Best Film, Photography and Media Universities/Colleges in Germany
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Found 7 universities
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CD RankCollege InfoTuition Fees & living Cost(Avg.)Top CoursesRanking & Reviews
#1RWTH Aachen University logo

RWTH Aachen University, Aachen

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany10%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $809.19/Yr (€729/Yr)Living$888/Yr (€800/Yr)Admission M.A Digital Media CommunicationTOEFL90$809.19/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
5.8/10(14 Users)Ranked 90 by THE in 2024Ranked 99 by QS in 2025
#2Free University of Berlin logo

Free University of Berlin, Berlin

Berlin, Germany15%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $9.1K/Yr (€8,200/Yr)Living$3.2K/Yr (€2,920/Yr)Admission M.A Film StudiesIELTS5.0$9.1K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
5.3/10(1 User)Ranked 102 by THE in 2024Ranked 97 by QS in 2025
#3Karlsruhe Institute of Technology logo

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe

Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany25%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $1.7K/Yr (€1,500/Yr)Admission M.A Science - Media - Communicat...IELTS6$1.7K/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
8.3/10(1 User)Ranked 140 by THE in 2024Ranked 102 by QS in 2025
#4Goethe University Frankfurt logo

Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main

Hesse, Germany77%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $777/Yr (€700/Yr)Living$8.6K/Yr (€7,752/Yr)Admission M.A Filmculture - Archiving, Pro...IELTS7$777/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
3+ More Programs
Ranked 201 by THE in 2024Ranked 309 by QS in 2025
#5Friedrich Schiller University Jena logo

Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena

Thuringia, Germany8%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $532.8/Yr (€480/Yr)Living$6.7K/Yr (€5,994/Yr)Admission M.A Art History and Film Studies$532.8/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
Ranked 201 by THE in 2024Ranked 322 by CWUR in 2022
#6Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz logo

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Mainz

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany35%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $743.7/Yr (€670/Yr)Living$10.3K/Yr (€9,324/Yr)Admission M.A Film Studies (Major)IELTS6$743.7/Yr
Course duration: 2 years
1 More Program
Ranked 251 by THE in 2024Ranked 501 by QS in 2025
#7University of Bremen logo

University of Bremen, Bremen

Bremen, Germany58%Acceptance Rate
Living$4.4K/Yr (€3,996/Yr)Admission M.A Art History and Film StudiesTOEFL95--
Course duration: 2 years
8.2/10(1 User)Ranked 301 by THE in 2024Ranked 592 by QS in 2025