Bcom finance fee is 14500. It's little bit High amount. First year to the final year we should pay fees almost 87000. No scholarship provided there nothing help us on fees hipe the fees increase every 3year. I am a Accountant. slipend as training period is low
There is a good scholarship chance provided in our college. If you have scored 60% or above in your High school you get deductions in your fees. There are Merit seats available in our college. In future if you have scored good marks in your first semester you will get again deductions in your fees.
The scholarship will be given to the poor low caste students they will get the scholarship and special allowance for their studies and others students get loan from the bank at the low interest rates.
There was no loan facility in our college. But we can pay half half amonunt of our semester fee in 4 times so there were no interest we want to pay this will more help to the parents. But when interest came the interest rate was high so it is not a good quality to our college.
There is a very low fee structure and they giving scholarship for the students who scored good marks in previous exams if they scored 60 percent above mark they providing 3000 of scholarships for students it will decrease from the Semester fee