Dr. E. Srinivasa Raju is the Head of the Cyber Security Department at Ellenki College of Engineering and Technology. He has completed his M.S. from Bits Pilani in Software Engineering and his M.Phil program in information security in the field of computer science and technology from Sri Krishna Deva Raya University, Ananthapur. He was the best outgoing student of his batch. He has also done an M.Tech in CSE from JNTU Hyderabad and then completed his PhD from Satya Sai University in Machine Learning. His experience is diversified into academics, research and industry in the area of information technology. He holds an experience of 20 years in the IT industry with application development, design, R&D divisions and Project Management. His areas of interest are Information security, NLP and Machine Learning.

Ellenki College of Engineering

You have held key positions throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

A genuine passion for education and a belief in its transformative power would be a primary motivating factor. Helping students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to excel in Computer engineering and contribute to the broader field is a driving force. Staying connected to the education sector enables me to engage in and promote cutting-edge research in cybersecurity. This research not only advances the field but also informs the curriculum to ensure it remains relevant and up-to-date.

How did you train yourself/faculty to deliver this program to the students?

As the HOD, ensuring that both I and the faculty are well-equipped to deliver the program effectively is a top priority. Our approach to faculty development and self-improvement is rooted in a commitment to delivering high-quality education to our students. To achieve this, we have implemented a multifaceted approach. We are conducting regular faculty development workshops and training sessions. These sessions cover a wide range of topics, including the latest advancements in computer engineering, teaching methodologies, assessment techniques, and the integration of emerging technologies into the curriculum. We bring in industry experts and experienced educators as guest speakers to provide insights and share best practices. These workshops are not only informative but also serve as forums for faculty to exchange ideas and collaborate on improving their teaching methods. We encourage continuous learning and professional development. Faculty members are actively encouraged to pursue advanced degrees, certifications, and attend relevant conferences and seminars. Financial support is provided to facilitate their participation in these opportunities. This not only keeps our faculty up-to-date with the latest trends but also enriches the program with fresh perspectives. Peer learning and mentorship are integral to our approach. Experienced faculty members mentor newer colleagues, offering guidance on curriculum design, effective teaching techniques, and research. This mentorship fosters a sense of community and ensures the transfer of knowledge and best practices within the department.

Furthermore, we value student feedback and conduct regular assessments of faculty performance. Feedback from students is collected, analyzed, and used as a basis for improvement. Faculty members are encouraged to be receptive to this feedback and make necessary adjustments to their teaching methods to better meet the needs of the students.

How do you ensure that the curriculum and courses offered by the department stay up-to-date with the rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape?

Ensuring that our curriculum and courses in the Department of Cybersecurity remain up-to-date with the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape is a top priority. We employ a comprehensive and proactive approach to achieve this goal. We maintain close ties with industry experts and professionals who are actively engaged in the cybersecurity field. We regularly seek their input through advisory boards and partnerships. These industry connections provide us with real-time insights into emerging threats, technological advancements, and skill requirements. We conduct frequent reviews of our curriculum and course offerings. These reviews are not limited to periodic assessments but are ongoing processes. We analyze feedback from faculty, students, and industry partners to identify areas that require updates or enhancements. This data-driven approach ensures that our curriculum remains agile and responsive to changing needs. Collaboration with other academic institutions and research centres is another integral part of our strategy. By engaging in joint research projects and sharing resources, we access a broader knowledge base and keep our curriculum enriched with diverse perspectives.

In what ways do you collaborate with industry partners to ensure that the department curriculum aligns with industry needs?

Collaboration with industry partners is a cornerstone of our strategy to ensure that the Department of Cybersecurity’s curriculum aligns with industry needs. These collaborations take several forms and are integral to the relevance and effectiveness of our program. We maintain active advisory boards comprised of professionals from diverse industries. These boards provide invaluable guidance by offering insights into current industry trends, emerging threats, and evolving technologies. Their input helps us shape our curriculum to ensure that it remains cutting-edge and aligned with real-world requirements. We actively engage industry partners in various capacities. We invite industry experts to serve as guest lecturers, providing students with firsthand knowledge of industry practices and challenges. These guest lectures expose students to practical applications of cybersecurity concepts and help bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Furthermore, we facilitate internship opportunities with industry partners, allowing our students to gain hands-on experience in real-world cybersecurity settings. These internships provide students with a practical understanding of industry needs and challenges, helping them prepare for future careers. Additionally, we encourage industry professionals to participate in curriculum development and review processes. Their involvement ensures that our program incorporates the most relevant tools, technologies, and best practices, keeping our graduates well-prepared for the job market.

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How does the department provide support and guidance to students who are interested in pursuing careers in cybersecurity or related fields?

The Department of Cybersecurity provides comprehensive support and guidance to students interested in pursuing careers in cybersecurity or related fields. Our commitment to student success extends beyond the classroom, and we offer a range of resources and initiatives to help students achieve their career goals. We organize regular career counselling and workshops, where students can explore various cybersecurity career paths, gain insights into the job market, and receive guidance on building their resumes and honing their interview skills. We also facilitate networking events and industry connections, allowing students to engage with professionals in the field and explore internship and job opportunities.

We offer practical labs, cybersecurity challenges, and real-world projects to give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical setting. Internship programs with industry partners provide invaluable real-world exposure and often lead to job offers upon graduation. To keep students informed about the latest trends and developments, we host seminars, guest lectures, and cybersecurity conferences featuring renowned experts. These events help students stay updated with industry advancements and connect with potential employers. We offer research opportunities and encourage participation in cybersecurity-related projects, allowing students to contribute to the academic community and gain research experience.

What are the challenges that you are facing as the Head of the department? and how do you tackle that?

One significant challenge is staying current with the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape. Cyber threats, technologies, and best practices evolve rapidly. To tackle this challenge, we employ a rigorous curriculum review process, engage industry experts through advisory boards, and encourage faculty professional development to ensure that our courses remain up-to-date. Recruiting and retaining top-notch faculty members is another challenge. Cybersecurity experts are in high demand, both in academia and industry. To address this, we offer competitive compensation packages and support faculty in obtaining advanced degrees and certifications. Maintaining state-of-the-art facilities and resources is crucial. Cybersecurity education requires access to cutting-edge labs and tools. We seek partnerships with industry sponsors and government agencies to secure funding for these resources, ensuring that our students have access to the latest technologies.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

Certainly, I have some valuable suggestions for current youth and aspiring students who are considering a career in cybersecurity. First and foremost, cultivate a strong passion for cybersecurity. This field is not just a job; it’s a mission to safeguard digital assets and privacy. Stay curious, continuously explore new technologies, and maintain an insatiable appetite for learning. Invest in a solid foundation of knowledge in computer science, networking, and programming. These core skills are the building blocks of cybersecurity. Understanding how systems work is essential for securing them effectively. Seek formal education and certifications in cybersecurity. Enroll in degree programs or courses that specialize in cybersecurity, and consider pursuing industry-recognized. Hands-on experience is invaluable in cybersecurity. Set up a lab environment where you can practice ethical hacking, penetration testing, and other security techniques.