Mr. Satish Ahlawat is the Registrar of CBS Group of Institutions, Jhajjar. He has completed his Master’s in two different streams, Computer Applications and Management. He has more than 20 years of experience in this domain. During this period Mr. Ahlawat has served in different private colleges and universities in various capacities such as Examination Superintendent, HoD, Controller of Examinations, Superintendent of University Examination, Deputy Registrar, and Registrar.

CBS Group of Institutions

You have held key positions at education institutes throughout your professional career. What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

As someone who has held key positions at education institutes, there are several key factors that keep me connected with the education sector. First and foremost, I believe in the transformative power of education. I am passionate about creating opportunities for individuals to learn, grow, and reach their full potential. 

Additionally, the dynamic nature of the education sector is another factor that keeps me connected. Education is constantly evolving, and being a part of this process allows me to contribute to the development of innovative teaching and learning methodologies. I find great satisfaction in working with educators, students, and stakeholders to address the challenges and embrace the opportunities that arise in the field of education.

Being the Registrar of CBS GROUP of Institutions, what is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

As the Registrar of the CBS Group of Institutions, my philosophy of leadership revolves around fostering collaboration, promoting a learner-centric environment, and nurturing the growth of individuals. I believe in leading by example and providing a supportive environment for the entire institution.

My leadership style can be described as transformational. I strive to inspire and motivate the members of the institution to achieve their best potential. I encourage open communication, value diverse perspectives, and promote a culture of continuous improvement. I aim to create a positive and conducive learning environment that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and holistic development.

Being the Registrar of CBS GROUP of Institutions, how do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

When strategizing about key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of the CBS Group of Institutions, I consider several factors. Firstly, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the institution’s strengths, unique selling points, and target audience. This helps in developing effective marketing strategies that highlight our distinctive features and benefits.

I also prioritize market research to identify emerging trends, demands, and competition in the education sector. This allows us to tailor our programs and plans to meet the needs of the students.

Furthermore, collaboration with various stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, and industry partners, is crucial in shaping the marketing and administration strategies. By involving these stakeholders, we ensure that the programs and plans are comprehensive, relevant, and well-received by the intended audience.

Check CBS Group of Institutions Courses & Fees

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

Studying in an Indian institute like the CBS Group of Institutions can offer several advantages to inbound students. Firstly, India has a rich cultural heritage and diverse population, that enables students to broaden their perspectives, appreciate different customs, and develop a global mindset. 

India is home to a rapidly growing economy and a thriving technology sector. Students studying in India can benefit from exposure to a dynamic and vibrant business environment. 

Moreover, Indian institutes, often emphasize practical learning and industry collaborations. This approach equips students with relevant skills, practical knowledge, and exposure to real-world challenges. Such experiences can enhance their employability and prepare them for successful careers.

How does the curriculum of CBS GROUP of Institutions Institute ensure the best practice of industry?

The curriculum of the CBS Group of Institutions is designed to ensure the best practices of the industry. We strive to bridge the gap between academia and industry by incorporating industry-relevant courses, practical training, and experiential learning opportunities. The curriculum is regularly updated to align with the evolving needs of various industries. We engage with industry experts, conduct surveys, and maintain strong industry partnerships to stay informed about the latest trends and skill requirements. This helps us integrate relevant content, case studies, and projects into the curriculum. 

Furthermore, we emphasize hands-on learning through internships, industry visits, and collaborations with companies. This enables students to apply theoretical concepts in real-world contexts and develop a deep understanding of industry practices.