Globsyn Business School (GBS) Kolkata has uniquely positioned itself as India's only ‘Corporate B-School’. The new economy background of the school makes it one of the most forward-thinking institutions in India today. The B-School has received many accolades from the education fraternity from time to time, ranking among the Top 5 B-Schools in Eastern India as per Business India’s Best B-Schools Survey 2019, and has been conferred with the title of 'Most Preferred B-School of the Year - East' at the esteemed 12th EduShine Excellence Awards 2019, organized by ASSOCHAM - India’s largest industry association. Each day is an eventful one here, read on to know what is happening at GBS Kolkata!

Globsyn Business School Organises Globsyn Award for Excellence


Date: May 06, 2024

Globsyn Business School (GBS) hosted the Globsyn Award for Excellence in 'Summer Internship Program 2024', as a token of appreciation for the young managers of the B-School who have ascertained the desired level of performance in internships.

The shortlisted students showcased their projects in front of an esteemed panel of judges, who apart from being renowned corporate professionals, are also GBS alumni. In the end, three brilliant minds – Sucharita Mitra, Sreshtha Roy Gupta, and Debapriya Das – were chosen as the winner, 1st-runner up, and 2nd-runner up, respectively, for their stellar performances.

Globsyn Business School organizes the International Vision Seminar 2024 on 'Embracing AI for Humanity'

Globsyn Business School organizes  the International Vision Seminar 2024 on 'Embracing AI for Humanity'

Date: January 23, 2024

Globsyn Business School recently held the International Vision Seminar 2024 on the topic ‘Embracing AI for Humanity’, at BCC&I on January 19 & 20, 2024. 

Day 1 of the Seminar, which is now in its 8th year, consisted of the Research Seminar Finals that saw paper presentations from management students, academicians, and corporate on the Seminar topic, and a Workshop on ‘Application of Artificial Intelligence for Business Enhancement: Perspectives and Implementations’ that exposed participants to the potential of AI for the ease of business. 

Day 2 saw a plethora of eminent personalities across the globe from the domains of industry-academia take part in the inaugural session and two-panel discussions on the topics – ‘Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Human Progression’ and ‘Role of Universal Human Values in the World of Artificial Intelligence.’ The Seminar concluded with a valedictory session by distinguished academicians. The occasion also witnessed the unveiling of Globsyn Management Journal Vol. XVII on ‘Embracing AI for Humanity’. 

The Seminar was inaugurated by Mr. Bikram Dasgupta, Founder & Chairman, Globsyn Group, India; in the presence of the Chief Guest, Honourable Prof. (Dr.) T. G. Sitharam, Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education, India; and the esteemed guest, Mr. Sandipan Chakraborty, Governing Council Member and Chairman, International Vision Seminar, Globsyn Business School, India. The inaugural session was also attended by Mr. Rahul Dasgupta, Trustee & Director, Globsyn Business School, India, who addressed the gathering with the Welcome Address, and Mr. R.C. Bhattacharya, Vice-Chairman, Globsyn Business School, India, who delivered the Theme Address at the event. The Seminar successfully concluded with an insightful valedictory address delivered by Swami Sarvapriyananda, Minister-in-Charge, Vedanta Society, New York, USA.

Going ‘Beyond Education’

Date: January 24, 2023

At the Globsyn Business School, which is the largest private business school in Eastern India, about 300 new students have enrolled for the academic year 2022–2024. This time around, we were honoured to do a comprehensive interview with Mr. Bikram Dasgupta, who is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the renowned Globsyn Group.

The Globsyn Business School has undergone consistent growth ever since it was first established twenty years ago. Many of the institute's earliest students were attracted there by Mr. Dasgupta's fame; nonetheless, the school has been run with the overarching idea of providing its pupils with the best education that can be provided as its primary focus since its inception. In point of fact, throughout the first nine years of its existence, the school chose not to pursue accreditation, instead focusing its efforts on recruiting students on the basis of its better teaching and placement chances.

The institute has proven itself to be a pioneer in the academic discipline of Management studies, particularly in the eastern region of the United States. The values that guided the founding of the institute are embodied in its commitment to "Beyond Education" training and professional advancement. Mr. Dasgupta believes that the most important responsibility of a manager is to be a courteous and responsible person who is always eager to provide a helping hand whenever and wherever it is required. Students take part in a wide variety of activities that put them to work on the ground in fields that have significant societal impact. With this motto in mind, they participate in these activities. Through the several organisations that Mr. Dasgupta has founded, students are actively encouraged to participate in volunteer work with disadvantaged children, the elderly, and youngsters with special needs. As part of the humanitarian endeavours that are carried out by Mr. Dasgupta's organisation, a unique medical insurance card designed specifically for Eastern Indian performing artists has been created.

According to Mr. Dasgupta, the management of an organisation is the second most significant part of any organisation, after technology. In addition, as seen by the numerous 'Beyond Education' projects completed by students, he places a high value on volunteering as a means of improving one's managerial skills and bringing about discernible shifts in the world. In point of fact, all of these efforts have resulted in an improvement in both the students' professional and their personal lives after they have attended Globsyn Business School. The accomplishments of Globsyn Business School and those who have graduated from the school are evidence that Mr. Dasgupta's dream has been realised.

Globsyn Business School Trustee honoured with the 'Young Entrepreneur in the Field of Education' award

Date: January 24, 2023

Rahul Dasgupta, Director & Trustee, Globsyn Business School, was recently honoured with the 'Young Entrepreneur in the Field of Education' award at the ET Industry Leaders 2022 event hosted by the Times group. The Globsyn Business School also won the award for "Best Private Business School–West Bengal" at the same ceremony. An alumnus of both Durham Business School (UK) and Wharton Business School (USA) (Advanced Diploma Program), Rahul has played a crucial role in establishing Globsyn Business School (GBS) as a premier business school in Eastern India, boasting 3500+ graduates from around the world.

Established by the Dasgupta Family, with Bikram Dasgupta at the helm, who is a successful entrepreneur known worldwide. Built by experts in the field, GBS is ahead of the curve when it comes to integrating cutting-edge technology and andragogical techniques into the management education it provides for its students.

With Rahul at the helm, GBS has expanded its international relationships to include the use of cutting-edge technologies and a wide range of scholarly methods. Rahul has been instrumental in transforming the B-pedagogical School's endeavours from a "Brick Model" to a "Click Model" via digital means. Through the implementation of cutting-edge technologies like AR/VR/MR/XR videos, and the Hybrid Learning Model, he has helped guide GBS to stay ahead of the curve in terms of learning and development for the youth, and relevant as a specialised postgraduate education system. With time-tested methods of andragogy for enhancing the practicality of education.

GBS has successfully developed a long-term, technology-driven education framework for future students by identifying places to utilise technology, enhance communication, and expedite operations. As part of its mission to develop ethical leaders for the global knowledge economy, the B-School integrates experiential learning into its curriculum, building on its technological foundation and embracing the philosophy of Learning Beyond Education.

Under Rahul's energetic direction, GBS—aided by the support of its 360+ corporate partners—has risen to prominence as one of the country's top management schools, while remaining faithful to its 20-year-old tradition of excellence in postgraduate management education through a commitment to constant reinvention.

Globsyn Global School (GBS) recognised as the "Leading B-School in Eastern India"

Date: January 23, 2023

Recently, The Times Group at Times Brand Icons 2021 recognised Globsyn Global School (GBS) as the "Leading B-School in Eastern India." Following in the footsteps of its predecessors for over 20 years, GBS has established itself as a household name in the field of education around the world.

By fusing management education with technology and innovation, Globsyn Business School (GBS), one member of the cy Team, has managed to stay ahead of the learning curve. The school, which was founded by the Dasgupta family and is run by Bikram Dasgupta, a legend in the Indian IT industry, and is guided by the Legacy Team, has managed to stay ahead of the learning curve by fusing management education with technology and innovative pedagogy.

GBS, which has a technological foundation and a concept of education that goes beyond the classroom, incorporates real-world experience into its lessons to help students grow into the "industry relevant managers" that businesses need in the twenty-first century.

To ensure that GBS students have access to the highest quality management education possible, the school has formed partnerships with institutions all around the world. Many of these students, along with the more than 3,000 GBS alums, are already shining examples of excellence in their respective fields. GBS has carved out a special place for itself on the worldwide industry-academia map with to its commitment to constant innovation in management education and its 360+ business collaborations.

The future of learning: Globsyn Business School

Date: January 23, 2023

With the second wave of the pandemic wreaking havoc on people's lives all over the world, it's become crucial for educational institutions to adapt with novel ideas and prepare students for life in a post-COVID world. Today's educational institutions must adapt to the changing needs of its students by providing them with more opportunities for individualization in the classroom.

Institutions of higher learning have come to appreciate the importance of reimagining the educational process in a way that challenges the prevailing monopoly on knowledge and gives students a chance to discover and develop their own personal goals.

With more than 20 years of experience pioneering the integration of technology and innovation in business education, Globsyn Business School (GBS) has continued its tradition of setting new standards in the field. To achieve its mission of preparing the next generation of ethical leaders, GBS has always been at the forefront of education by giving its students the freedom to pursue whatever line of study they see fit. The B-School is based on the principle of student autonomy, which it promotes by giving students a voice in determining their own educational experiences. GBS is one of 24 business schools throughout the world to be featured as highlights of AACSB International's Innovations. As a result, the idea for the member recognition programme was born. The GBS trademark entrepreneurship event, EntreArena, is just one of many events organised by Embryon, the GBS Entrepreneurship Cell. Students can improve their managerial abilities and acquire an experiential grasp of innovation as a differentiator and a guiding principle of entrepreneurship by participation in such events.

For its future managers, GBS has designed Hybrid Learning Classrooms (HLC) in anticipation of the imminent pedagogical paradigm shift. While some schools are still trying to figure out the intricacies of making the leap to online learning, others are debating whether or not to revert to the tried-and-true method of teaching in the traditional classroom. Because it is one of the most progressive schools in India, GBS is participating in the HLC project to give its pupils exposure to hybrid learning. The strength of this teaching method is in its adaptability to each student's unique requirements. Hybrid classrooms not only combine the advantages of online and face-to-face learning, but also improve students' capacity to remember what they've learned. Students are more likely to maintain their attention and interest because to the model's incorporation of technology into the learning process.

The GBS Hybrid Learning Classrooms were created so that after the pandemic is over, students from all post-graduate management programmes can either resume their studies online or relive the in-person classroom experience. Here's what GBS Director Rahul Dasgupta had to say about it: "New developments in the educational system have been sped up thanks to COVID 19. When it comes to education, we think it's crucial that students have complete autonomy in deciding not only what they learn but also how they study it. Through its learner-centric approach to education and extensive use of technology, Globsyn Business School is among the first institutions in India to seamlessly integrate physical and online forms of instruction, giving students the freedom to choose which format best suits their needs. GBS is stepping into a new era of education with the implementation of Hybrid Learning Classrooms."

The groundbreaking idea of Hybrid Learning Classrooms exemplifies disruptive technology adoption by bringing together innovation, research, and technology in an optimal method that improves the way students are taught and allows teachers to monitor their progress. In addition, the creative atmosphere encouraged in these classrooms encourages students to ask novel questions and think of novel answers. High-definition screens integrated with the Zoom training platform that allows professors to speak with many digitally linked pupils contribute to the classrooms' already high level of smart technology to ensure a seamless educational experience. Classrooms equipped with high-quality cameras with zooming capabilities and wireless audio speakers help students and instructors work together more effectively, regardless of their physical locations. Hybrid classrooms benefit from a greater sense of interactivity and collaboration because to a plethora of technology like these.

Once the pandemic has abated, GBS will regulate the number of actual participants within the classroom to give maximum importance to health and safety norms. The complete Hybrid Learning Classroom structure at the B-School has been developed to meet the safe physical separation criteria. In addition, the B-School has implemented a strict precaution - the Domain Specific User Login' facility - to prevent cyber hacking and cyber bullying, and so increase security during the knowledge transfer process, in response to the rising incidence of such activities. The System Engineering Group (SEG) at GBS is made up of highly-motivated professionals who handle and guarantee a trouble-free educational experience by doing things like keeping the internal network online at all times, mediating all technologically-enabled security services, and making sure there is enough bandwidth and network connections.

In addition to this effort, GBS has maintained its position as one of India's top 50 B-Schools by appropriately utilising technology that is both cutting-edge and relevant to the demands of the moment, as reflected in Business India's Best B-Schools Survey 2020. Through its many years of engagement with leading academic institutions and international corporations, GBS has been able to include cutting-edge technologies into its curriculum. The B-School has also introduced synchronous and asynchronous learning content to transform its pedagogy from a "Brick Model'' to a "Click Model'' and has worked tirelessly to convert areas where it was necessary to enter the blended system of management education while still preserving the value of traditional classroom instruction. In recognition of GBS's academic excellence over the years, numerous distinguished titles and accolades have been bestowed upon the institution. Awarded "Best B-School with Academic Excellence in Eastern India" at the Asia Education Summit & Awards 2021, the B-School has recently received international acclaim. These sorts of recognitions are what push and urge the B-School to constantly be one step ahead of the competition in terms of education.

To ensure that its curriculum remains cutting-edge, GBS has developed a carefully thought-out system for disseminating knowledge. This system incorporates synchronous or virtual classes, face-to-face or traditional physical classroom models, asynchronous or pre-recorded classes, self-learning techniques that students can imbibe on their own, and now hybrid learning, offering students a truly novel educational opportunity. By providing a space where students from all over the world and all areas of postgraduate management may learn together in real time, GBS Hybrid Learning Classrooms are an efficient technological solution.

The human element of the faculty-student interaction at the B-School is not lost amidst the technological brilliance of creative teaching, as seen by the many ways in which "Experiential Learning" is implemented. While GBS's structured pedagogy is responsible for the dissemination of "knowing," its "Beyond Education'' activities are responsible for the dissemination of "doing" and "being" abilities. Learning Beyond Education: GBS is well on its way to its goal of producing managers with industry relevance by breaking away from the confines of conventional methods of disseminating management knowledge. The B-School has a long history of sending its graduates into successful careers with some of the world's top companies. Because of this, GBS's 3000+ alumni have received several awards and recognitions throughout the years, and many of them have gone on to become highly effective leaders in their respective fields. GBS has placed 100+ students in leading corporate houses like Reckitt Benckiser, Ernst & Young, ITC Limited, Berger Paints, Tata Medical Center, and Airtel despite the still looming pandemic. This is the B-proudest School's achievement since its inception.

Today's fast-paced, interconnected world is fostering a steady stream of technological innovation that is opening doors to wiser classroom practices. GBS has carved out a unique position on the international industry-academic map and established a long-term, technology-driven education framework for tomorrow's students by being responsive to this change and identifying areas where it can necessitate technology to improve communications and streamline processes.

GBS announces scholarships worth INR 5,000,000 for meritorious students

Date: December 13, 2019

Globsyn Business School, the No. 1 Private B-School in Kolkata, has announced the ‘National Scholarship Program’ (NSP) for students of its postgraduate management programs. An amount worth around INR 50 lacs has been announced as a part of this Scholarship Program in multiple categories. NSP has been conceived to reward the hard work and recognize the excellence achieved by exemplary students in their academic pursuits and in all other areas of life, from a holistic point of view. As a part of this initiative, GBS will be accepting applications from deserving young minds for its ‘National Scholarship Program’ through a dedicated portal until March 31, 2020. 

Scholarships are not only essential to keep students from humble backgrounds adequately motivated to pursue their studies, but is also a pertinent requisite for acknowledging the talent and rewarding brilliance achieved by meritorious young minds in their academic and extra-curricular endeavors. The Scholarships will be offered to students in multiple categories of Merit, Sports, and Arts, for brilliance in academics, outdoor competitive games and creative expressiveness respectively, as well as an ‘Economic Scholarship’ for students from humble economic backgrounds. NSP also offers ‘Kalyani Scholarship’ – to students with exemplary academic track-record from underprivileged backgrounds, whose parents or guardians income falls below the minimum tax-free slab as per the Income Tax Act. Six such 100% scholarships would be awarded to deserving students. 

Rahul Dasgupta, Director, Globsyn Business School said, “Scholarships are opportunities for deserving students to earn an education. They are morale boosters that help young learners scale academic pinnacles while realizing their self-worth. Respecting such realizations, Globsyn’s NSP has been tailored with various types of scholarships, ensuring that no meritorious student is denied from an equal opportunity at education. The portal that we are using to accept applications to our scholarships also allows applicants to reach out to over 1200 scholarships from various organizations across the globe.”