Dr. Lavakesh Kumar Omray is the Director and Professor in Pharmaceutics at the Radharaman Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bhopal. He did his graduation, post-graduation and doctorate in pharmacy from Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar. He has 26 years of industrial, research, and teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has published six books and supervised more than 50 M.Pharm. research projects.

Dr. Omray has more than 40 research and review articles to his credit, published in national and international journals. He has received grants for the conduct of various seminars, and workshops and research grants to conduct research work. He has been awarded an excellence award in SRIJAN 2018 by Sister Nivedita Shiksha Samiti, Bhopal, for achieving excellence in the subject and securing positions at the industrial level. He is a member of the editorial board of RGI International Journal of Applied Science and Technology and is a reviewer of international journals like the Journal of Microencapsulation (Informa Healthcare), Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology and Current Pharmaceutical Design (Bentham Science Publisher), “International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences.

Radharaman Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

Education plays a vital role in shaping individuals and societies. Those working in the education sector often feel connected to the broader mission of creating a positive impact on society by equipping future generations with the skills, knowledge and values they need to thrive. This is what keeps me connected to this sector. The opportunity to shape the future of a country can be enjoyed to the fullest in this sector. We can decide our goal and act in the field of research and development. The day-to-day interaction with students and faculty, and finding my inner self in them is the most delightful experiences I have. 

Being the Director, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

My philosophy of leadership is to develop students, faculty, and other staff members and the institute to be the best in the industry. I am committed to developing a clear vision for the institution that aligns with its mission and values. I strive to be a transformational leader who motivates and empowers others to excel. I encourage creativity, critical thinking, and initiative, fostering an environment that embraces change and continuous improvement. As a leader, I am committed to supporting the personal and professional growth of faculty, staff, and students. I provide mentorship, guidance, and resources to help individuals realize their potential and achieve their goals.

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Being the Director, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

I plan and strategize by conducting a thorough analysis of the internal and external environment of the institution. This would include evaluating the current academic programs, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the institution, identifying opportunities and threats in the higher education landscape, and analyzing market trends and competition. Based on the analysis, I would define clear and measurable strategic objectives for the institution's marketing and administration efforts. 

It is essential to identify and understand the target audiences for the institution. By segmenting and analysing these audiences, we can develop tailored marketing and communication strategies to effectively reach and engage with each group. We also engage in regular monitoring and evaluation of the progress and administration efforts that are crucial for measuring the effectiveness and impact of the strategies implementation. 

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute/ university/ school?

We offer different course of pharmacy that are able to meet worldwide standards. We have a strong faculty with expertise in their respective fields. Our institute also maintains a strong emphasis on academic excellence. We strive to create an intellectually stimulating environment that fosters innovation, research, and scholarly pursuits. We prioritize building strong connections with industry partners and professionals. Inbound students can benefit from guest lectures, internships, industry collaborations, and networking opportunities institute/university encourages and supports research and innovation across various disciplines. Inbound students can actively engage in research projects, contribute to advancements in their fields of interest, and work closely with faculty members who are experts in their respective domains. We have a strong network of alumni who have excelled in various fields. Students can benefit from these connections, gaining access to a wide range of professional opportunities, mentorship, and guidance. 

How does the curriculum of institute ensure the best practice of industry?

All syllabuses of pharmacy courses are designed by the Pharmacy Council of India with the consultation of renowned experts in the industry, academic and foreign professionals. This collaborative approach helps us align our curriculum with industry standards and best practices. We offer a wide range of industry-relevant courses that are designed to provide students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. These courses are developed in close collaboration with industry partners, ensuring that they reflect the latest advancements, technologies, and methodologies used in the field. 

Any insights into how your institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

Our policies are designed in a way that suits all our students. Our curriculum is designed in consultation with industry experts, professionals, and academic advisors. We actively seek their input to identify the current and emerging trends, skills, and knowledge required in the industry. We have a diverse faculty team that includes professors with extensive industry experience. This blend of academic expertise and practical industry knowledge allows our faculty members to bring real-world examples, case studies, and industry insights into the classroom. 

We regularly organize guest lectures, workshops, and seminars where industry professionals and experts are invited to share their experiences and knowledge with students. We integrate industry projects and capstone experiences into our curriculum to provide students with practical, problem-solving opportunities. We also believe in the importance of continuous improvement and staying abreast of industry changes. 

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the institute and the students are?

My responsibilities towards the institute and the students can be defined as providing accurate and relevant information to the students and the institute community by answering questions, offering explanations, and sharing insights on various subjects. I need to support students in their learning journey by offering explanations, clarifications, and examples related to their coursework. 

I strive to encourage critical thinking skills among students by engaging in thoughtful discussions, presenting different perspectives, and challenging assumptions. I also assist students in generating ideas, brainstorming solutions, and exploring innovative approaches to various challenges. Furthermore, I have a responsibility to promote the ethical use of AI technology. I am continually updating and enhancing to provide better assistance and accurate information.

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What do you think should be the institute’s top priority over the next 10 years? 

I think our priority over the next ten years should be to maintain and enhance academic excellence. This includes ensuring high-quality education, rigorous research programs, and scholarly achievements. We also need to prioritize student success by providing resources and support systems that help students thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. We also need to encourage and support research and innovation that can contribute to societal progress and economic development. 

We also need to lead by example in addressing environmental challenges. We must prioritise sustainability efforts, such as reducing carbon footprint, promoting renewable energy, and incorporating sustainable practices across campus operations.

When you first came to institute, what was your vision for the institute? Has it evolved over time, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

The institute has its own visions, missions, and strategic plans that guide our development and goals. These visions are typically shaped by the university administration, faculty, and stakeholders who work towards creating an environment that promotes education, research, innovation, and societal impact. It has evolved to keep up with changing trends and industry movements.

What would you like people to know about your institute they may not know?

I want people to know about our efforts towards sustainability and our high-quality education. These are key factors that define our institute’s excellence. This knowledge is utilized for sustainability of our institute for the long term.