D.K.T.E.Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute

Prof. (Dr.) P.V. Kadole is the Director of D.K.T.E.Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Kolhapur. At DKTE he believes that for true development, an institution should always keep upgrading and stay relevant so that the students come out as globally competent. 

What are your thoughts on the current education system?

“The institutes should establish strong facilities for carrying out online education”

The educational institutions had to shut amidst the pandemic. The worldwide lockdown has impacted educational institutes and students. With this, the learning process was affected and discontinued initially. Most of the educational institutes shifted to the online teaching process and have ensured that the students are able to continue their academic activities. The current education system has to adjust to the new normal. As far as my thoughts are concerned, I want to emphasize that training the teachers to adjust to the technological aspects of learning is important. 

Could you please highlight the functioning aspects of your college?

“Never stopping the learning process”

Ours is an autonomous institution. We are affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur and approved by AICTE, NBA. Coming to the examinations, we have opted for multiple choice questions (MCQs) instead of descriptive questions. Oral examinations or viva-voce are conducted through online platforms. DKTE has also collaborated with online course providers like Coursera to provide free courses to the students and keep them engaged in learning. 

Which all opportunities do your college provide to the students?

“Anything and everything that facilitates growth”

At DKTE, the students are presented with a pool of opportunities. To name a few, mandatory internships, seminars/webinars, pre-placement drive training are part of the curriculum. Industrial tour, compulsory in-plant training, international training, credit transfer scheme and many more such initiatives are what the students are exposed to while they study here. 

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What are the facilities provided by your college?

“Encouraging the students to be creative and innovative”

I believe that for a student to develop completely, we need to provide them with every platform and it should not necessarily be based on academics. A student’s skills should be honed by the institute they are studying in. For this purpose, here we arrange for regular sports meet, cultural meet, seminars, where students get to show their creative side. Other than that, the college has hostel facilities, e-cell, smart classrooms, transport facility, etc. 

What are some of the future goals of your college?

“Having an internationl recognition”

Our future goals are:

  • Twinning programs with leading foreign universities. 
  • Gaining deemed university status. 
  • Improving the admission of international students. 
  • Starting of programs in the emerging areas

What will be your advice to the students who are pursuing their under-graduation and post-graduation?

“Make use of every opportunity”

Students should make use of online courses designed to improve learning. Even when students re-join the institute after the pandemic situation, they should adopt the concept of blended learning, making use of both classroom and the online teaching-learning process.

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