Mr. Pankaj Bajaj is the COO of Geeta Technical Hub at Geeta University. After earning a B.Tech degree in Computer Sciences from Kurukshetra University, he furthered his academic pursuits with an M.Tech in Computers. Complementing his strong educational foundation, he has earned several distinguished technical certifications, including Amazon AWS, Redhat RHCSA, Oracle Cloud, Security+, and Google Analytics.

Mr. Bajaj’s expertise spans a broad spectrum of domains, with a focus on cloud computing, system administration, cybersecurity, and data analytics. He brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to the table, having honed my skills through rigorous academic training and real-world application of technology. As a seasoned professional, he is committed to continuous learning, as evidenced by the pursuit and attainment of diverse certifications from globally recognised platforms.

Geeta University

What is Geeta Technical Hub and how is it making a difference?

Geeta Technical Hub, situated within the esteemed Geeta University, is a transformative training and certification centre dedicated to moulding the technical prowess and knowledge of our students. This hub serves as a vital conduit between academic knowledge and the ever-evolving demands of the industry. What sets Geeta Technical Hub apart is its unwavering commitment to providing practical, hands-on training across various domains, ensuring that participants not only grasp theoretical concepts but also acquire the essential skills needed in real-world scenarios. It integrates elements of creativity and entertainment into its programs, transforming the learning experience into an engaging and highly effective endeavour. The overarching goal of the centre extends beyond academic preparedness. It aspires to nurture well-rounded individuals who are not only academically adept but also possess practical skills and a fervent passion for innovation. In doing so, the hub seeks to make a substantial difference in the lives of its students, preparing them not just for professional success but also for a future where adaptability, creativity, and a forward-thinking mindset are paramount. 

As a Chief Operating Officer of Geeta Technical Hub, Geeta University, what are your main responsibilities?

In my role as the Chief Operating Officer of Geeta Technical Hub, my primary responsibilities encompass a multifaceted approach to ensure the seamless operation and continual enhancement of the hub. At the core of my duties lies strategic planning for key training programs, a meticulous process that involves aligning our educational offerings with the evolving demands of the industry. An integral aspect of my role involves fostering and managing collaborations with industry vendors. Overseeing the overall efficiency of the training processes is another crucial facet of my role, and I implement rigorous quality control measures to uphold the highest standards in education. Creating an environment conducive to innovation and continuous improvement is a key objective by instilling a culture of curiosity and creativity within the hub and encouraging both students and faculty to explore new ideas and approaches.

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

Geeta University is not just an academic institution but a hub of innovation and practical learning. The Geeta Technical Hub stands out for its commitment to industry-aligned training and certifications. We focus on providing a holistic experience, incorporating entertainment and creativity into our programs. Our unique initiatives, like G-Connect and G-Passport showcase our dedication to crafting skilled individuals who are not just academically proficient but also possess a real-world perspective.

What do you see as Geeta University's greatest strengths?

Geeta University's greatest strength lies in its commitment to providing a well-rounded education that combines academic excellence with practical skills. The Geeta Technical Hub, with its focus on industry-aligned training, certifications, and innovative programs, contributes significantly to the strength of the Geeta Technical Hub. The university's emphasis on internships, cultural sensitivity training, and diverse skill enhancement initiatives reflects a holistic approach to education. The ability to offer a range of globally recognised certifications adds a distinctive edge, making Geeta University a powerhouse of both theoretical knowledge and practical expertise.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

My advice to the current youth and aspiring students is to embrace a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability. The technological landscape is evolving rapidly and staying updated is key to success. Actively participate in programs like those offered at Geeta Technical Hub to gain hands-on experience and practical skills. Don't be afraid to explore emerging technologies and discover your passion. Additionally, seek internships and real-world exposure to bridge the gap between academic learning and industry expectations. Remember, a prosperous career is not just about qualifications but also about a willingness to learn, innovate, and adapt.

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What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for Geeta Technical Hub?

We are actively planning to expand the scope of our programs at the Geeta Technical Hub. This includes introducing new certifications, collaborating with additional industry vendors, and enhancing our internship opportunities. We are designing specialised training modules to cater to emerging technologies and create more interactive learning experiences through workshops and events. Additionally, we aim to further strengthen the Geeta Technical Hub and make ties with the industry to provide our students with exposure to real-world challenges and opportunities.

Students generally are afraid of programming and coding, how do you make them easy for the students?

Understanding the common apprehensions around programming and coding, Geeta Technical Hub employs a multi-faceted approach to make these subjects more accessible and enjoyable. Our training programs start with basic coding training, focusing on industry-relevant languages. We incorporate practical examples, real-world applications, and industry-oriented projects to make coding relatable and less intimidating. Furthermore, G-Connect events and Placement Ready programs provide a platform for students to apply their coding skills in a supportive environment. By making coding an integral part of various initiatives, we aim to demystify the fear associated with programming and foster a positive learning experience.

With the competition so high, how do you guide your students to survive in such a competitive scenario?

In the face of intense competition, we guide our students to not only excel academically but also to differentiate themselves through practical skills and industry exposure. Our programs, such as G-Connect and Placement Ready, are designed to simulate real-world scenarios and interview situations, preparing students for the competitive landscape. We encourage students to actively participate in internships, gaining hands-on experience that sets them apart. Moreover, by fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability, we empower our students to thrive in challenging environments.

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education in Geeta Technical Hub?

Uplifting the quality of education at Geeta Technical Hub comes with its own set of challenges. One challenge is staying current with rapidly evolving technologies to ensure our programs remain relevant. Another is fostering a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application. We address these challenges by actively engaging with industry experts, updating our curriculum regularly, and providing hands-on experiences. Additionally, encouraging a culture of innovation and continuous improvement helps overcome challenges related to adapting to emerging trends in the tech industry. 

When you came to Geeta University, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

Upon joining Geeta University, my vision for the Geeta Technical Hub was to create a centre of excellence that not only imparts technical knowledge but also equips students with practical skills essential for the industry. I envisioned a hub that fosters creativity, innovation, and a real-world perspective. To achieve this vision, we have introduced diverse training programs, collaborated with industry leaders, and designed initiatives like G-Connect and G-Passport to provide a holistic learning experience. The ongoing commitment to staying at the forefront of technology and industry demands is how we strive to realise and exceed the initial vision for Geeta Technical Hub.

Check Geeta University Placement

How does the curriculum of Geeta Technical Hub ensure the best practice of the industry?

The curriculum of Geeta Technical Hub is meticulously designed to align with the best practices of the industry. We regularly collaborate with industry experts and leading vendors to understand current trends and technological advancements. Our programs incorporate the latest tools, languages, and methodologies used in the industry. Hands-on projects, industry-relevant case studies, and practical applications are integral components of our curriculum. Additionally, the emphasis on globally recognized certifications ensures that our students graduate with credentials that are valued by industry employers. 

What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from the curriculum to train the students?

Beyond the curriculum, Geeta Technical Hub employs various interventions and approaches to enhance the overall training experience for students. We organise events like G-Connect to expose students to emerging technologies and provide insights into industry practices. The Placement Ready program prepares students for interviews and real-world challenges, ensuring they are not just technically skilled but also job-ready. Internship opportunities on campus allow students to apply their skills in a professional setting. Interactive learning modules, such as those in the G-Passport platform, provide scenario-based learning for a practical understanding of problem-solving. These interventions collectively contribute to a well-rounded training experience, preparing students for success in both technical and professional aspects.

What do you see as the department’s greatest strength and how can it be enhanced?

The greatest strength of Geeta Technical Hub lies in its commitment to industry-aligned training, practical skill development, and fostering innovation. To enhance these strengths, we plan to further diversify our certification offerings, collaborate with additional industry vendors, and expand internship opportunities. Introducing specialised training modules for emerging technologies and fostering collaborations with leading tech companies will strengthen our programs. Additionally, continuous engagement with students through interactive platforms, events, and workshops will contribute to building a vibrant learning community. By staying agile and responsive to industry needs, we can enhance the department's strengths and ensure a dynamic and impactful learning experience for our students.

What valuable advice would you like to give to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

To the students embarking on their educational journey, I would ardently advocate for an approach steeped in curiosity and a fervent passion for learning. Beyond the confines of textbooks, it is crucial to embrace practical experiences, internships, and hands-on projects that not only supplement academic knowledge but also provide a tangible understanding of how concepts manifest in real-world scenarios. Attend workshops, and webinars, and engage with industry publications to remain abreast of the latest advancements and to ensure that you not only meet but exceed the expectations of an industry that thrives on innovation. Networking is a formidable tool in the arsenal of career development. Embrace challenges with enthusiasm, and view failures not as setbacks but as stepping stones towards growth. The tech industry is a realm of perpetual evolution, and your commitment to staying informed, resilient in the face of challenges, and genuinely passionate about your work will be the driving forces behind your success.