A great academic leader and passionate trainer, Dr. Hemalatha is presently serving as the Director at MAM B School, Trichy. Having 9 years of industry and 8 years of academic experience, she has trained and developed thousands of potential entrepreneurs. She also conducted training on market survey methods for educated unemployed youth and first-generation entrepreneurs under the state government’s entrepreneur cum enterprise development scheme. She is a Ph.D. in Human behavior, consumer psychology, retailing, data mining from NIIT. 

MAM B School

What latest programs do you offer that helps students stand apart from the crowd?

“Entrepreneurship- and Food Technology- skill developmental programs”

MAM B School is offering mostly skill development-related programs. Nowadays, students are joining MBA to learn how to build a brand or business on their own. So keeping this in mind, we are offering an Entrepreneurship Development programme, by sharing the knowledge and struggles of intellects and CEOs of different start-ups through seminars and webinars. Also, focusing more on Food Technology which is on the rapid growth nowadays, we have tie-ups with the skill development centers in Trichy. With the support of various institutes and organizations, we are conducting development programmes.

What will you say are the best practices in the course you’re offering?

“Helping students gain knowledge through our pedagogy”

The best practice we follow is to take the curriculum from the NIT and IIT offered by the central government and implement it in our school with new ideologies to help students learn the relevant skills. Apart from this, inviting the experts from the industries and making the students up-to-date with the latest market scenarios and training them. Also, by this, the students will come up with new ideas to build their own companies or brands and can be pioneers.

How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?

“Industrial integrations and connections”

Learning is a never-ending process, by learning we can get new ideas and not worry about the future. Our main motive is to make the students acquire the best possible knowledge, and make them understand the future and develop new ideas or skills. MAM B School will continuously invite people from the industry to train students in different domains. We have connections with the Young Indians, CII, Madras Management association, NHRD, which aids the students to learn more new things.

How do you train your faculty to deliver this program to the students?

“Competent training and upskilling”

One of the principles of MAM B School is offering Premium Training Quality to its trainers and teachers, as only training has the power to transform people. Our Training team consists of people who are domain experts and market leaders in their respective domains. Faculties are screened, handpicked by our in-house training department. We always believe a trainer should be someone who has acquired knowledge and should have applied and competent enough to coach others. Also invite visiting faculties from the Tamil Nadu Investment Corporation, District Industrial Corporation and people from the government scheme, bankers, etc. facilitates faculty development and orientation. 

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What challenges did you face while inculcating this program in your curriculum?

“Retreating the mindset of students”

The major one is students not utilizing these courses mindfully to develop their life and others as well. The students need to understand the value of these professional courses on a national scale. We need to educate the students about the needs of these courses and also to denote the value that these will bring to the students. The next challenge has been the funds for organizing these courses and updating them on a regular basis. 

What types of projects are students working on through this program?

“Various live, academic and survey projects”

We have many live projects and academic projects for our students during their MBA program. Live projects include learning from the environment, peer learning, market coaching and many such activities that ensure they are aware of the environment and always ready to take up any challenge posed in front of them for the industry crisis. These projects are credit-based and rewarded to students based on the involvement and quality of the project. Academic projects include domain-based projects based on their choice of specialization. Academic projects help them to have interaction with various industry leaders and best market practices. Apart from this, they also do market research and survey projects in between their courses. 

Click MAM B School Faculty

What are the career options after pursuing this course? 

“Professional leaders and market researchers”

Management programs are designed as domain-based programs which can be customized according to any industry you would dream to work in. As a fresher when you enter the industry, the career options are either a leadership role or implementer roles, as MBA graduates always have an edge towards becoming a leader. Apart from this, the career options include Financial Analyst, Certified NISM Trader, Talent Acquisition Specialist, Payroll Specialist, Digital Marketing Analyst, Operations Manager, Systems Analyst, etc.