Dr. G. Sreenivasulu is the Head of the Department of Civil at Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology. He is a distinguished academician and able administrator with more than 14 years of experience. He has grown through the ranks at the institute, starting his teaching career as an Assistant Professor in 2007. Prior to assuming the position of HOD, he was a Lecturer at Sir M. Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

Dr. Sreenivasulu obtained his PhD at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and his master's at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 1999. He has published 54 research papers in various reputed national and international journals and has a couple of patents to his credit. In his impressive teaching and administrative career, he has consistently promoted innovative teaching practises and imaginative thinking.

Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering

Being a head of the department of your college, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

As the head of department (HOD) at college, I play a crucial role in ensuring the academic and administrative well-being of my department and, by extension, the success and satisfaction of our students. My roles and responsibilities towards the students include academic leadership, faculty development, student advising, resource management, program assessment, student engagement, crisis management, communication, collaboration, adherence to college policies, innovation and adaptation. My role is not only administrative but also educational. I am responsible for creating an environment where students can excel academically and personally, and where faculty can thrive in their teaching and research. My leadership and support can greatly influence the quality of education and the overall student experience within the department.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty? 

Establishing healthy relations with students and fellow faculty is essential for creating a positive and productive academic environment. As the head of the department, I adopt several strategies to build and maintain these relationships. I try to be approachable by students, have effective communication, listen actively to the student's problems, be a supportive mentor, and engage in collaborative decision-making. I also recognize and celebrate achievements, promote a positive work and learning environment, empower the faculty and student initiatives, regular feedback from students, professional development and collaborative projects. By consistently demonstrating my commitment to the well-being and success of students and faculty, I can foster a positive and collaborative environment within my department. Building strong relationships is essential for effective leadership and ensuring that everyone can thrive academically and professionally.

How do you try to bring in practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented?

To bring a practical and industry-oriented approach to subjects within the department as the head of the department, I can take several steps, like curriculum design and review, making an industry advisory board, and conducting guest lectures and workshops. I also work at encouraging collaborative research, industry-linked projects, professional development workshops, industry certification programs, and providing career services and placement support. We also have collaborations with research and development centres, have a feedback mechanism for assessment and continuous improvement, and promote entrepreneurship and mentorship programs. By implementing these strategies, I can infuse a practical and industry-oriented approach into the subjects and programmes offered by our department. This not only enhances the education that is provided but also increases the employability and success of our students in the real world.

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students which help them gain necessary skills? 

To help students gain the necessary skills for success, academic departments must implement various best practises. These practises can contribute to the holistic development of students and prepare them for the challenges of their chosen fields. Some of the best practises that we can offer to students are our skills-based curriculum, conducting professional development workshops, industry guest lectures, and providing research opportunities. We also have student clubs and organizations, e-portfolios, assessment and feedback, technology and digital literacy, networking opportunities and a collaborative learning system. Our departments are continuously adapting and improving their practises to meet the changing needs of students and the evolving job market. By implementing these best practises, departments can better equip students with the skills they need to succeed in their careers and make meaningful contributions to their chosen fields.

How do you strategize the curriculum and how often it gets updated to make it befitting for the students?

Strategizing and updating the curriculum to ensure its relevance and alignment with the needs of students and the job market is a critical responsibility for academic departments. The step-by-step process for curriculum development starts by taking feedback from stakeholders, reviewing research and best practises, and establishing curriculum committees with faculty representatives. Thereafter, we look into incorporating skills development, interdisciplinary collaboration, alignment with accreditation standards, curriculum revision cycles, faculty development, and assessment and evaluation. By following this systematic approach and maintaining an open and collaborative process, academic departments can develop and update curricula that are highly relevant, align with industry and student needs, and prepare students for success in their chosen fields. Regular assessment and adaptation are key to ensuring that the curriculum remains up-to-date and effective.

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What are your views upon the placements and higher education about the students from your department or how does your department prepare students for higher education?

As the head of the department, my primary concern is the success and preparedness of the students in my department regarding whether they choose to enter the workforce or pursue higher education. To improve placements, we are providing placement support services, internship opportunities, professional development, networking, and alumni success stories. We aim to provide a comprehensive approach to student development that equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary for both employment and higher education. We are also committed to their success, whether they choose to enter the workforce directly after graduation or pursue advanced studies.

How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

Coping with high competition in the outside world is a challenge many students face as they transition from academia to the workforce or pursue further education. Providing opportunities for their skill development, career counselling, internships and experiential learning, networking opportunities, resume building and interview preparation, professional development workshops, entrepreneurship initiatives, soft skills emphasis, and professional connections, we help students develop the skills and resilience to thrive in a competitive environment. By implementing these strategies, the department can equip students with the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to not only survive but thrive in a highly competitive world. This comprehensive approach addresses their academic, personal, and professional development.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to the real-world challenges?

In my role, we offer a range of extracurricular activities and programs to enhance the skills of our students and expose them to real-world challenges. These activities are designed to complement the academic curriculum and provide students with opportunities for personal and professional growth. Some of these extracurricular initiatives include student clubs and organizations, hackathons and competitions, guest speaker series, industry projects, research opportunities, study abroad programs, service-learning projects, entrepreneurship initiatives, internship and co-op programs, professional development workshops, career development workshops, networking events, student conferences, and personal development programs. These extracurricular activities and programs are an integral part of our educational approach, aimed at preparing students for success in their careers and further studies while providing them with a well-rounded and enriching college experience.

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department? 

As the head of the department, there can be various challenges in the quest to uplift the quality of education. These challenges include faculty recruitment and retention, curriculum development, maintaining quality assurance, adherence to accreditation standards, technology integration, engagement and motivation, and changing pedagogical trends. We are also trying to promote diversity and inclusion, have better student assessment, improve external stakeholder relations, and manage change. We are also trying to provide student support services, balance teaching and administrative duties, meet student expectations, and measure and demonstrate impact. To address these challenges, it's essential to develop strategic plans, engage in collaborative decision-making, secure necessary resources, and maintain a commitment to continuous improvement.

When you came to the college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

My vision upon assuming the role in a college would likely revolve around enhancing the quality of education, fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment, and preparing students for success in their academic and professional journeys. While I don't have personal experiences or subjective visions as an AI model, I can outline a typical vision and strategies that HOD might pursue. My vision upon assuming the role would be to elevate academic excellence, student-centred approach, industry relevance, faculty development, research and innovation, global perspective, and community engagement. To realize this vision, I would employ various strategies like curriculum enhancement, faculty development, student support services, experiential learning, inclusivity initiatives, industry partnerships, globalization, research focus, community outreach, strategic planning, data-driven decision-making, and effective communication.

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How does the curriculum of your department/college ensures the best practice of the industry? 

Ensuring that the curriculum of a department or college aligns with the best practices of the industry is crucial for preparing students to meet the demands of the real world. For this, we have industry advisory boards, regular curriculum reviews, alignment with industry standards, professional development for faculty, internships and co-op programs, and project-based learning. Moreover, we have guest lectures and workshops, research projects, case studies, experiential learning, capstone projects, industry-linked certifications, continual feedback loops, technological integration, and collaborative partnerships. By implementing these strategies, the curriculum can be designed and continually updated to reflect the best practices of the industry, making graduates well-prepared and attractive to potential employers. This alignment helps bridge the gap between academia and the professional world.

How does the department/ college/University enhance the skills of the faculty and prepares them according to the industry standards?

We maintain industry connections by conducting faculty development programs, and professional conferences, encouraging research and publications, guest speakers and industry experts, consulting and industry collaboration. We also have sabbaticals, certifications and training, mentorship programs, peer reviews and observations, curriculum development, collaborative research, technology integration, and interdisciplinary collaboration. All of these can ensure that our faculty remains well-prepared, motivated, and aligned with industry standards.

What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to train/teach the students? 

Apart from the curriculum, there are various interventions and approaches that can be brought into play to train and teach students effectively. These interventions aim to provide a holistic and enriching educational experience. Some such key approaches and strategies are experiential learning, project-based learning, service learning, study abroad programs, mentorship programs, student research opportunities, and innovation and entrepreneurship. We also focus on, professional development workshops, soft skills emphasis, career counselling and support, industry guest speakers, and networking opportunities. By incorporating these interventions and approaches, educational institutions can create a well-rounded and enriching educational experience that prepares students for success in their chosen fields and in life beyond academia

What do you see the department’s/ college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?

The greatest strengths of a department or college can vary, but they typically include aspects that set the institution apart and contribute to its overall success. Identifying and enhancing these strengths can further improve the department or college. Our strengths are our highly qualified faculty, relevant and innovative curriculum, focus on research and innovation, strong alumni network, student-centered approach, industry connections, global perspective, community engagement, and advanced facilities. To enhance these strengths, it's crucial to create a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. Departments and colleges should also solicit feedback from students, faculty, alumni, and industry partners to identify areas for enhancement and then prioritize and implement these improvements accordingly. By continually assessing and building on its strengths, an institution can stay competitive and provide a top-quality education to its students.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead? 

As the head of the department, I would offer the following valuable advice to students to pursue their passions, lifelong learning, set clear goals, network actively, research career paths, seek feedback, embrace technology, and balance work and life. It is also important to stay ethical, have global awareness, respect diversity, be financially literate, give back, and stay positive. Ultimately, I would advise students to be proactive, passionate, and persistent in their pursuit of a prosperous career. With the right mindset and a commitment to personal and professional growth, students can navigate the complexities of the modern job market and achieve their goals.