The faculty to students ratio is high and in every year we have around 9 subjects and 9 labs i like pavithra mam she scolds us byt it is for our good improvement in future but the number of subjects and labs are more
In an average college, the faculty-to-student ratio typically ranges from 1:20 to 1:30, which allows for moderate interaction between students and professors. Faculty members are generally approachable, especially during office hours or after class, though it depends on the individual's willingness to engage. Some professors are known for their dedication and helpfulness, while others may not be as available or communicative.
Personally, there are many lecturers who are absolutely good in teaching. There was a lecturer teaching Java language ,his name is Prakash. He was very professional in teaching, he taught java with many real life examples by which students were able to grasp very quickly.
Per semester there are about 6 members in the teaching staff and we had 1 year for 1st year and from 2second year - we had total of 6 semesters 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4-1, 4-2. So we had massive amount of teaching staff. They were so supportive. I am really glad that I studied there.
Good and well experienced faculty in my college, on average each faculty will have 3 years experience and the interaction between students and faculty is extraordinary I mean only for the purpose of education not other activities
Very good faculty in my college i took the electronics and communication engineering so i have eight subjects in that course my English faculty is very good in my class and all teachers are also very good
Faculty in this college well educated and trained and they are one of the most senior faculty. They are very much friendly with the students as the students can directly reach their faculty desks if they have any doubts regarding to the course that they teaching.
My college faculty is good but not up to the mark. They are good only with the toppers and they treat the people like me I came from a back benchin a different manner and the lab faculty also treat us in a different manner
The faculty was somewhat better in this college.many of the teachers completed merch and PhDs but they didn't have sufficient knowledge to teach one teacher teaches many subjects.we can say staff was average in this college
Good they are very helpful to me and all the students to get good score and good life at all situations there is nothing is wrong with them all are move with the positive behavior and we also give them respect.