Ignition Classes, Kolkata is one of the premium institutes to impart education of different streams and prepare the students for various competitive exams. Students of class 11-12 pass, can take the Ignition Classes flagship courses for JEE Main, JEE Advanced and NEET. The institute also offers coaching for Foundation (class 6-10) and Board preparation for ICSE and CBSE students to excel in the examination with a success rate of 95% in various subjects and competitive exams.

The batch size of this institute is around 30-40 students.The courses have an average fee of between 33,000 INR - 1,41,000 INR. More than 15 students secured above 92 percentile whereas the highest percentage scored was 96.5% in overall subjects. Also students of Ignition Classes cracked the NEET and JEE exams with an overall success rate of 92% , getting placed to distinguished universities.

Ignition Classes Kolkata Highlights

Details Statistics
Institute Name Ignition Classes
Institute Type Coaching Institute
Contact Number 08296597737
Head Location tower, 94, Ripon St, near ST. MARRY SCHOOL, Taltala, Kolkata, West Bengal 700016
Branches 01
Medium Hindi, English
Study Material Provided
Classes Accessibility Offline
Scholarship Not Provided

Ignition Classes, Kolkata Courses & Fees

Ignition Classes, Kolkata provides only classroom programs for the students of class 6-12 pass. The courses have an average fee of about 33,000 INR - 1,41,000 INR.They conduct periodic Mock Tests to ensure accessibility to quality education for all, thus empowering them to achieve their academic and career goals with the expert guidance of Ignition Classes, Kolkata.

Ignition Classes, Kolkata Classroom Programs

Ignition Classes JEE Courses

Course Name Duration Fees
JEE Course for Class 11 2 Year Rs.1,41,000
JEE Course for Class 12 1 Year Rs.70,500
JEE Course for Class 12 Pass 1 Year Rs.70,500

Ignition Classes NEET Courses

Course Name Duration Fees
NEET Course for Class 11 2 Year Rs.1,30,000
NEET Course for Class 12 1 Year Rs.65,000
NEET Course for Class 12 pass 1 Year Rs.65,000

Ignition Classes Foundation Courses

Course Name Duration Fees
Foundation Course for Class 6 (ICSE) 1 Year Rs.40,000
Foundation Course for Class 6 (CBSE) 1 Year Rs.33,000
Foundation Course for Class 7 (ICSE) 1 Year Rs.40,000
Foundation Course for Class 7 (CBSE) 1 Year Rs.33,000
Foundation Course for Class 8 (ICSE) 1 Year Rs.40,000
Foundation Course for Class 8 (CBSE) 1 Year Rs.33,000
Foundation Course for Class 9 (ICSE) 1 Year Rs.45,000
Foundation Course for Class 9 (CBSE) 1 Year Rs.40,000
Foundation Course for Class 10 (ICSE) 1 Year Rs.47,000
Foundation Course for Class 10 (CBSE) 1 Year Rs.45,000

Ignition Classes, Kolkata Results

Ignition Classes showed a success rate of 95% as students excelled in the JEE and NEET examination and the Class 10 & 12 Board Exams with the highest marks achieved. More than 15 students secured above 92 percentile whereas the highest percentage scored was 96.5%. In the NEET exam, the highest mark scored was 689 out of 720, and 28 students secured above 600 marks. Additionally, Ignition Classesstudents have achieved ranks under 10,000 and have a remarkable 35% selection rate in JEE Advanced.

Ignition Classes, Kolkata FAQs

Ques. Where is Ignition Classes Kolkata located?    

Ans. Ignition Classes, Kolkata is one of the premium institutes which is located at tower, 94, Ripon St, near ST. MARRY SCHOOL, Taltala, Kolkata, West Bengal 700016.

Ques. What is the success rate of Ignition Classes, Kolkata?

Ans. Ignition Classes, Kolkata has a remarkable success rate of 95% in the competitive exams as a huge number of students excelled in the JEE & NEET exams with highest marks obtained.

Ques. What are the admission criteria for Ignition Classes, Kolkata?

Ans. Ignition Classes, Kolkata, the admission criteria can change from year to year. Those who are  looking to join Ignition Classes, Kolkata can refer to their Contact Number. 08296597737 and get in touch with the coaching administration for precise admission information.

Ques. What class levels are available at Ignition Classes, Kolkata?

Ans. Ignition Classes, Kolkata provides classes ranging from 6th to 12th pass. The institution offers exclusive coaching for JEE and NEET along with the Foundation programs.

Ques. Do Ignition Classes, Kolkata provide online programs?

Ans. Ignition Classes, Kolkata provides only Classroom programs of JEE & NEET for class 11-12 pass and Foundation programs for class 6-10 of both CBSE & ICSE board students.

Ques. What is the average fee at the Ignition Classes, Kolkata?

Ans. The blend of courses provided by the Ignition Classes, Kolkata have an average fee of about 33,000 INR - 1,41,000 INR respectively.

Ques. What is the average Fee structure of Foundation courses at Ignition Classes, Kolkata?

Ans. Ignition Classes, Kolkata provides Foundation courses for Class 6-10 that have an average fee of about 33,000 INR - 45,000 INR respectively.

Ques.What is the fee for JEE coaching at Ignition Classes?

Ans. Ignition Classes, Kolkata provides JEE Coaching for Class 11-12 pass.

Course Name Duration Fees
JEE Course for Class 11 2 Year Rs.1,41,000
JEE Course for Class 12 1 Year Rs.70,500
JEE Course for Class 12 Pass 1 Year Rs.70,500

Ques. What is the fee for NEET coaching at Ignition Classes?

Ans. Ignition Classes, Kolkata provides NEET Coaching for Class 11-12 pass.

Course Name Duration Fees
NEET Course for Class 11 2 Year Rs.1,30,000
NEET Course for Class 12 1 Year Rs.65,000
NEET Course for Class 12 pass 1 Year Rs.65,000

Ques. Do Ignition Classes, Kolkata provide scholarship?

Ans. Ignition Classes, Kolkata does not  provide Scholarship to students but the course fee tends to be quite affordable and worth it for the preparation of competitive exams and board examination.