Dr. A. Ahmed is the Principal at J.N. College. He completed his education from the Aligarh Muslim University, Lucknow. He has five years of experience in International Teaching and 27 years of experience working as a Teacher in the colleges of Jharkhand. 


What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for J.N College specifically?

In general, higher education faces challenges such as affordability, integrating technology effectively, adapting to changing student demographics, preparing students for a globalized world, and bridging the employability skills gap. For J.N. College specifically, challenges may include funding and resource constraints, maintaining and improving the quality of education, competing with other institutions, adopting technology, and promoting student engagement and retention. These challenges require strategic planning, effective resource allocation, and continuous adaptation to ensure the college’s success in providing quality education and meeting the needs of its students.

What is your expectation from the students?

As the principal of J.N. College, I expect students to prioritize academic excellence by attending classes regularly, actively participating in discussions, completing assignments on time, and striving for good grades. I encourage them to cultivate intellectual curiosity, develop critical thinking skills, and maintain a strong work ethic. I strongly encourage students to actively participate in various college activities, including clubs, societies, and events. Involvement in extracurricular activities fosters personal growth, enhances leadership skills, and helps build a sense of community.

How does the curriculum of J.N College/University ensure the best practice of industry?

J.N. College ensures the best practices of the industry through regular curriculum reviews, industry-integrated courses, faculty with industry experience, guest lectures, collaboration with industry partners, and promoting continuous learning and professional development. These measures help students acquire the skills, knowledge, and experiences necessary to excel in the industry and stay updated with the latest advancements. By incorporating industry perspectives, practical experiences, and connections, the curriculum at J.N. College/University prepares students to meet the demands of the professional world effectively.

What do you see as J.N College’s greatest strengths?

J.N College’s greatest strengths may lie in its commitment to academic excellence, reputation, and recognition, strong student support services, emphasis on research and innovation, modern infrastructure and facilities, and a robust alumni network with industry connections. These strengths contribute to creating a conducive learning environment, attracting talented individuals, promoting student success, and enhancing opportunities for career development and industry engagement.

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You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

Being connected to the education sector as the principal of J.N. College allows me to collaborate with other educational institutions, industry partners, and community organizations. Making a Difference: The education sector provides a platform for making a meaningful difference in society. As the principal of J.N. College, I can contribute to the larger goal of societal development by empowering students with knowledge, skills, and values, preparing them to become responsible citizens and leaders in their communities.

What would you like people to know about your J.N College they may not know?

J.N College offers unique programs and specializations that cater to emerging industries and interdisciplinary studies. The college has a strong focus on research and innovation, encouraging faculty and students to engage in cutting-edge projects. J.N College actively engages with the local community through outreach programs and partnerships with non-profit organizations, emphasizing its commitment to social impact. The college takes pride in its accomplished alumni who have made significant contributions in their respective fields. J.N College also fosters global experiences through international collaborations and study-abroad opportunities. The college boasts state-of-the-art facilities, well-equipped laboratories, libraries, and technological resources to provide a conducive learning environment for students.