Dr. K. Satyanarayana is the Principal of Pragati Engineering College. He obtained his M.Tech degree in Power Electronics from JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad and his PhD from J.N.T.U. College of Engineering, Kakinada. Dr. K. Satyanarayana’s of 20 years of teaching experience, 5 years of industrial experience and 6 years of Research experience is an invaluable source of support to growth of institute. He secured the Best Teacher Award of the college for the academic year 2009-10 and secured the Best Research Paper award on “Power System Planning Operation and Optimization” in a National conference organized by the Department of EEE, JNTUK, Kakinada on 17th June 2011. His research contributions are worth INR 18 lakhs to the college. He has presented 48 research papers in various national and international journals and conferences including Power Electronic Drives, advanced PWM and Vector Control techniques. He is a member of the editorial board for four journals, a member and a Chartered Engineer in the Institution of Engineers (India), and a life member of the Indian Society for Technical Education.

Pragati Engineering College

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

There are numerous key factors that have kept me connected with the education sector throughout my professional career. A genuine love for learning and a desire to share knowledge are the potential factors that have been motivating me to stay in the education sector. Moreover, I have a strong desire to contribute the art and science of technology to society in a meaningful way and it has encouraged me to dedicate myself to the field of education. Furthermore, the education sector offers both life-long learning and a dynamic environment that fosters intellectual growth, research, and innovation, resulting in my career growth, such as becoming a professor or an administrator.

Being the Principal of Pragati Engineering College, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

As the Principal of Pragati Engineering College, my philosophy of leadership revolves around fostering an environment that promotes academic excellence, personal growth, innovation, and inclusivity. At the outset, my leadership approach is student-centric by assuring the pivotal force of the education system, i.e., the students’ access to quality education, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive learning environment. In this process, their feedback provides greater opportunities to address the gaps, if any. In my academic and administrative duties, I believe in the philosophy of participative leadership style, which promotes a culture of empowerment and collaboration among faculty, staff, and students. I strongly believe that the participation of all stakeholders can bring different perspectives and ideas to the table, fostering innovation and creativity. I prioritize transparency in decision-making processes. It's essential that all stakeholders understand the rationale behind decisions and have access to relevant information. I believe in the continuous improvement of both individuals and the institution as a whole. This involves staying updated with the latest educational trends, technology, and industry developments.

Being the Principal of the Institute, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

As the Principal of an educational institute, developing effective strategies for marketing and administration is crucial for the college's success and growth. I always take marketing and administration steps that ensure all efforts align with the college's mission, vision, and core values. This ensures consistency and authenticity in communication. Further, SWOC (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges) analysis guides me in assessing the college's current position and identifying the areas that need improvement. Our marketing strategy aims to identify the target audience, establish a strong and consistent brand identity, and enhance the college's online presence through a user-friendly website, active social media accounts, and online advertising. We also give prominence to building strong relationships with alumni who can become brand ambassadors. For financial planning, we develop a budget that allocates resources efficiently, balancing investments in infrastructure, faculty development, and marketing efforts.

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The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

Studying at our institute can offer several unique benefits to inbound students in a way that such inbound students can experience an exclusive diverse cultural experience. India is known for its rich and diverse culture and heritage, with a long history of traditions, languages, and religions that students get to experience. Unlike in many countries, education in our institution is more within the reach of students, as tuition fees and the cost of living in India are generally lower. The quality of education provided is also on par with many other prestigious institutions known for their quality education. Language skills and employability skills provided in our institute are an added attraction to improving their language and employability skills. However, it is important to note that there can be challenges as well as differences in teaching styles, infrastructure, and administrative processes. Also, the level of cultural adaptation required can vary, and some students may find it initially challenging to adjust to the pace and way of life here at our college.

How does the curriculum of Pragati Engineering College, ensure the best practice of the industry?

The curriculum of Pragati Engineering College encourages and imbibes the following practices, which in turn equip the college with the best industry friendly procedures and practices. Our engineering college establishes partnerships and collaborations with industry leaders, companies and MNCs in their nature, like Amazon Web Service, Wipro, TCS, Infosys, Spring Board, Sales force, Service Now, Cisco, and Google. This collaboration can take the form of internships, guest lectures, research projects, or industry advisory boards. These interactions help our college stay updated on the latest industry trends and requirements. Since our institute is an autonomous institute, experts from various industries are appointed to the Board of Studies to design and frame the curriculum. This ensures that students are learning relevant skills and technologies that are in demand in the job market. Our college establishes well-equipped laboratories and hosts workshops, seminars, conferences and simulation facilities to provide practical experience to both faculty and students. Through this, they are exposed to current industry practises, emerging technologies, and the latest research.

Any insights into how your Institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds? 

Our college follows the following practices, which persuade students of different races or economic backgrounds to seek admissions and retain themselves in our institute. We do not comprise in terms of the leadership, faculty, and staff reflecting diversity in terms of various racial and economic backgrounds, which helps shape policies and practices that promote inclusion. We have an anti-bias practice that is followed by both faculty and staff. Financial aid is provided in the form of merit scholarships to the students. Cultural programs are conducted to foster understanding and respect for different cultures, promoting a more inclusive atmosphere. Students can discuss their experiences, concerns, and ideas related to race and economic background without fear of discrimination or prejudice. We also offer counseling and support services that are culturally sensitive and accessible to all students. We also ensure that there is awareness of these services and that students feel comfortable seeking help when needed.

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

As a principal, my primary role and responsibility is to create an environment that fosters academic excellence, personal growth, and a strong sense of community among students and staff. I must also ensure that the institute operates efficiently, ethically, and in compliance with all relevant standards and regulations. My roles and responsibilities are multifaceted and crucial to the smooth functioning and success of the institute and the well-being of its students. In my capacity as an educational leader, I must provide vision and direction for the institute's academic programmes and educational standards. For administrative management, I oversee the day-to-day operations of the institute, including budgeting, resource allocation, facility management, recruiting, hiring, and evaluating faculty and staff members.

In the area of curriculum development and assessment, I collaborate with faculty to develop and review the curriculum and implement assessment methods. Managing financial resources prudently to support the institute's mission and goals and promoting inclusivity and diversity are also important duties. Moreover, I keep stakeholders informed about institute developments, achievements, and challenges. Advocating for the institute's interests and needs at the local, regional, and national levels, ensuring that the institute complies with all relevant laws and regulations, and upholding high ethical standards in all institute activities are also my responsibilities.

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What do you think should be the Institutes top priority over the next 10 years?

For the upcoming years, we will be concentrating on academic excellence and innovation. Maintaining and enhancing academic excellence should always be a top priority. This includes continually improving the curriculum, instructional methods, and assessment practises. Embracing innovation in teaching and learning, such as the integration of technology, online education, and experiential learning, can help the institution stay relevant. Prioritising the academic success, personal growth, and well-being of students is paramount. Implement support systems, counseling services, and programs to help students thrive academically and emotionally. Focus on improving retention and graduation rates to ensure students complete their programs successfully. Ensuring the institution's financial sustainability is critical. Develop long-term financial plans, seek diversified sources of revenue, and manage resources efficiently to support academic programs and initiatives. Embrace and adapt to technological advancements that can enhance the learning experience, improve administrative efficiency, and expand educational reach. Foster a culture of research and innovation among faculty and students. Encourage interdisciplinary research and create opportunities for collaboration and funding.

When you first came to the institute, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved over time, and how far in implementing that vision are you?

At Pragati Engineering College, our vision is to evolve into a renowned and globally respected university, recognized for its unwavering commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and the holistic development of students. Our journey towards university status is driven by the aspiration to make a profound impact on education, research, and society as a whole. This has evolved over time and to the maximum extent, we have improved in numerous aspects. We will diligently meet the accreditation and regulatory requirements necessary to achieve university status, ensuring that our programs and operations adhere to the highest standards of quality and governance. We will also invest in faculty development, research infrastructure, and state-of-the-art facilities to support our vision of becoming a leading research institution.

What would you like people to know about your Institute that they may not know?

We follow an outcome-based education (OBE) implementation where the outputs of the students are important. For the best output, we have student mentorship, holistic growth and student support services. To further support the students, we provide career counseling and training. Our goal is to have academic excellence with quality education and in-trend curriculum and subjects. We also follow industry 4.0 initiatives to ensure students meet industry requirements.