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KEAM 2023 Mathematics Question Paper: Download Answer Key and Solutions PDF
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Sonal Vaid

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KEAM 2023 Mathematics Question Paper PDF is available here for download. KEAM 2023 Question Paper consists of 120 questions carrying 1 mark each. KEAM 2023 Question Paper May 17 Paper 2 includes one subject which is Mathematics. The Mathematics paper includes 120 questions.

KEAM 2023 Mathematics Question Paper with Answer Key PDF

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Let α and β be such that α+β=π. If \(\cos\alpha=\frac{1}{\sqrt2}\), then the value of cot (β-α) is

    • 1
    • \(\frac{1}{2}\)
    • \(\frac{1}{4}\)
    • 0

    Let \(a,b,c,d \) be an increasing sequence of real numbers,which are in geometric progression .If \(a+d=112\) and \(b+c=48\) ,then the value of \(\dfrac{a+c+8}{b}\) is 

      • \(1\)

      • \(5\)

      • \(4\)

      • \(3\)

      • \(2\)

      A thin particle moves from \((0,1)\) and gets reflected upon hitting the x-axis at \((√3,0)\). Then the slope of the reflected line is ?

        • \(\dfrac{1}{√3}\)

        • \(\dfrac{-1}{√3}\)

        • \({√3}\)

        • \(-{√3}\)

        If f(z)=zn+an-1zn-1 +......+a1zn+a0 ∈ R[z] is a polynomial in z with no root over R,then deg(f)is

          • 9
          • always≤4
          • an odd number
          • always≥4
          • an even number

          Let \(k\) be a real number such that \(\sin \dfrac{3π}{14} \cos \dfrac{3π}{14} = k \cos \dfrac{π}{14}\).Then the value of \(4k\) is 

            • \(1\)

            • \(2\)

            • \(3\)

            • \(4\)

            • \(0\)


              • \( 3ln|x-1|-2ln|x+1|+C\)

              • \(2ln|x-1|-3ln|x+1|+C\)

              • \(ln|x-2|-ln|x+1|+C\)

              • \( ln|x+2|+ln|x+1|+C\)

              • \(2ln|x-1|+3ln|x-1|+C\)

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