Our fees are paid in to two parts of 87500 as it is the yearly course. It provides the scholarships to the students who gain the highest marks in the final exams with about 50% relief on the tuition fees. We are getting the stipend in the 6th year as it is a internships year .
yes there is scholarship available. example like mysy (mukhy mantri svavlamban yogna) in that less than 6 lakh income people can applied for this and than they will get 50000 rupees. so there is very useful for those student who is not financially stable
If you are live in Gujarat you eligible to get MYSY(mukhyamantri yuva swavlumbi yojna) in this scheme 45-50% fee scholarship will get and in college scholarship which students are having highest marks will get 50% scholarship in respective year.
None Scholar student loan facility is available in banks for the students who have scored well in their 10 and 12 exams but college didn't have any part in it was completely on you.
My college offered the scholarship for the student wich take the gold medal and positioned on the 1st rank in college.