadership style?

I base my leadership style on transparency and communication because I believe these qualities foster effective teamwork, build trust, and foster a healthy, varied work environment—all of which are essential to the success of the team. By assigning the appropriate responsibilities to the right individuals and giving them the assistance they need, I hope to build a cohesive, productive team. In addition, I demonstrate leadership by acting and making decisions in a transparent, fair, honest, and accountable manner toward my department’s staff members. I also treat everyone with respect and decency.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

India’s long tradition of innovation and research makes it a popular study-abroad option for students. The purpose of college instructional strategies is to support students in enhancing their ability to think critically and logically. Most engineering colleges regularly conduct conferences with subject area experts, alumni events, and corporate executive visits. The well-known affordability of higher education in India is another advantage of its excellent quality. Our college enhances learning through the use of both modern technologies and traditional teaching methods. Students in India have the opportunity to pursue a 360-degree education, which integrates classroom learning with extracurricular events like student-organized historical excursions across the city, annual festivals, and intercollegiate competitions. In the end, it fosters intellectual and personal development.

How does the curriculum of West Godavari Institute of Sciences and Engineering ensure the best practice of industry?

By inspiring students with moral principles, self-control, and a commitment to lifelong study, and creativity, WISE hopes to establish a standard for the industry. Innovation has a significant role in a company’s success on a global scale. Through the provision of chances for ongoing education, the entire organization assists staff in acquiring new competencies and staying current with industry developments. Participate in faculty activities, workshops, and seminars to broaden your skills through teamwork and perspective-sharing.

Check West Godavari Institute of Science and Engineering Scholarship

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next five years?

Being one of the highest-paying positions in the East Godavari District was the goal of the West Godavari Institute of Science and Engineering (WISE). Our institution’s students want to pursue research, grow into professional Andhra Pradesh businesspeople, and become well-known business owners.

What do you see as your Institute’s greatest strengths?

The activities included undergraduate research, classroom presentations, study abroad opportunities, internships, and practical laboratory experiments. The West Godavari Science and Engineering Institute. Dedicated teachers, well-planned facilities, innovative instructional techniques, full-time faculty, workshops featuring real-world experience, and academic visitors or guests.

What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?

It’s an amazing workplace and the most hospitable atmosphere to be a part of. A university that integrates academic and professional best practices is among the finest for students. In addition to having top-notch visiting and permanent teachers, we also host industry speakers as part of our distinguished leadership series.

Any message you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

Perspective shifting is an essential skill for students. Instead of upskilling, they must overcome the obstacles, quickly adapt, and reskill. Given current trends, students need to acquire the ability to quickly adjust to deal with future shock events or changes like COVID-19.