Chef Juhi Chugh is currently working as the Assistant Pastry Chef at the Academy of Pastry Arts, Gurgaon. She graduated from La Martiniere School for Girls, Calcutta, post which she completed her Bachelor in Business Administration from J.D. Birla Institute of Management. Wanting to follow her passion for baking, on completing my graduation she joined the Academy of Pastry Arts as an Advance Diploma student. Post this she went on to work with reputed brands like La Folie and Enchante Patisserie.

Academy of Pastry and Culinary Arts

Can you tell me about your educational background? (Total year of teaching experience, year of experience in this university, graduation/PG details, etc.)

Currently working as Assistant Pastry Chef at the Academy of Pastry Arts, Gurgaon. I graduated from La Martiniere School for Girls, Calcutta, post which I completed my Bachelor in Business Administration from J.D. Birla Institute of Management. Wanting to follow my passion for baking, on completing my graduation I joined the Academy of Pastry Arts as an Advance Diploma student. Post this I went on to work with reputed brands like La Folie and Enchante Patisserie.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

In my opinion, leadership is not just about authority. A leader might need to change their approach depending on the situation. A successful person needs to be both a strong leader and a manager to get their team on board to follow them toward their vision of success. As a mentor more than a leader, I believe in empowering my students and giving the right guidance to help them work toward their goals.

How does the curriculum of your institute ensure the best practice of industry?

At APCA we provide the students with a completely hands-on course. Our curriculum is designed in a very comprehensive manner which allows the students to learn the best practices. The course is structured into 3 modules to ensure systematic learning for the students.

We also provide the students with industrial visits to gain insight and practical experience.

Check Academy of Pastry and Culinary Arts Courses & Fees

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

Over the next 10 years, the top priority of the institute should be educating the masses about the new and upcoming food trends and also focus on imparting knowledge on sustainable methods of food production. As chefs and mentors, I feel we have a huge responsibility to inspire people around the world to support and adopt sustainable food production methods and avoid food waste.

Are there any placement opportunities for the students?

We provide the students with the best placement opportunities available, be it with the most reputed hotel brands or some of the best patisseries across the country. We also guide them with overseas placement opportunities. Guidance is also given to the students who wish to set up their establishment post-completion of their course.

Any suggestions/messages that you would like to give to the current youth?

To the current youth, I would say; there is never any end to learning and growing. The only way to success is hard work and you must invest time in your personal growth.

What do you see as the University’s greatest strengths?

APCA's greatest strength lies in its continuous evolution and integration of global culinary trends, all while remaining grounded in our fundamental principles. The institution's adaptability and receptiveness to change make it easy to embrace technological advancements in the industry, allowing our curriculum to consistently mirror the latest pastry trends.