Dr. Bhandari is the Principal of MB Khalsa Law College. A qualified individual, he holds a B.A. and a LL.B. from Government Nehru College. Moreover, he has an M.A. in Public Administration, an LL.M. from the School of Law, Indore and a PhD in Law from Vikram University as well. With over two decades worth of work experience, he has been working at MB Khalsa Law College since 2006. Dr. Bhandari has also worked at Government PG College, Barwani, as an Assistant Professor.

MB Khalsa Law College

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

Throughout my career, I have been drawn to education for its potential to shape lives and foster growth. The opportunity to contribute to personal and community development is very rewarding. Additionally, seeing the constant growth and innovation in education has increased my passion for networking. My goal of supporting students and teachers enables me to continue making positive contributions to the field.

Being the Principal of MB Khalsa Law College, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

Being the Principal of MB Khalsa College, my leadership philosophy focuses on creating an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone can feel valued. I lead by example and encourage transparency, open communication and collaboration. My leadership style is characterised by change, encouraging innovation, adapting, and achieving mission success. I prioritise education, professional development, and a culture of continuous improvement to ensure the overall success of our school.

How does the curriculum of MB Khalsa Law College ensure the best practices of industry? 

We ensure our courses reflect the latest developments and best practices in the legal industry through peer review and collaboration with industry experts. We integrate practical experience, case studies and hands-on experience into our courses to provide students with real-world insights and skills. We also prioritise collaboration with law firms, government agencies and other stakeholders to ensure that our graduates are well prepared to meet the needs of the legal profession.

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

As the Principal of the MB Khalsa Law College, I am committed to creating an inclusive environment where students of all races and economic backgrounds feel welcome and supported. We continually evaluate and improve our admissions process. We provide scholarships and have robust support systems in place to ensure equity and opportunity for all students.

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What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students are?

My primary responsibilities to the university and the students include providing visionary leadership, promoting academic excellence, and providing educational support. I am committed to promoting the health and success of students, supporting their intellectual development, and preparing them for the challenges of the legal profession.

What do you see as MB Khalsa Law College’s greatest strengths?

I believe our greatest strength is our dedicated faculty, diverse student body, and strong community involvement. These elements come together to create a positive learning environment where academic excellence, leadership and personal development can flourish. Additionally, our university's commitment to innovation and change ensures that we remain at the forefront of higher education, enabling our students to succeed in an ever-changing world.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

I support current young people and want students to prioritise their education, encourage lifelong learning and also urge them to engage in practical external activities to develop their skills. It is important to set clear goals, find a direction, and meet challenges with perseverance and determination. I also encourage them to develop a strong sense of social responsibility, stand up for what they believe in, and make positive contributions to their society in the future.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute/ university?

As the Principal, I prioritise creating a good relationship and environment in the college by promoting communication, relationships and the active participation of students, faculty and staff. I also encourage collaboration, promote diversity and equity, and provide opportunities for constructive feedback and discussion, which are key strategies.