Best 11 Bachelor in Business Universities/Colleges in France
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Found 11 universities
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#1Montpellier Business School logo

Montpellier Business School, Montpellier

Occitania, France80%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $34.4K/Yr (€31,000/Yr) B.B.A International BusinessIELTS6.0PTE62$34.4K/Yr
Course duration: 3 years
#2EDHEC Business School logo

EDHEC Business School, Lille

Hauts-De-France, France25%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $19.5K/Yr (€17,550/Yr)Living$521.7/Yr (€470/Yr) B.B.AIELTS7$15.7K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
1 More Program
Ranked 57 by Financial Times in 2024
#3Neoma Business School logo

Neoma Business School, Paris

Ile-De-France, France40%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $14K/Yr (€12,600/Yr)Living$466.2/Yr (€420/Yr)Admission G.B.B.A$14K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
1 More Program
#4EMLYON Business School logo

EMLYON Business School, Lyon

Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France52%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $14.6K/Yr (€13,150/Yr) B.B.ATOEFL90$14.6K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
6.8/10(2 Users)Ranked 57 by Financial Times in 2024
#5KEDGE Business School logo

KEDGE Business School, Talence

New Aquitaine, France6%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $11.9K/Yr (€10,750/Yr)Admission B.B.AIELTS6.5$11.9K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
#6Paris School of Business logo

Paris School of Business, Paris

Ile-De-France, France40%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $10.5K/Yr (€9,500/Yr)Admission B.B.A$10.5K/Yr
Course duration: 3 years
#7Rennes School of Business logo

Rennes School of Business, Valence

Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France55%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $11K/Yr (€9,900/Yr)Living$255.3/Yr (€230/Yr)Admission Bachelor in ManagementTOEFL80PTE63$11K/Yr
Course duration: 3 years
#8Audencia Business School logo

Audencia Business School, Valence

Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes, France10%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $13.3K/Yr (€12,000/Yr)Admission B.B.A Big Data and ManagementTOEFL60$13.3K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
Ranked 77 by Financial Times in 2024
#9IESEG School of Management logo

IESEG School of Management, Lille

Hauts-De-France, France8%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $12.9K/Yr (€11,620/Yr)Admission Bachelor In International Busine...IELTS6$12.9K/Yr
Course duration: 3 years
#10Skema Business School logo

Skema Business School, Paris

Ile-De-France, France25%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $15.5K/Yr (€14,000/Yr) B.B.AIELTS6.0$15.5K/Yr
Course duration: 4 years
1 More Program
#11IDRAC Business School logo

IDRAC Business School, Paris

Ile-De-France, France85%Acceptance Rate
Tuition:  $10K/Yr (€9,000/Yr) Bachelor in Marketing and Busine...IELTS6.0PTE62$10K/Yr
Course duration: 3 years