
Suppose that the electric field amplitude of an electromagnetic wave is \(E_0 = 120 \ N/C\) and that its frequency is \(ν = 50.0 \ MHz\)

  1. Determine, B0, ω, k, and λ. 
  2. Find expressions for E and B.

Updated On: Sep 19, 2024
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Solution and Explanation

Electric field amplitude, \(E_0 = 120\  N/C\)
Frequency of source, \(ν = 50.0 \ MHz = 50 × 10^6 Hz\)
Speed of light, \(c = 3 × 10^8 m/s\)

(a) Magnitude of magnetic field strength is given as:

\(B_o =\frac { E_o}{c}\)

\(Bo = \frac {120}{3\times 10^8}\)

\(Bo = 4 \times 10^{-7} T\)

\(B_o = 400 \ nT\)

Angular frequency of source is given as:
\(ω = 2\piν = 2\pi × 50 × 10^6\)
\(ω = 3.14 × 10^8 rad/s\)
Propagation constant is given as:

\(k = \frac {ω}{c}\)

\(k = \frac {3.14 \times 10^8}{3\times10^8}\)

\(k = 1.05 \ rad/m\)

Wavelength of wave is given as:

\(λ = \frac cv\)

\(λ =\frac { 3 \times 10^8}{50\times 10^6}\)

\(λ = 6.0 \ m\)

(b) Suppose the wave is propagating in the positive x direction. Then, the electric field vector will be in the positive y direction and the magnetic field vector will be in the positive z direction. This is because all three vectors are mutually perpendicular.
Equation of electric field vector is given as:
\(\vec E = E_o sin \ (kx-ωt)\hat j\)
\(\vec E= 120 sin\  (1.05x - 3.14 x 10^8t)\hat j\)
And, magnetic field vector is given as:
\(\vec B = B_o sin \ (kx-ωt)\hat k\)
\(\vec B = (4\times 10^{-7}) sin \ (1.05x - 3.14 \times 10^8t)\hat k\)

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CBSE CLASS XII Notification

Notes on Electromagnetic Waves

Concepts Used:

Electromagnetic waves

The waves that are produced when an electric field comes into contact with a magnetic field are known as Electromagnetic Waves or EM waves. The constitution of an oscillating magnetic field and electric fields gives rise to electromagnetic waves.

Types of Electromagnetic Waves:

Electromagnetic waves can be grouped according to the direction of disturbance in them and according to the range of their frequency. Recall that a wave transfers energy from one point to another point in space. That means there are two things going on: the disturbance that defines a wave, and the propagation of wave. In this context the waves are grouped into the following two categories:

  • Longitudinal waves: A wave is called a longitudinal wave when the disturbances in the wave are parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave. For example, sound waves are longitudinal waves because the change of pressure occurs parallel to the direction of wave propagation.
  • Transverse waves: A wave is called a transverse wave when the disturbances in the wave are perpendicular (at right angles) to the direction of propagation of the wave.