When I joined the college the fee was 62000 per year and still, my fee structure is that. In general in engineering colleges, the fee structure will change every year. Now present fee for my college is 75000 for the academic year 2024-25. I joined the college under the BC reservation. So, my fee will be paid by the TS Government. And the college provides 10000 scholarships for merit students who have 90% in their intermediate.
Sai Spurthi Institute of Technology provides hetero scholarship exams before 5 months of joining. Those who got 900+ in intermediate can write these exams to reduce their fee. The fee structure is reasonable for this college. The principal of this college aimed to join every student without seeing their caste/positions to learn education. so the fee structure is good for every course here.
If a candidate gets EAMCET or JEE Mains rank based on the rank the fee will have a discount in it. The scholarship is given by the government to students who are having income certificates and the fee will be free to them they have to pay only the examination fee for college.
In my college fee is based on ICET ranking but there is no discount or any benefits to obc students they have to pay maximum fees sometimes I'm unable to pay fee . I don't have any scholarship in my college but my friend's have and they have s
Yes the college should shave that facility also. But scholar ships only for unemployed students not for employed. For BC students should paid challan aslo but in case of SC cast the y did not paid because the government give for reservation students full reambussmenta i. e, no fee to pay. Its all undergo on online process
I have no scholarship but we get management set in my college in the college and girls hostels are separated in there but we like in the college are very nice girls are going to college in my hostels front I like very happy in my college.
Yes, the college provides scholarships for the minority and backward students. As mentioned above the main aim of the college is to give good quality and higher education to all backward students who cannot afford.
Scholarship is provided.College provides a fee scholarship for merit students. They also help students to study higher studies and support the students financially. They support people financially. They encourage students.
The college of the scholarship on the base of merit and sports. No loan facilities available in our college and then and they will not provide any loan facility for the students they have to manage their free.
our college provides scholarships for many students based on the merit i.e merit scholarships. also helps the students to get the educational loans for their studies.