Dr. Mahesh Deshpande is the Dean of Global Educare Foundation of Global College of Management, IT and Commerce. After a B.Com. and an M.Com. from Karnataka University, he also pursued a PGDBA and a PhD in Human Resources Development. Before taking his mantle, he worked at K.L.E’s College of Business Administration, SVMVV’s College Of Business Administration, Manorama Institute of Technology, BVB College of Engineering and Technology and KMSP Finance Ltd. Throughout his career, Dr. Deshpande has attended six conferences and courses and published 21 papers in international and national journals of repute.


How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

I promote open communication by being approachable and available, fostering dialogue through various channels. I also practice active listening, making sure to show genuine interest and empathy. We treat everyone with respect, acknowledging diverse perspectives. We also foster collaboration, offer constructive feedback, and recognise achievements. We also guide students through mentorship, embracing diversity and maintaining professional boundaries. We strive for continual improvement in relationships through feedback, assessments, and reflection.

What are the best practices offered by the department to the students which help them gain necessary skills?

We integrate skill development into the curriculum through experiential learning, workshops, and project-based approaches. We have also established mentorship programs and feedback mechanisms for students to assess and improve their skills. The institute also provides access to professional development resources and promotes peer learning. Continuously evaluating and refining initiatives helps us stay relevant and effective.

How do you help your student to cope up with the competition being so high in the outside world?

Our goal is to help students understand their strengths, and opportunities, and provide them with the values to boost confidence and motivation. We encourage a growth mindset, resilience, and stress management skills. Our teachers guide goal-setting, offer support networks and emphasise self-improvement over comparison. We also advocate for balance and informed decision-making in academic and career paths.

Do you have any extracurricular activities/programs to enhance the skills of the students or expose them to real-world challenges?

We have regular forums and outcome-based extracurricular activities throughout the year for the overall development of students. We organise exhibitions and sessions by inviting local small and medium industrialists and women entrepreneurs and providing them with a platform to share their products, services, and ideas on the college campus. The college also hosts events to uplift Indian culture, tradition, heritage, and customs. Our extracurricular events cover entrepreneurship, debate, community service, the arts, sports, diversity, and career exploration. These initiatives offer opportunities for hands-on learning, skill development, and personal growth.

When you came to the college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

Global College of Management prioritises academic excellence through innovative teaching methods, an updated curriculum, and a culture of continuous improvement as per the guidelines of the National Education Policy - 2020. We foster research and innovation by providing resources and support for faculty and student projects, promoting a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Since I joined the institute, I resonated with this vision and have been working actively to contribute to it. Towards this end, I have established the “Research of Entrepreneurship Development Cell” and forged industry partnerships for experiential learning, support entrepreneurship, and encourage leadership development. I also organise activities ranging from startup competitions to productions, promoting critical thinking, leadership, and cultural understanding.

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What valuable advice would you like to give to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?

To students, I advise them to pursue careers aligned with their interests, values, and strengths. Embrace lifelong learning, adaptability, and networking to seize opportunities and cultivate meaningful relationships. Explore diverse experiences, learn from setbacks, and develop essential soft skills alongside technical abilities. Take ownership of your career, create opportunities through initiative, and embrace change with resilience. Prioritise physical and mental well-being to maintain balance and avoid burnout to ensure sustained productivity and happiness. Stay authentic and true to your values, even in the face of external pressures or expectations.

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

Working in education offers opportunities for continuous learning and growth, as well as the ability to contribute to positive societal change while also empowering future generations. It provides a fulfilling sense of purpose, fostering collaboration, professional development, and a lifelong learning ethos. Despite challenges, such as budget constraints and technological disruptions, the chance to inspire and mentor students towards success makes it deeply rewarding for me.

How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your institute?

Open communication and mutual respect among all members is key to healthy relations. Our first priority towards this is students’ safety and security. We have a “no ragging campus” and the entire campus is under constant surveillance to keep an eye on students’ activities. We encourage feedback and collaboration and offer comprehensive support services for students. We also celebrate diversity, promote leadership qualities, advocate for work-life balance, invest in professional development and continuously solicit feedback from stakeholders to inform decision-making. 

What do you think sets your institution apart from other colleges and universities and how do you communicate that unique value proportion to students and other stakeholders?

Our unique academic programs, expert faculty, modern facilities, experiential learning opportunities, comprehensive support services, commitment to diversity and inclusion, industry partnerships, and innovative teaching methods are key strategies to differentiate our institution. We communicate these effectively through various channels helps us attract prospective students who align with the institution's mission and offerings, fostering a positive reputation and engagement with stakeholders.

How do you approach decision-making in your role and how do you balance the needs of different stakeholders when making difficult decisions?

The institution approaches decision-making by gathering relevant information from diverse sources and considering the needs and perspectives of various stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and community members. It prioritises transparency, engagement, and consensus-building throughout the decision-making process, ensuring that decisions align with institutional values and objectives. This fosters a culture of collaboration, accountability, and continuous improvement within the institution.

What new initiatives and collaborations has the university established with industry leaders to promote industry-specific courses?

The university has established various initiatives and collaborations with industry leaders. These include forming industry advisory boards to guide curriculum development, inviting industry leaders for guest lectures and workshops, offering internship and co-op programs for hands-on experience, organizing industry-sponsored projects, and providing professional development seminars and certifications. Additionally, the university collaborates on research initiatives, offers industry immersion programs, pairs students with industry mentors, establishes industry-focused centers, and offers industry-relevant certifications.