How do I get No Objection Certificate (NOC) from MUHS, Nashik for 2nd year MBBS transfer?

2 Answers

Sunayana Gupta Posted On - Sep 21, 2023
studied at Maharashtra University of Health Sciences

To get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS), Nashik for a 2nd year MBBS transfer, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Download and fill in a form (performa) on the MUHS website. 
  • Attach the necessary documents mentioned in that form. 
  • Draw a Demand Draft for the amount mentioned. 
  • Enclose all documents along with the form and DD in an envelope and send it to MUHS, Nashik via post. You can submit it personally too. 
  • The institute will release a list of the students who got transferred to the MUHS site on the basis of merit. 
  • Download the above list and present it to the receiving college for admission.

Hope the simple procedure was of help to you!



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Anushua Mukharjee Posted On - Oct 27, 2021
MBBS from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences

One of my friends applied for NOC from MUHS Nashik for his internship transfer. The process will be the same for a 2nd-year transfer. Here is what you need to do. 

  • You will need to get No Objection Certificates from both your current college and the college you are trying to apply for. Go to the MUHS website, there will be a form. Download it and fill it up. 
  • You need to draw a demand draft with the amount mentioned there.
  • Enclose all the documents with the form and DD in an envelope and send it to MUHS, Nasik. You can also drop it off personally.

After a few days, they will put up a list of students who got transferred based on merit, on the website. Download the list, and take it to the college you want to get admission to, in order to start your admission process. 



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