Dr. Shikha Agrawal is the Principal at the Graduate School Of Business. She holds a Ph.D. from DAVV University, Indore in“Work-life Balance: A Study of Small Entrepreneurs in Indore Region”, in Oct. 2014. She has a total of 15 years of teaching experience. She has published 39 research papers in various journals and has attended ten conferences worldwide.

Graduate School of Business

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

The factor that keeps me connected with the education sector is that it is an ever-evolving sector. It is one place where everything new that happens around the world has a positive impact. And the impact is very soon. It happens immediately. Secondly, try to build up the future of any nation wherever you are involved. The education sector keeps you young and keeps you connected with the youth.

Being the Principal of the Graduate School of Business, what is your leadership philosophy? How would you describe your leadership style?

According to me, leadership is a two-way process. A leader must connect with the people in front of the followers. Leadership has to come from within and the people with whom you are dealing must fully understand your philosophy and your vision, this must be in sync with each other. My leadership style is a very benevolent style of leadership. But yes, I believe that nothing can be achieved until and unless we are disciplined and determined. So, a person who goes by the to-do list and deadlines are to be met. But yes, if there are any problems. If any issues need to be dealt with, my team members can always come to me and get a solution upfront.

Being the Principal, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

Today, the marketing world has evolved in a very different way. Education institutes also need to make themselves visible and available and reach out to the people to whom they are catering. Our institute is loved by the students to the core. We do not need to market ourselves because the students who study at this college, are in love with the organization and the system. But still, in the world of social media marketing, whatever is happening in our college, we try to make it visible to the outside world. And through that, we try to create an impact on the students who would want to take admissions in our college. Secondly, when I talk about administration, yes, a good administration is the backbone of any organization. We try to make our organization conducive in whatever ways that is possible. The environment is very friendly. The students find it easy to approach the people that they want to in any department that they are willing as well as the activities that are conducted in the organization are well received by the students.

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How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of the industry?

The Graduate School Of Business believes that the industry and the academic need to be well connected. These two core work areas do not live in Oblivion with each other so we here make that there is a lot of interaction between the industry people and the students because ultimately the students are going to make their careers as entrepreneurs in the industry. For this, we have a starter club, incubation cells where we try to invite people from all works of life and different types of industries.

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

The Graduate School of Business believes that all students are equal whether they come from any economic background here we follow a melting pot approach that all students are the same for us and equal treatment is given we believe in diversity in inclusion whatever policy processors aspects that we make plan and execute are done keeping in mind the diverse backgrounds of the students and we focus here basically on quality education and in parting to them the best kind of education that will make them better human begin that is our policy diversity in inclusion.

What should be your University’s top priority over the next ten years?

Over the next ten years, I feel that each and everybody in the education system need to develop stronger mechanism wherein there could be regular interaction between the industry and academia more practical orientation vocational course certification programs skilling of the students is required we have associations with people where subjects are not important but skills are important and students are not forced to select only particular subjects which people believe them make them successful in the future. So, in the next ten years, a lot of tie-ups, a lot of integration, and a lot of industry exposure is what my college would be aiming for.

What do you see as your college's greatest strengths?

The greatest strength of our college is its very student-friendly environment. Here, we do not nurture the students into being individuals who can seek jobs rather we nurture them, groom them, and educate them so that they can be job providers most of my students pass the examination or complete their courses from this college they either land up as on entrepreneur some of them have even entered the unicorn entrepreneurs group and they take up courses in foreign university they excellent in there careers.