Currently, the Managing Director and Trustee of Globsyn Business School, Mr. Rahul leads the marketing and business functions for all of the group’s forays in education and skills. An alumnus of Durham Business School, UK, Mr. Rahul has also participated in Executive Senior Management Programs at IIM Ahmedabad and Wharton Business School. He has played an important role in underscoring the need for various stakeholders to come together to make skill development a truly holistic and socio-economic exercise that reaches out to large sections of society.

Mr. Rahul has been instrumental in guiding and growing Globsyn Group’s Education (GBS) and skills businesses. Globsyn Skills (a JV company with NSDC) is a social enterprise that, in a short span of a little over three years, has expanded its footprint across India. Globsyn Skills today works with the central government, various state governments, educational organizations and private sector companies and has trained over 80,000 youth across several sectors comprising Banking, Insurance, Telecom, Retail, Security, Beauty and Wellness, Hospitality and Plumbing among others.

Globsyn Business School

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector? 

I started my professional career in corporate America, working in various strategic and executive positions across Fortune 500 companies like Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc., J. D. Edwards, and Deloitte and Touche for several years before joining the family business, Globsyn Group, more than a decade ago. As the Director and Trustee of Globsyn Business School, I lead the education vertical of the Globsyn Group for the Dasgupta family. My priority is delivering value to the students and making them relevant to the 21st-century knowledge economy. My experiences have not only broadened my understanding of the education sector but have also provided great insights into how people learn in India.

Being the Director and Trustee of Globsyn Business School, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

My father, the Founder and Chairman of Globsyn Group, Mr. Bikram Dasgupta, started Globsyn Business School with the overarching vision to take ordinary people to extraordinary levels. His belief in unlocking inner strength as a pathway to unparalleled success remains at the core of our philosophy and my leadership style. Entrusted with the responsibility of advancing his vision, I am committed to various spearheading efforts that bring about constructive changes not only in our institution but also in people’s perceptions of education. Management education, in my opinion, should be constantly adapted to meet the market's changing expectations. To that end, I am devoted to assessing students' progress towards becoming not only competent managers but also successful leaders and dedicated life-long learners.

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your Globsyn Business School? 

Globsyn Business School is dedicated to pushing beyond the traditional classroom walls. Our emphasis has always been on self-development, and we encourage students to strive and be the best version of themselves. This is what distinguishes us and our students from the competition. 

Each student receives holistic growth through a variety of academic best practices such as learning beyond education, experiential learning methodologies, summer internship programs, industry visits, corporate connect sessions, and the Globsyn Alumni Mentorship Program, amongst others. These practices not only prepare students to be industry-relevant but also shape them into compassionate managers.

How does the curriculum of Globsyn Business School ensure the best practice of industry? 

The curriculum at Globsyn Business School is ever-evolving. Rather than strictly adhering to an industry-relevant curriculum, we focus on developing students as lifelong learners. Before finalising the curriculum, we send it to 50-60 different companies to get their feedback. The industry is ever evolving and hence, we ensure to take a lot of input from the industry. We also make sure to upgrade our curriculum every year or every year and a half. As I said, we seek feedback from industry professionals while updating the curriculum to ensure that it is in line with industry best practices. Our curriculum incorporates not just academic best practices but also hands-on experiences, as exemplified by sessions like the ‘Boardroom Simulation’ activities. Our management students get exposed to real-world difficulties in the corporate sector through these activities, gaining practical skills that will help them seamlessly navigate the corporate world after they graduate.

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What would you like people to know about your university they may not know? 

Globsyn Business School is more than just another postgraduate management school in the city. Our commitment is to transform ordinary students into lifelong learners. GBS distinguishes itself by offering students a unique balance of 'knowing' skills imparted through structured pedagogy. We believe in 'doing' and 'being' abilities cultivated through our innovative 'Beyond Education' activities. This philosophy forms the essence of Globsyn Business School. 

What do you see as Globsyn Business School’s greatest strengths? 

The greatest strength of Globsyn Business School lies in its conviction that “ordinary people can do extraordinary things.” To accomplish this, GBS has effectively carved out a space for itself on the global industry-academia map and constructed a sustainable, technology-driven education framework for future learners. Reflecting on the guiding principle that runs through the core of GBS, I ensure that everyone who attends the B-School leaves as a better version of themselves. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for Globsyn Business School specifically? 

In today’s education ecosystem, one of the most formidable challenges, which I perceive, stems from the rapid pace of change in today's industries. Educational institutions are tasked with the challenge of keeping pace with these changes to ensure that graduates are not only equipped with relevant knowledge but are also agile enough to thrive in an ever-evolving corporate world. While there has always been a gap between theoretical concepts taught in classrooms and the practical skills required in the industry, the current speed of change in the industry is intensifying this gap. Traditional education delivery models, which may have served well in the past, are now faced with the challenge of aligning with the swiftly changing needs of the corporate world. Adding to this challenge is the shift in students’ focus, as many are more oriented towards securing high-paying jobs rather than acquiring a comprehensive set of knowledge and skills. This shift poses a risk, as the outcomes of curricula designed solely for placements may not be adequate to meet the demands of the ever-evolving corporate world. At GBS, we recognise the urgency of addressing these intertwined challenges. Our philosophy centers around teaching students to become lifelong learners. 

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students? 

When compared to prior generations, today's youth have a distinct perspective and worldview. My suggestion for current and future students is to widen their horizons beyond the classroom. Life teaches us essential truths that transcend textbooks. Meaningful education extends beyond the confines of four walls; apply and practice what you learn in real-world contexts. A youthful manager must have the appropriate mix of doing, knowing, and being skills. I will, therefore, advise aspiring students and future leaders to go beyond the realms of the classroom in their quest for education, identify societal gaps, and seize opportunities to rectify them. Remember, it is not just about getting to your destination but also about making the journey worthwhile! Additionally, I would emphasise the significance of ethics and governance for the younger generation. It is paramount to strike a balance between human values and professional growth, recognising that they are intertwined rather than separate entities. Upholding ethical standards and embracing governance principles are not only individual responsibilities but also contribute to the development of a responsible and sustainable professional environment.