Archimedes Principle: Formula & Apparent Weight

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Archimedes Principle explains the relationship between the apparent weight of the object immersed in water and the weight of the water that is displaced by it. It includes factors like Buoyant Force which helps establish the relationship. Archimedes’ Principle, or the physical law of buoyancy, was discovered by Greek mathematician Archimedes. The formula of Archimedes’ Principle is: Fb = ρ x g x V.


  • Fb = buoyant force
  • ρ = density of the fluid
  • V = submerged volume
  • g = acceleration due to gravity

Archimedes’ principle states that a body at rest, completely or partially submerged in fluid, is acted upon by a buoyant force, the magnitude of which is equivalent to the weight of displaced fluid. This is considered the first condition of equilibrium. The displaced portion of the fluid's weight is equal to the magnitude of the buoyant force. One example of where its application is used are Hydrometers, which is based on the principle of Archimedes.

Key Terms: Archimedes’ Principle, Buoyant force, Apparent Weight, Density, Hydrometers, Equilibrium, Force, Water

What is Archimedes’ Principle?

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Archimedes Principle claims that:

“When an object is submerged in water, either partially or fully, it experiences an upward buoyant force which is equal to the weight of water displaced by the submerged object.”

Archimedes principle

Archimedes Principle

The value of the thrust force in the upward direction can be obtained by Archimedes' principle. The apparent loss of weight will be equivalent to the weight of the liquid displaced when an object is either fully or partially immersed in a liquid.

Note: Archimedes Law is known to act in the upward direction at the centre of mass of the fluid that is displaced.

What is Buoyant Force?

Buoyant force can be defined as:

  • Buoyant force can be defined as an upward force responsible for the apparent decrease in immersed object's weight.
  • The decrease in the object’s weight is equivalent to the water it displaced.
  • Buoyancy can be found in any object which has a density greater than that of the fluid wherein it is immersed.

Buoyant Force

Buoyant force

What is Archimedes' principle used for?

Archimedes’ principle is mainly used for:

  • Archimedes' principle is used to calculate the volume of an object which doesn’t have a regular shape. That means, the irregular-shaped object can be submerged, and the volume of the fluid displaced will be equivalent to the volume of the object.
  • It is also widely used to determine the density or specific gravity of an object.

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Archimedes’ Principle Formula

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The thrust force, also known as the buoyant force, is responsible for enabling objects to float. Thus, this equation can also be called the “law of buoyancy”. Mathematically, the formula for Archimedes Principle can be given as:

Fb = ρ x g x V


Archimedes’ Principle Experiment

Archimedes’ principle can be best shown by an experiment as listed below:

  • Take any container which has water filled to the brim.
  • Take a solid object and measure its weight by using a spring balance. 
  • Now, keep the object attached to the spring balance and start immersing it in the water. Do not immerse the spring balance.
  • Note the weight down as is shown by the spring balance. You can now notice that it is lesser. Meaning that some water is displaced into the bowl.
  • Collect the displaced water and weigh it.
  • Thus, you will notice that the weight of the water is equivalent to the loss of weight of the object.

Archimedes principle Experiment

Archimedes’ principle Experiment

Archimedes’ Principle Derivation

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We know that Density can be expressed as: \(\begin{array}{l}Density\,(\rho )=\frac{Mass\,(M)}{Volume\,(V)}\end{array}\)

Hence, the displaced liquid’s mass can be shown as:

Mass (M) = Density (\(\rho\)\(\times\)Volume (V)

So, weight of the displaced liquid can be evaluated as:

Weight = Mass \(\times\) Acceleration due to Gravity

\(\therefore\) Weight = Mass \(\times\) g = \(\rho\) \(\times\)\(\times\) g

From Archimedes’ Principle, we are aware that the apparent loss of weight is equivalent to the weight of displaced water. It can be written as:

Weight of Displaced Liquid = Apparent Weight of the Object = Buoyant Force

Mathematically, thrust force can be now expressed by the following equation:

Thrust Force = \(\rho\) \(\times\) V \(\times\) g

or, Fb = p × V × g


  • Fb = buoyant force, 
  • p = density of the fluid, 
  • V= volume of fluid
  • g = acceleration due to gravity.

Example of Archimedes’ Principle Formula

Ques. What is the resulting force of a steel ball of radius 6 cm immersed in water? Determine by using the Archimedes Principle Formula. (Consider density of lead = 7900kgm−3)

Ans. Radius of steel ball, r = 6 cm = 0.06 m

Volume of steel ball = V = \(\frac{4}{3} \pi r^3\) 

Thus, V = \(\frac{4}{3} \pi (0.06)^3\)

Hence, V = 9.05 \(\times\) 10-4 m3

As we know, Density of Water\(\rho = 1000kgm^3\)

After using Archimedes principle formula, we get: Fb = ρ x g x V


= 1000 kgm\(\times\) 9.8 ms2 \(\times\) (9.05 \(\times\) 10-4 m3)

= 8.87 N

Hence, the resulting force is 8.87 N.

The video below explains this:

Archimedes Principle Detailed Video Explanation:

What is Apparent Weight?

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Apparent weight can be defined as a property of objects which corresponds to how heavy the object originally is.

  • The apparent weight of an object differs from the original weight of the object when the force of gravity which acts on the object is not balanced by an equal but opposite force.
  • The actual weight of an object, if placed on a solid surface, begins to act in a downward direction via the centre of gravity.
  • When this object is immersed in water, it experiences an upward force which is the buoyant force. 
  • This buoyant force decreases the downward force of the object to some extent and the object feels lighter, which is the apparent weight of the object.

In order to calculate the apparent weight, one can subtract buoyant force from the actual weight of the object. Thus,

Apparent Weight = Buoyant Force – Actual Weight

i.e., Apparent Weight Formula, a = dv/dt

Laws of Floating

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When an object is immersed in water, it either floats or sinks based on the density of the object and the liquid. Let us consider W1 as the actual weight of the object and W2 as the buoyant force.

  • When W1>W2, the density of the object is more than that of the liquid causing it to sink.
  • When W1=W2, the density of the object and the liquid are equal and the object will float in the water at any depth and remain completely submerged in the liquid.
  • When W1< W2, the density of the object is less than that of the liquid causing it to float(partially submerged). 

Archimedes’ Principle Applications

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Archimedes' Principle has several real-life applications. 

  • Archimedes' Principle helps to calculate the volume and density of objects. The proportions of constituent metals in an alloy can be determined with the help of the Archimedes Principle.
  • Ships float on water due to Archimedes' Theory. The ships are made hollow so that their density is less than the water and therefore they remain only partially submerged in water.
  • The depth at which submarines float is determined through Archimedes' Principle. Submarines have a ballast tank in which water is filled. The weight of the submarine can be increased or decreased by varying the amount of water in the ballast tank which is then used to fix the depth at which it floats.
  • Hydrometers, that are used to calculate the density of the liquid work on Archimedes’ Principle.

Facts About Archimedes’ Principle

There are several facts Archimedes’ principle. Some of them include:

  • Floating objects have no apparent weight.
  • In 250 BC, Archimedes’ Theory played a key role in the study of hydrostatics.
  • Surface tension or capillarity effect is not to be incorporated with Archimedes’ principle.

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Things to Remember

  • Archimedes’ Principle discovered by Archimedes, explains the relationship between the apparent weight of an object submerged in water and the weight of the water displaced by it.
  • Buoyant force is an upward force responsible for the apparent decrease in the weight of the immersed object.
  • The Formula for Archimedes’ Principle can be given as Fb = ρ x g x V (here, Fb = buoyant force, g = acceleration due to gravity, \(\rho\) = density, V = volume.)
  • When an object is immersed in water, it either floats or sinks based on the density of the object and the liquid.
  • Archimedes’ Principle has several real-life applications. Ships and submarines float/submerge based on this principle. Volume and Density of objects can also be calculated through it.

Sample Questions

Ques. A block of wood has the following dimensions: 0.12 by 0.34 by 0.43 cubic meters. It floats along a river with the broadest face facing downwards. The wood is submerged to a height of 0.053 meters. What is the mass of the piece of wood? [3 marks]

Ans. According to Archimedes’ principle, the weight of the water displaced is equal to the buoyancy force:

W1= Fb

To keep the wood afloat, the buoyancy force must have the same magnitude as the force of gravity on the block, so

Fb= mass of wood × g

The volume of water displaced is

Vwaterdisplaced = 0.053 m x 0.34 m x 0.43 m

= 0.00775 m3

So the mass of water displaced is

mwaterdisplaced = ρwater Vwaterdisplaced

= 1,000 kg/m3 x 0.00775 m3 

= 7.75 kg

Ques. A spherical ball with density ρ=0.70kgL has a radius of r=10cm. If the ball is placed on the surface of water and released, how much of the ball will be submerged in the water? g=10ms2. [3 marks]

Ans. We know that, 

If the object is floating, the buoyant force is the same as the weight of the object.

Volume of the sphere:- 4/3πr3

V = 4/3π(10cm)3 

V = 4000π/3 cm3

V= 4π/3 L

Now multiplying this by the density, we get:

M = 4π/3 L × 0.70 kg/L

= 2.93 kg.

This is the mass of displaced water. Now, 

V= m/p = 2.93 L

Ques. You plunge a basketball beneath the surface of a swimming pool until half the volume of the basketball is submerged. If the basketball has a radius of 12 centimeters, what is the buoyancy force on the ball due to the water? [4 marks]

Ans. The buoyancy force is the mass of the water displaced multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity: Fbuoyancy = mwaterdisplaced

The volume of water displaced is half the volume of the basketball:

V water displaced= ½ V basketball

= 2/3πr3

 Here, r = 12 cm. In meters, the radius is 0.12m.

Using the equation for density, the mass of water displaced is mwaterdisplaced = ρwater Vwaterdisplaced

The buoyancy force is

M (water displaced) = P water × V water displaced

The buoyancy force is

F= M (water displaced)

=P water × V water displaced 

= 35 N

Ques. A metallic sphere having a radius of 2 cms is completely dipped in water. Find the force of buoyancy where the density of water is 1000 kg per metre cube. [2 marks]

Ans. Radius of the sphere = 2 cm = 0.02m

Volume of solid sphere =  Volume of solid sphere

Force of buoyancy = density of water x volume immersed x acceleration due to gravity

F = 1000 x 9.8 x 33.5 x 106

F= 0.33 N

Ques. Which is heavier: Cotton or Iron? Answer based on the Archimedes Principle. [1 mark]

Ans. The apparent weight of both of them is the same, but the buoyant force that the cotton experiences is high since the volume of cotton is more than iron. Therefore, the true weight of cotton is more.

Ques. In which of the following the ship will float higher: Freshwater or Saltwater ? Explain. [1 mark]

Ans. The buoyant force is equal to the weight of liquid displaced. The density of the salt water is more than the Freshwater. So, less water needs to be displaced because of high density to support the object to float. So, the ship will float higher in salt water due to its high Density.

Ques. State Archimedes Principle. [CBSE 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2 Marks]

Ans Archimedes principle states that when a body is immersed in a fluid, either partially or completely, it then undergoes an upthrust or, buoyant force equivalent to the weight of the displaced fluid by the body. Thus, The “upthrust or buoyant force = weight the of fluid displaced by a body = weight the of body the in air – weight the of body a in fluid”.

Ques. How can Archimedes’ principle be applied to ships? [2 Marks]

Ans. Archimedes discovered the buoyancy principle which claimed that a ship will keep on floating if the weight of the water it displaces is equivalent to the weight of the ship. Thus, it means that any object will float if it has a shape that can help it to displace its own weight of water before it can reach the point of immersion.

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