Dr. Rajesh has more than 20 years of experience in industry, entrepreneurship, teaching, research, and consulting. After graduating from Pune University in Management in 1997, he worked in the industry for about three years in the domain of sales and marketing, covering sales in Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, and lastly, Odisha. After this brief stint in the industry, he went on to start his venture in the area of training and sales in the domain of CAD/CAM. These five years gave him a lot of fruitful experience in training engineering students and selling software to educational institutions. During this time, he also attempted a failed venture, i.e., a magazine for undergraduate students targeted at improving their aptitude and english proficiency.

With this diverse experience of about eight years, he formally joined a management institution in Nagpur in 2005. He started as an assistant professor, he was then awarded his doctoral degree in 2010. Soon after, he was promoted to head of the undergraduate department of business administration, and from this year, i.e., 2020, he is now head of the post-graduate department of business administration.

He has turned around the undergraduate department of management by increasing student admissions from 42 to its full intake capacity of 220 within 3 years. Also, overcoming the pandemic challenge, she turned around the postgraduate Department of Business Administration to bring it to sound financial condition within just over one and a half years of taking over as head of the department.

With his multidisciplinary interests, he is by far the best postgraduate in management, commerce, the arts, media, and philosophy. He has been a university topper twice and has been honored with a total of 07 Gold Medals and 02 Memorial Prizes for excellence in academics by the University. Under his guidance, three students have been awarded Ph.D. degrees so far, and five more are undergoing doctoral research.

He has been adjudged the Best Paper Award for a paper presented at a national-level conference. Among his online certifications, he has done Intellectual Property Management, Copyrights, Trademarks, Designs, and GI Filing Procedures in the Domain of Intellectual Property Rights.

Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Leadership from Case Western Reserve University and age of Sustainable Development from Columbia University among various other certifications.

He has also worked as a consultant with Bajaj Steel Industries Ltd. and Western Coalfields Limited in India.


Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Institute of Management Technology and Research

Being the HOD of your college, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

For me to guide, to serve the individual and a team to achieve the goal. My philosophy of leadership is nothing but to serve others.I try to help my staff to achieve their goals.I think I can help staff who are the pillar of my principal's journey of HOD to find their passion.A support, gratitude, responsibility towards students and teachers’ feelings that they are a part of the journey.

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?

We are not focusing on advertising our college; we always want the best outcome by giving students the best output. I am the HOD of the banking and finance branch, so I know the importance of banking sectors and their benefits. I always try my best to give my students practical knowledge so that they are well-prepared for their future.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the College and the students are?

As a principal, my role and responsibilities toward my students are to serve them best and give them what they deserve as students, not only from an academic point of view but also from an industry point of view. I always believe my students are the top students in India. And I work hard and try my best to give them a chance to take part in the curriculum activities apart from the college campus activities. I believe that for every student, not only the academics are important, but the social non-academic activities are also important.

When you first came to this College, what was your vision for the university? 

My vision is to make this college India's best college, and the vision according to the student is to provide them with 100% placement after completing 2 years of this management course. Or else they are going for higher education at the best university.

What would you like people to know about your college they may not know?

Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh College of Management is a well-known college name. Students know this college from the name itself. People who don’t know about college are strict regarding our students, our discipline, our placement, and many other things.

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What makes your college different from other colleges?

I think we are focussing on multi personality education along with students’ perspective. These are the important factors that other colleges may not have and this is our agenda of successful journey of student and teacher. This makes us different from everything like other colleges because everyone does not have that ability to adapt to this.

What are your college’s greatest strengths?

Our greatest strength is that we have one of the best faculties: those with 22 years of experience and those with more than that experience in the faculties. We also give the new generation a chance to connect with us, so we have teaching staff who are young and have an inspiring vision. Apart from that, we are the best in the region. I already mentioned that we are the heart of the city, which is our greatest strength.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

Work hard

Don't go with the shortcuts.

Don't do anything for the sack of pears or under the pressure of your parents.

Do whatever you want to give your 100% in that

Don't follow the crowd.

Don't be a comparable person, like your friend's marks are good, so you want to take an admission in any degree; maybe you are made for the other.

So just believe in your own journey.

and all the best for the future.