We do get up early in the morning for physical training which is mandatory as per dg shipping requirements. Cultural fest conducted early once.We have vast collection of marine related books and journals available in our library. Classes are equipped with OHP for teaching also with cctv cameras. College also encourage sport activities like cricket,football etc with experience coach and team.
The infrastructure of our campus is really admiring. Acres of land planted with trees and vegetation going from which vegetables were provided for the preparation of mess food. Sports facilities were also good but we were not allowed to compete with any other colleges even to our neighbouring college which is in the same campus, so basically they never support sports activities neither the sportsmen. Library was quite a big and can accommodate atleast 75 to 80 students having a wide range of magazines which are Marine related and books for sure. Wifi facility is there but half of the time we can say that it’s under servicing. The equipment in the labs were quite appealing.
Since it is a specialised course we had people from all over India the diversity is so vast that it took time for us to understand the pra followed by different state people after second year to was going good and was a great experience. During Maritime week we will have vsrious competition which include like making working model for the project that makes it exciting.
Every day the day starts with PT and evening after college every sports are available and can play according to the interest each and every sports are available including gym and swimming pool, car driving.
Here is no gender ratios only boys are allowed beacuse its a boys work but yes, on ship there is girls but they are from uk or london and workshops are more for all student. Students have their own workshops and btech students have their own workshops.