Mr. R.A. Chowdhary has done his B. Tech in E&C in branch. After interning in different sectors, he has joined GIT-Guwahati Institute of Technology, where he has been working as an academic coordinator till date.

Guwahati Institute Of Technology

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector? 

The declining interest of students in technical courses has become apparent, as they seem to be more drawn towards non-technical fields. As I completed my Btech degree and have experience in the technical industry, I saw this as an opportunity to enter the education sector. Hence, I decided to join as an academic coordinator at this institute. This new position allows me to connect with the education sector and use my technical expertise to bridge the gap between students' interests and the availability of technical courses.

What can a student gain from studying in your institute? 

Our institute provides students with countless skill and personality development opportunities. By studying with us, students can improve their chances of securing a job in the future. We believe in empowering our students to excel in various aspects of their lives, ensuring their growth and success. Through our courses and specialized programs, we provide students with practical skills that can be applied to their chosen fields and prepare them for future success.

What is the curriculum you provide in your institute? 

We provide various diploma-level courses. At the same time, we organize online and offline seminars so that the students can upgrade their skills. We also celebrate special days like Engineering Day and Teacher’s Day, so the students can enjoy them as well. We also organize personality development courses to make sure that they are ready for the job market. We also organize various special days and events throughout the year. These occasions include celebrations like Engineering Day and Teachers Day, where students can have fun.

How could your institute be welcoming to students of different backgrounds? 

Our institute attracts students from various northeast regions, creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment. We recognize that some students may come from economically weaker backgrounds, but we ensure that they receive a quality education. At our institute, we prioritize the value of education over financial difficulty and try to provide equal opportunities to all students.

What should be the institute’s top priority for the next 10 years? 

Our top priority for the next decade is to focus on educating individuals residing in rural areas who may not be fully aware of the opportunities available to them after completing their 10th or 12th grade. Specifically, we try to spread awareness about diploma-level courses in polytechnic education. By reaching out to rural communities and providing them with information about these courses, we ensure that students are well-informed and motivated to seek admission to our institute.

What would people like to know about your institutes that they may not know? 

There are certain aspects of our institute that people may not be aware of, and one of those aspects is the high level of care and support we provide to our students once they join our institution. We believe that a nurturing and supportive environment is crucial for the overall growth and well-being of our students. From the moment students step into our institute, we prioritize their well-being and try to create a sense of belonging. Our dedicated staff and faculty members are available to address any concerns or challenges that students may face.

What are your institute’s greatest strengths? 

One of the greatest strengths of our institute lies in the strong sense of unity that we foster among our students, faculty, and staff. We try to create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels like a family member. In our institute, we believe that working together as a family brings remarkable results. This family-like atmosphere is maintained through various initiatives and practices that promote cooperation and mutual respect.

What are the biggest challenges you see for your institute? 

As a small private institution, we face the significant challenge of competing with larger educational establishments that have more resources and recognition. In today's scenario, where big institutions dominate, it can be hard to compete with big institutions. However, despite these hurdles, we remain firm in our commitment to providing the best education. One of the advantages of being a small private institution is the personalized attention and individualized support offered to the students.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute? 

Ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all students is of top priority to us at our institute. We are committed to not indulging in any form of ragging or harassment and fostering a culture of respect and love between juniors and seniors. We understand that coming to a different institute can be challenging, particularly for incoming students who may feel overwhelmed or anxious. We have implemented strict anti-ragging policies and guidelines, strictly enforced throughout the institute.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth? 

In today's society, youth are very much engaged in consuming drugs and alcohol, which is creating serious threats to their well-being and future careers. These ill habits not only have detrimental effects on their physical and mental health but on education and careers as well. I encourage the youth to step forward and enroll in our institute, as it presents a valuable opportunity for them to advance their careers.