Relationship between escape velocity and orbital velocity

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Jasmine Grover

Content Strategy Manager

Escape velocity refers to the minimum level of velocity that is required by a body of massive size in order to overcome the gravitational potential to escape into infinity. Orbital velocity on the other hand refers to the velocity required for an object in order to revolve around a body of massive size. Escape velocity and orbital velocity are related to each other as they are proportional to one another. Escape velocity is denoted by Ve while the orbital velocity is denoted by Vo. The escape velocity can be computed as root two times the orbital velocity of an object. In this article, we will look at what is orbital and escape velocity and explore the relationship between the two.

Keywords: Orbital velocity, escape velocity, satellite, celestial bodies, rocket, kinematics, conservative force

What is escape velocity?

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Escape velocity is related to rocket science and astronomy. It is used in space travel as it is the velocity that is required by an object for instance a rocket to escape a celestial body's gravitational orbit such as the orbit of a star or a planet.

Through kinematics, we know that the range of a projectile depends on the projectile's initial velocity. Hence,

Rmax ∝ u2

Rmax = u2/2g

This means that the particle on the projectile flies away, at a specific initial velocity which is given to the particle, from the gravitational effect of Earth. When a body gains escape velocity, theoretically it releases and flies off to infinity.

Escape velocity of the Earth

Escape velocity of the Earth

As the gravitational force is a conservative force, we can apply the law of conservation of energy on the particle:

Ui + Ki = Uf + Kf

When at infinity, the particles have no interaction, therefore the final potential velocity or energy of a given body is zero when it reaches its maximum height, hence we can derive the kinetic energy of a particle.

Ui + Ki = 0

As we know that, Ui = -GMm/R

and Ki = ½ mve2

So we get

½ mve2 + (-GMm/R) = 0

½ mve2 = GMm/R

Therefore, we get ve = √2GM/R

Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity

The escape velocity of the object remains the same irrespective of the mass of the object in discussion. The reason behind this is that the escape velocity is not related to the mass of the object in any way. It can be understood as imagining a scenario where you have to drive 50 km in an hour, now it would not matter whether you drive a car or a big transport truck as you need to drive at a fixed speed to reach your goal without any input from the mass of the object or the vehicle you are driving.

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What is Orbital velocity?

Orbital velocity refers to the velocity a body requires in order to stay and orbit some other body. In order to exit an orbit, the escape velocity of an object should be a square root of two times the orbital velocity of an object.

  • If the escape velocity and orbital velocity are equal, the body will not be in elevation, rather it will remain in a constant orbit.
  • If the velocity is lesser than the orbit, the orbit will eventually decay, leading the object to crash.

Orbital velocity, the velocity required by an object to stay in its orbit around the Earth

Orbital velocity, the velocity required by an object to stay in its orbit around the Earth

When the test mass orbits around the mass source in a circular orbit having a radius as 'r'. The path has the source mass as the center, so the centripetal force is given by the gravitational force as it is an attracting force with its direction towards the center of the source mass.

Hence, we get

mvo2/r = GMm/r2

vo2/r = GM/r2

vo = √GM/r

If the test mass is at a smaller distance from the source mass i.e. r ~ R

Where R is the source mass' radius

Hence, we get

vo = √GM/r

Difference between escape velocity and orbital velocity

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The differences between the escape and orbital velocity are as tabulated below:

Escape Velocity Orbital Velocity
Escape Velocity refers to the minimum amount of velocity that is required in order to throw an object outside of the gravitational force of Earth. Orbital Velocity refers to the minimum amount of velocity that is required by an object or a satellite to put it in the orbit of the Earth.
The escape velocity of a satellite near the Earth is given by the formula, ve= \(\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{R}}\) The orbital velocity of a satellite at a certain height, h, is given by the formula, ve= \(\sqrt{\frac{GM}{R + h}}\)
Escape velocity can be also represented as \(\sqrt{2gR}\). When a satellite is moving in its orbit near the Earth, then the orbital velocity, vo, can be represented as \(\sqrt{\frac{GM}{R}} = \frac{v_o}{\sqrt{2}}\)

Escape Velocity Formula

Escape Velocity Formula

Relationship between orbital velocity and escape velocity

The relationship between orbital velocity and escape velocity can be expressed mathematically as:

vo = ve/√2

ve = √2vo

Where ve refers to the escape velocity that is measured in km/s

vo refers to the orbital velocity that is measured again in km/s.


Escape velocity = √2 x Orbital velocity

This implies that the escape velocity and orbital velocity are directly proportional to each other. This means that for any body of a massive size:

  • If the orbital velocity is increasing, the escape velocity also increases and vice versa.
  • If the escape velocity decreases, the orbital velocity also gets decreased and so happens the vice versa.

Orbital Velocity And Escape Velocity

Orbital Velocity And Escape Velocity

Therefore, we get

The escape velocity of any massive object, ve = √2gR ---- 1

Orbital velocity of any massive subject, vo = √gR ---- 2

Here, g refers to the acceleration that is there due to gravity

R refers to the radius of a planet

From equation 1 we get,

ve = √2 √gR

When we substitute vo = √gR, we can get

ve = √2Vo

Rearranging this equation for orbital velocity, we can get

vo = ve/√2

Things to Remember

  • Escape velocity refers to the minimum level of velocity that is required by a body of massive size in order to overcome the gravitational potential to escape into infinity.
  • Orbital velocity on the other hand refers to the velocity required for an object in order to revolve around a body of massive size.
  • Escape velocity, ve = √2GM/R
  • Orbital velocity, vo = √GM/r
  • vo = ve/√2
  • If the escape velocity and orbital velocity are equal, the body will not be in elevation, rather it will remain in a constant orbit.

Sample Questions

Ques. What is the orbital velocity? On which factors does it depend? (5 marks)

Ans. The orbital velocity refers to the velocity that is required by an object to reach towards an orbit around a celestial body such as a star or a planet. Whereas escape velocity is the speed required by an object to leave an orbit.

The equation to determine orbital velocity can be represented as:

vo = \(\sqrt{\frac{GM}{r}}\)

Here, v refers to the orbital speed or the orbital velocity

G is the Newtons’ gravitational constant,

r refers to the distance from the center of the celestial body that is being orbited at a particular point in time

And M refers to the mass of the body that is being orbited, that could be either the sun or planets.

  • Hence, the more mass a body has, (the body that is being orbited), the faster the motion of a satellite has to be in order for the satellite to stay in its orbit.
  • The farther the object is from the body, the slower its motion has to be in order to stay in its orbit.

Ques. Calculate the escape velocity from the Earth's surface. (5 marks)

Ans. We know that the mass of the Earth = 5.98 x 1024 kg

The radius of the Earth = 6.38 x 106 m

And G, which refers to the Newton's Gravitational Constant = 6.673 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2

Now, the escape velocity of the Earth can be calculated by

ve = \(\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{R}}\)

Now, as we substitute the values known to us in the given equation

ve = \(\sqrt{\frac{2 (6.673 \times 10^{-11}) (5.98 \times 10^{24})}{6.38 \times 10^{6}}}\)

ve = \(\sqrt{\frac{7.981 \times 10^{14}}{6.38 \times 10^{6}}}\)

ve = \(\sqrt{1.251 \times 10^8}\)

ve = 11184 m/s

ve = 11.2 km/s

Hence, we can say that the escape velocity required by an object from Earth is 11.2 km/s.

Ques. If we have a planet whose mass is about eight times the mass of the Earth, and whose radius is twice the radius of the Earth. Then, what will be the escape velocity of that given planet? (5 marks)

Ans. Given: Mass of the planet (m1) = 8 x mass of the Earth (m2)

Radius of the planet (r1) = 2 x radius of the Earth (r2)

Now, we know that:

Mass of the Earth, m2 = 5.98 x 1024 kg

The radius of the Earth, r2 = 6.38 x 106 m

The value of the Newton gravitational constant, G, is 6.673 × 10–11 N m2 kg–2

Now, as m1 = 8 x m2

We get the mass of the planet as 8 x 5.98 x 1024 kg

And the radius of the planet as 2 x 6.38 x 106 m

Hence, we can derive the escape velocity by the given formula:

ve = \(\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{R}}\)

⇒ ve = \(\sqrt{\frac{2×(6.673×10^{-11})(85.98 ×10^{24})}{2 × 6.38 × 10^6}}\)

v= 22368.96 m s–1

ve= 22.36 km s–1

Hence, the escape velocity of the planet will be 22.36 km/s.

Ques. What are the factors upon which the escape velocity of an object depends? (3 marks)

Ans. The escape velocity of an object depends on the following factors:

  • The escape velocity primarily depends on the gravitational potential at the point when the body is launched into motion. Now, this potential also depends on the height of the point from the surface of the Earth. Hence, the escape velocity of an object depends on the height from where the object is projected.
  • The escape velocity of an object however does not depend on the mass of the body or the direction of the projection of the object.

Ques. What are the conditions required for a rocket to transform into a satellite and orbit around the Earth in a circle when it is launched from the surface of the Earth? (3 marks)

Ans. The three conditions required for a rocket to transform into a satellite and orbit around the Earth in a circle when it is launched from the surface of the Earth are:

  • Firstly, the rocket should be provided with enough vertical velocity that it reaches the height at which it should ideally revolve around the Earth.
  • At that certain level of height, the rocket should be provided with a tangential orbital velocity which is given by Vo = √GM/R + h
  • At that height of the orbit, the resistance from the air should be almost negligible.

Ques. Why doesn't the moon have any atmosphere? (2 marks)

Ans. The mass of the moon is less than the mass of the Earth. Therefore, the escape velocity for the moon is really small. Initially, when the mood had a high temperature, the velocities of the molecules of gas were in the same order as the escape velocity was, therefore the gases escaped the surface of the moon. This is the reason, the moon doesn't have any atmosphere.

Ques. How does an artificial satellite maintain its orbit around the Earth without any fuel? (3 marks)

Ans. The centripetal force that is required by the satellite to continue its orbital motion is given by the gravitational force of the Earth on the satellite. Therefore, the satellite doesn't need any additional fuel to continue its orbital motion. Even when a satellite is about thousands of miles away from the surface of the Earth, the Earth’s gravity still tugs on it. The circular path of the satellite around the Earth, that is its orbit, is a result of the tug of gravity towards the Earth which is further combined with the momentum from the rocket that is being launched. Satellites that are closer to the planet Earth experience stronger gravity, therefore they have to travel at very high speeds in order to maintain their motion in the orbit and not just fall down back on the surface of the Earth.

Ques. Explain the concept of escape velocity. (5 marks)

Ans. When an object is thrown straight up, the object continues to rise until the gravity’s negative acceleration stops the object’s motion. After that, the object starts on its way to returning back to Earth. As the distance of the object from the center of the Earth increases, the force of gravitation eventually diminishes. Therefore, if we can throw an object upwards with enough of the initial velocity that the decreasing force of the gravity can never slow the object down to a complete stop, then the decreasing velocity of the object can be kept just high enough in order to overcome the pull of the gravity. This initial velocity required by the object to achieve the given condition is referred to as the escape velocity.

Simply, we can define escape velocity as the minimum amount of velocity that is required by an object in order to escape the gravitational field of Earth without falling back to the surface of Earth ever. In order to do so, the object should always have more energy than the gravitational binding energy.

Ques. Calculate the escape velocity from the moon if it is given that the radius of the moon is 1.74×106m. The mass of the moon is given as 7.35 x 1022 kg. (5 marks)

Ans. Given: Radius of the moon = 1.74×106 m

Mass of the moon = 7.35×1022 kg

We know that Newtons Gravitational constant, G = 6.673×10–11Nm2kg–2

Therefore, we have:

ve = \(\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{R}}\)

ve = 2 × (6.673 ×10-11)(7.35 ×1022) / 1.74 × 106

ve = 2374ms–1

ve= 2.37 km s–1

Hence, the escape velocity from the Earth comes out to be 2.37 km s–1.

Ques. Calculate the orbital velocity of the earth if there is a satellite that is supposed to revolve around the earth. We are given the radius of the earth, denoted by R = 6.5 × 106 m, the mass of earth, represented by M = 5.9722 × 1024 kg and the Newtons’ Gravitational constant G = 6.67408 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2. (5 marks)

Ans. Now, we are given: R = 6.5 × 106 m

M = 5.9722 × 1024 kg

G = 6.67408 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2

Now, the orbital velocity can be calculated by the formula which is denoted as:

Vo = √GM/ R

= √(6.67408 × 10-11 × 5.9722× 1024) / 6.5 × 106

= √36.68 x 1013/ 6.5 x 106

= 7.5 x 109 km/s

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