Specific Gravity: Application, Formula and Sample Questions

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Specific gravity refers to the ratio of density of any substance to the density of the reference substance. It is commonly called as ‘Relative Density’. Calculation of specific gravity help us to understand whether an object will float or sink in the reference substance. It is a dimensionless quantity since it includes comparison between two same physical quantities. The symbol commonly used to denote specific gravity is SG or G.

\(SG = \frac{\rho_{substance}}{\rho_{reference}}\)

where, \(\rho\) is the density

Read Also: Difference Between Density and Specific Gravity

Key Terms: Specific Gravity, Relative Density, Byoyancy, Density of Water, Pressure, Apparent Specific Gravity, Ideal Gas Law

What is Specific Gravity?

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The specific gravity, also known as the relative gravity, is a dimensionless quantity that can be explained as the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of the reference at a specified temperature. It also accounts for Buoyancy, which is the ability of an object to float in water or oil. The temperature plays a very vital role in determining the relative density of any substance. 

Values of Specific Gravity for Some Substances

The values of specific gravity for some substances are as follows:

  • Dry Air – 0.0013
  • Cast Iron – 7.20
  • Petrol – 0.72
  • Alcohol – 0.82
  • Carbon Dioxide – 0.00126
  • Rubber – 0.96

If the substance has relative density less than the specific gravity of the liquid, it will float on the liquid, for example, helium balloons will rise in the air, the oil floats on water, and lead will float on mercury. The relative density of liquids is usually measured taking water as the reference and for gases, air is used as the reference at room temperature.

  • If the relative density of a substance is less than 1, then it indicates that the substance is less dense than the reference.
  • If the value is more than 1, the substance is more dense than the reference and a value of 1 indicates equal densities of both the substance and the reference.
Comparison of Specific Gravity Value for Different Substances

Specific Gravity of Liquids 

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To determine the specific gravity of liquids, the density of water at 4ºC is taken as the reference. This is because at 4ºC water reaches its maximum density. In SI unit, the density of water is considered to be 1000 kg/m3 or 1 g/cm3. Substances with relative density less than 1 will float on water and those having more than 1 will sink in it. 

The true specific gravity of a liquid can be expressed as,


Apparent Specific Gravity – The apparent specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of weight of equal volume of sample and water in the air. 

The density of water in various units are:

  • 1000 kg/m3
  • 1 g/cm3
  • 62.43 pounds per cubic foot
  • 0.036 pounds per cubic inch
Specific Gravity

Solved Examples

Ques. Compute the specific gravity if the density of granite is 174 lbs/ft3 and density of water is 62.4 lb/ft3

Ans. Here, density of granite = 174 lbs/ft3 

density of water = 62.4 lbs/ft3 

Specific Gravity = Density of the given substance / Density of equal volume of water

SG = 174 / 62.4 

SG = 2.8

Ques. A liquid has a mass of 36 grams and the volume of water (reference) is 3 mL. Find the specific gravity of the object. 

Ans. Here, m = 36 g

v = 3 mL 

So, density of the object = m / v = 36 / 3 = 12 g/mL 

Now, specific gravity = \(\frac{\rho_{object}}{\rho_{water}}\)

SG = 12 / 1 = 12 

Specific Gravity of Gases 

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In case of gases, the calculation for the specific gravity is generally done taking air as the reference. For gases, it is defined as the ratio of the density of the gas to the density of air at standard conditions (1 atm pressure at 60ºF). In gases, relative density can be used as an indication of the composition of the gas. The value of specific gravity for natural gas ranges from 0.55 to 0.87 depending upon its composition. 

If ideal gas law is considered, the specific gravity of a gas can be defined as the molecular weight of a gas divided by the molecular weight of the air. 

\(SG = \frac{M_{gas}}{M_{air}}\)

The table below contains values of specifc gravity of some gases:

Gas Specific Gravity
Air 1.000
Acetylene (C2H2) 0.899
Ammonia (NH3) 0.59
Argon (Ar) 1.38
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 1.5189
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 0.9667

Factors Affecting Specific Gravity 

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The value of relative density of a substance changes with respect to the change in temperature and pressure. 

  • Temperature – Density is defined as the mass per unit volume of a substance. Any change in the volume of the substance will change the density of that substance. Volume of a substance changes if we increase or decrease the temperature. Hence, specific gravity changes with temperature. 
  • Pressure – Pressure is directly proportional to the specific gravity. If pressure is increased, the intermolecular spaces between the molecules decreases, increasing the density of the substance. 

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Applications of Specific Gravity 

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The concept of specific gravity is used in various applications. Some of the major applications are listed below:

  • This can be used to determine the purity of the gem by comparing its specific value to the specific value of another high purity gem. With this method, the purity of the gem can be calculated very fast and also effectively.
  • It is also being used by the mineralogist and geologist for determining the mineral content of a rock.
  • Urinary specific gravity is a measure of the concentration of solutes in the urine. This test is a routine test of a Urinalysis.
  • The relative density concept can be used by the chemist to check on the progress of the reaction and concentration of the solutions.
  • This is also used by the auto mechanics, for testing the battery fluid and antifreeze.

Things to Remember 

  • Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of the object to the density of the reference substance.
  • It can also be termed as Relative Density.
  • Water at 4ºC is generally used as the reference for calculating specific gravity of the liquids.
  • The value of specific gravity depends mainly upon temperature and pressure. 

Sample Questions

Ques. What does specific gravity tell us? (1 Mark)

Ans. The value of specific gravity tells whether the object will sink or float in the reference substance. For gases, it also indicates their composition. 

Ques. What is the difference between specific gravity and specific weight? (1 Mark)

Ans. Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of the object to the density of water whereas specific weight is the weight per unit volume of a substance.

Ques. Which metal has the highest specific gravity? (1 Mark)

Ans. Lead (Pb) has the highest specific gravity.

Ques. Which metal has the lowest specific gravity? (1 Mark)

Ans. Lithium has the lowest specific gravity.

Ques. Which instrument is used for measuring the specific gravity of liquid? (1 Mark)

Ans. Hydrometer is used to measure the specific gravity of liquids.

Ques. What is urine specific gravity test? (2 Marks)

Ans. Urine specific gravity test is used to compare the density of the solute in the urine. This provides a report of the person’s hydration and system and can also be used to know how well the kidneys are concentrating the urine.

Ques. What is specific gravity in gemstones? (2 Marks)

Ans. The specific gravity of a gemstone is the ratio of the density of the gemstone to the density of water. This method can be used to find the purity of the gemstone.

Ques. Calculate the specific gravity of iron when the density of iron is 7850 kg/m³. (3 Marks)

Ans. Calculation of the specific gravity of iron-related to water is as follows:

SGiron = (7850 kg/m³)/(1000 kg/m³) = 7.85

Ques. If the density of gold is 19300 kg/m3, what is the specific gravity of gold? (3 Marks)

Ans. The specific gravity of gold is calculated as:

SGgold = (19300 kg/m³)/(1000 kg/m³) = 19.3

Ques. What does a specific gravity of 1.030 means? (3 Marks)

Ans. A specific gravity of 1.030 means that the substance has a density 1.030 times the density of water. This value indicates that the substance will sink in the water. Any object whose specific gravity is more than 1 will sink in water and those with a value of less than 1 will float.

Ques. If the specific gravity of ice is 0.92, then what is the density of ice? (3 Marks)

Ans. Interchanging the specific gravity formula for calculating density of ice is as follows:

SG = ρsubstance/ρH2

ρsubstance = SG \(\times\) ρH2O

By substituting the values,

ρsubstance 0.92 \(\times\)1000 kg/m³ = 920 kg/m³ 

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