Dr. R. Kuraloviyan, Assistant Professor and Facilitator from the Department of Commerce (ISM and CA) has been working at AM Jain College since June 2015. He also had experience working in an MNC company and has cleared NPTEL courses in Income Tax, Cost Accounting and Business to Business Marketing. He has attended several faculty Faculty Development Programmes often to update himself. I have been guiding the department to complete their task on time and have published papers in UGC CARE and other reputed journals. Additionally, he organises events that enhance the knowledge of colleagues and help students to upskill themselves.


Being a Facilitator of the Department, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

I am responsible for delivering instructions and motivating the students to actively concentrate on the curriculum as well as sports and cultural activities. I always guide the students regarding the maintenance of discipline as well as the dress code whenever they are on campus. I always encourage them to hone their skills to survive in this competitive environment and make them follow the management instructions as and when updated. Also, we involve them in research activities and ask them to complete the task on or before the due dates prescribed. I act as a mentor to students, providing advice and support related to their academic and professional goals. This could involve helping them select courses, explore career options, or develop skills relevant to their field of study. I am always accessible to students outside of class hours for questions, concerns, or additional support. For this, we maintain open lines of communication through email, office hours, or other means to address student needs and inquiries.

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

I am always approachable and encourage students to come with questions, concerns, or just to chat. We show genuine interest in their academic progress and well-being. We listen attentively to students' concerns, opinions, and feedback and make it a point to show empathy and understanding, even if I may not always agree with their perspective. We recognise and acknowledge students' contributions and achievements in class and in the department, as well as bring them to higher authorities to make them feel recognised. With fellow faculty, we seek opportunities to collaborate with fellow faculty on projects, research, or curriculum development. Collaboration fosters a sense of community and mutual support. We share teaching resources, materials, and best practices with colleagues. Supportive gestures like this can enhance the overall quality of instruction within the department. We need to respect differences in teaching styles, perspectives, and areas of expertise among colleagues, as balancing diversity strengthens the department and fosters a culture of inclusivity.

How do you try to bring in practical approach towards subjects and make it industry oriented?

We try to understand current trends, technologies, and practices in relevant industries and identify the skills and knowledge that are in demand among employers through seminars and workshops with resource persons. We incorporate real-world examples, case studies, and scenarios into the curriculum to illustrate theoretical concepts and demonstrate their practical applications in industry settings. Our students are offered opportunities to participate in internships, seminars, or industry placements where they can gain hands-on experience and apply classroom learning in real-world settings. The college invites professionals from relevant industries to serve as guest speakers or guest lecturers. They can provide insights into industry practices, share their experiences, and offer practical advice to students. We use experiential learning techniques such as role-playing exercises, and hands-on activities to engage students and reinforce learning through practical experiences and we encourage students to tackle authentic, industry-related problems through problem-based learning approaches. This fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the application of theoretical knowledge.

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students which help them gain necessary skills?

Our institute offers workshops or seminars focused on developing specific skills relevant to the student's field of study, such as technical skills, problem-solving skills, time management, and teamwork. We also provide career development programs that help students explore career options, develop job search strategies, build resumes and portfolios, and prepare for interviews. This could include mock interviews, networking events, and career fairs. We have peer mentoring programs for providing guidance, support, and advice on academic and professional matters. We also offer academic advising services to help students navigate their academic journey, plan their course schedules, and address any challenges they may encounter. Additionally, we provide support services such as tutoring, counselling, and academic workshops to help students succeed academically.

How do you strategize the curriculum and how often it gets updated to make it befitting for the students? 

We usually begin our curriculum update process by assessing the needs, goals, and learning outcomes of the students within the program. We try to understand their career aspirations, interests, and areas for improvement. We make it a point to stay informed about current industry trends, advancements, and standards relevant to the field of study. Moreover, we regularly consult with industry professionals and employers to identify emerging skills and knowledge requirements. We also provide faculty members with ongoing professional development and training opportunities to enhance their teaching effectiveness, update their subject matter expertise, and integrate innovative pedagogical approaches into the curriculum.

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What are your views upon the placements and higher education about the students from your department or how does your department prepare students for higher education? 

We offer personalised academic advice to help students identify their interests, goals, and strengths, and we assist them in selecting courses and exploring higher education options. We encourage students to engage in undergraduate research projects under the guidance of faculty mentors. Research experiences not only deepen students' understanding of their field but also enhance their competitiveness for admission to graduate programs. We organise workshops and seminars focused on professional development skills and also make students attend the courses organised by our institution, such as writing personal statements, crafting resumes, preparing for interviews, and networking effectively. These workshops help students present themselves confidently in the application process for higher education.

How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

We emphasise the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. We encourage students to develop a growth mindset, embracing failures as opportunities for learning and growth rather than setbacks. We provide resources and strategies for managing stress effectively through wellness programs organised by our institution and also make them attend counselling programs as and when they require them. We encourage students to prioritise their well-being and seek support when needed. Moreover, we equip students with marketable skills that are in demand in the current job market. This includes technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and leadership qualities. We offer opportunities for hands-on learning, internships, and extracurricular activities that allow students to develop and showcase these skills. Our institution has a placement department where they provide career counselling and guidance to help students identify their strengths, interests, and career goals.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/ programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges? 

Our institution offers entrepreneurship programs called ‘SEED’ where students can learn about starting and running their businesses. This cell provides real-time experience and opportunities to foster innovation and creativity. We have partnered with businesses and organisations to provide internship opportunities for students, as they allow students to gain real-world experience in their field of interest and develop professional skills. We also encourage students to participate in community service projects like Tree Plantation and Digital Awareness program where they can apply their skills to address local issues and make a positive impact in their communities. Our “Teach the Teachers” initiative helps students develop communication, critical thinking, and public speaking skills.

What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

Ensuring faculty members through faculty development programs are well-trained, motivated, and equipped with the latest teaching methodologies is essential. Interactive panel facility provided by the management towards integrating technology effectively into the classroom. Keeping students engaged and motivated in their learning can be a challenge, especially with distractions from technology and other activities. Implementing active learning strategies and fostering a supportive learning environment can help address this challenge. Developing meaningful assessments to measure student learning outcomes and evaluating the effectiveness of teaching methods can be complex. The educational landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies, pedagogies, and societal needs emerging. Departments must be flexible and adaptive to meet these changing demands, like online classes, during the new normal. Establishing and maintaining quality assurance processes to ensure educational standards are met consistently can be challenging, which will involve accreditation, external evaluations, and internal quality control measures.

When you came to the college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same? 

When I joined in June 2015, I wanted to deliver my responsibility properly by guiding students with real-time examples, as I had experience working in an MNC. I thought of making students fill the gaps between their skillsets and demands in light of the changing needs of the industry and equipping them with the knowledge and competencies needed to thrive in a rapidly changing job market. We, the department, get guidance from the management and arrange career guidance programs and technical oriented sessions to fill the gaps.

Check AM Jain College Placement

How does the curriculum of your department/college ensure the best practice of the industry?

Our institution organises workshops, seminars, conferences, and training sessions to update faculty members on the latest industry trends, technologies, and teaching methodologies. We also encourage faculty members to pursue further education, certifications, or professional courses related to their field to help them stay abreast of developments in their areas of expertise by offering financial support. We facilitate peer learning and mentoring among faculty members allowing them to share best practices, exchange ideas, and learn from each other's experiences which fosters continuous improvement and ensures that knowledge is effectively disseminated within the department. We encourage faculty members to conduct research and publish scholarly articles, books, or case studies related to their field, which enhances their credibility and keeps them engaged with current industry issues. Constructive feedback, coupled with performance evaluations and professional development plans, enables faculty members to address any gaps in their skills or knowledge.

What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to train/teach the students?

Engaging students in real-world projects or tasks that require critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity. PBL encourages students to apply knowledge and skills in authentic contexts. Our students are encouraged to work together in small groups or teams to solve problems, discuss concepts, and complete tasks. Collaborative learning fosters peer interaction, communication skills, and shared understanding. We incorporate educational technologies such as interactive panels, educational apps, and online resources to enhance learning experiences, increase engagement, and provide opportunities for personalised learning. Reversing the traditional classroom model by delivering instructional content outside of class (e.g., through videos or readings) and using class time for activities, discussions, and application of concepts. This approach allows for more personalised instruction and active learning during face-to-face interactions.

What are the interventions and approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to train/teach the students? 

Engaging students in real-world projects or tasks that require critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity. PBL encourages students to apply knowledge and skills in authentic contexts. Our students are encouraged to work together in small groups or teams to solve problems, discuss concepts, and complete tasks. Collaborative learning fosters peer interaction, communication skills, and shared understanding. We incorporate educational technologies such as interactive panels, educational apps, and online resources to enhance learning experiences, increase engagement, and provide opportunities for personalized learning. Reversing the traditional classroom model by delivering instructional content outside of class (e.g., through videos or readings) and using class time for activities, discussions, and application of concepts. This approach allows for more personalized instruction and active learning during face-to-face interactions.

What do you see the department’s greatest strengths and how can it be enhanced? 

Our department has highly committed and passionate staff members, which is a significant strength. To enhance this, the department can invest in professional development opportunities, recognise and celebrate staff achievements, and foster a positive and supportive work culture. To enhance collaboration, we facilitate regular meetings and discussions, provide platforms for sharing resources and strategies, and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration. The department offers robust support services for students, such as tutoring, counselling, or academic advising, which can be a strength. To enhance student support, the department can assess the effectiveness of existing services and identify areas for improvement. The department also encourages and supports innovative teaching practices, such as project-based learning, technology integration, or experiential learning, this can be a strength.

What valuable advice would you like to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

Discover what you are passionate about and what brings fulfilment and your career will be much more rewarding if it aligns with your passions. Define your career goals and aspirations. Setting clear goals will help them to stay focused and motivated as they work towards building their career. The world is constantly evolving, and so are industries and professions. Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning. Stay curious, seek out new knowledge and skills, and be open to learning from every experience. Build relationships with peers, mentors, professionals in their field, and alumni. Networking can open doors to new opportunities, provide valuable advice and support, and help them stay connected to industry trends. In addition to technical skills, employers highly value soft skills such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, and problem-solving. Work on developing these skills, as they are essential for success in any career. Be proactive in seeking out opportunities, taking on new challenges, and advocating for yourself. The career landscape is constantly evolving, and you may encounter unexpected twists and turns along the way. Stay flexible and adaptable and be willing to pivot and adjust pans as needed.