Dr. Rishi Aacharya is the Dean of the P. A. Inamdar College of Visual Effects. He holds a PhD, and an MBA from IIM Jammu, along with an MSc degree in I.T. With over 18 years of experience in the field, Dr. Aacharya has spent 13 years at Veda College, contributing his time in academia.

Dr. Aacharya has been awarded the EduSpark Award in 2022 by AnimationXpress India Pvt. Ltd., the Shiksha Bharti Award in October 2021 by the Indian Achievers Forum, and Most Influential Business Leaders of Pune 2019 by Insightssuccess. He has also been named among India’s Top 50 Emerging Icons, Education Category, 2019 by Global Triumph Foundation and received the Dr. S.R. Radhakrishnan Awards for Excellence in Education, 2017 by Titan Ltd.


You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

I have a deep connection to and love for the education industry because I have held important positions at different educational institutions throughout my professional career. My continued involvement and connection to this profession is largely due to three important factors: being able to impact students’ lives, being able to keep learning and expanding my education and mentoring the upcoming individuals in the industry.

In general, my relationship to the education sector is fueled by the chance to have a good influence, participate in lifelong learning, mentor others, work with a dedicated community, and promote innovation and creativity. It is a gratifying and rewarding profession that always motivates me to make a difference in people's lives and society at large.

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing higher education today, and how do you think your institution is addressing those challenges?

Institutions face a number of critical issues in the current higher education landscape. For us, our biggest challenge is making education accessible and affordable. We provide financial aid, scholarships and flexible payment systems to help students. Embracing technology has become pertinent today for educational institutes in order to keep up. My college places a high priority on integrating technology, so students have access to cutting-edge tools, hardware, and online learning environments. We provide training to our faculty members so they can use technology efficiently in teaching and learning, allowing a smooth transition between conventional and digital modes of instruction.

We have put in place counselling services, mentorship programmes, and wellness initiatives because we understand how important it is to promote the entire development of our students. Additionally, our school promotes open communication and awareness of mental health concerns in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

What do you think sets your institution apart from other colleges and universities and how do you communicate that unique value proportion to students and other Stakeholders?

Our institution sets itself apart from other colleges and universities in several ways, and we effectively communicate our unique value proposition to students and stakeholders through an industry-relevant curriculum. Our programs are designed in collaboration with industry experts, ensuring our curriculum remains relevant and up-to-date. We provide hands-on, experiential learning through internships, projects, and simulations. We showcase student projects, testimonials, and the valuable skills students develop.

Our highly qualified faculty brings industry experience and mentorship to students. We share faculty profiles, their success stories, and facilitate interactions between faculty and students. We prioritize students' career development and offer comprehensive services and placement support. We foster a supportive and inclusive environment for personal and professional growth. We make sure that students and stakeholders understand the distinctive value our institution provides by continuously articulating our distinctive qualities, displaying student success stories, and offering thorough information.

What are your primary responsibilities as Dean and how do you balance them with other aspects of your job?

As the Dean of the college, my primary responsibilities include providing strategic leadership, overseeing academic programs, managing administrative functions, supporting student success, and engaging with external partners.

I set the academic and co-curricular goals, and ensure the best quality of academic experience for the students. I also oversee finances, resources, and policies to keep things running smoothly. I put the welfare of the students first, provide direction, and encourage extracurricular activities. Creating alliances with industry and academic institutions is also essential. Time management, prioritizing skills and delegation skills are the three major skills that help me achieve better results in a short time.

Check P. A. Inamdar College of Visual Effects, Design & Art | VEDA College Courses & Fees

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

I firmly believe that the new generation is extremely talented and has immense potential to take their lives and the future of this country to the best possible level. However, distraction and a lack of sincerity towards the real challenges of life is missing in them. I would just like to tell them to maintain a balance when using technology, particularly when using social media and mobile gaming.

Put developing your skills and personal growth before "get rich quick" schemes. Actively pursue opportunities for learning and networking and ask mentors for advice. Accept perseverance and resiliency as you proceed on your path to achievement. Remember that the keys to a happy and prosperous future are balance, growth, direction, well-being, and resilience.

How do you approach decision-making in your role and how do you balance the needs of different stakeholders when making difficult decisions?

In my position, making decisions involves gathering relevant information, analyzing results, and considering the long-term impact. I try to keep an inclusive approach by listening carefully to our stakeholders and trying to fulfill the right expectations on a priority basis. It is possible to balance the needs of various stakeholders in challenging decisions by being transparent, actively listening, and cognizant of their differing interests. My ultimate objective is to make wise judgments that are advantageous to the institution while taking stakeholders' opinions into account.

What advice would you give to someone who is interested in pursuing a career in higher education administration and how do you see the field evolving in the years to come?

Pursuing a career in higher education administration in today's world could be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. At the same time, it is full of challenges and hard work. For people who are passionate about adapting this as a career, I would like to say that you must first gain experience in various administrative positions, hone your communication skills, keep up with business trends, and take a student-centered stance.

There are many good courses around leadership skills, problem-solving, team skills, and business communication, that should be considered for upskilling one can do to get an edge in this field. You must also attend various summits, programmes, and conferences of the education and ed-tech industries to gain leadership insights from the other stalwarts. I would just say to accept these changes, and keep improving your knowledge and abilities to help higher education institutions succeed.

What new initiatives and collaborations has the college established with Industry Leaders to promote industry-specific courses?

VEDA College has been very proactive in collaborating with industry leaders to get the latest updates and industry requirements. These inputs help us a lot to keep our course fresh and industry relevant. I personally have a very strong network and communication with prominent companies and professionals in the animation, VFX, and gaming industries, which helps me align our academics with current industry trends and requirements.

VEDA College has a great bank of Academia-Industry MoUs which helps our students to attend workshops, get mentorships, and get internship opportunities. The college has also facilitated incubation opportunities with leading companies, providing students with valuable hands-on experience and increasing their employability.

Click P. A. Inamdar College of Visual Effects, Design & Art | VEDA College Placements

How does the curriculum of the College ensure the best practice of industry?

Some recent changes to our curriculum were made in accordance with NEP 2020's recommendations. We now have a lot more opportunities to provide and incorporate a wide range of subjects and skills thanks to this. The new curriculum offers additional opportunities to incorporate industry best practices through a variety of choice-based disciplines like team building, entrepreneurship, financial education, etc. The new curriculum places greater emphasis on problem-solving abilities and practical courses than it does on a broad range of theoretical disciplines. 

What do you think should be the college top priority over the next 5 years?

I have set a goal for the next 5 years to match the international level of education in the AVGC Industry for the college. My mission is to create an ecosystem that fosters industry partnerships, research, and innovation. This will ensure students are prepared for the dynamic job market and positioned as industry-ready professionals.